
  • 网络Greek debt crisis
  1. 拉加德就任时面临巨大的挑战,IMF需要确保希腊债务危机不要扩散到其他脆弱的经济体。

    Mrs Lagarde takes over at a time of formidable challenges with the IMF needing to make sure that the Greek debt crisis doesn 't spread to other vulnerable economies .

  2. 法国、德国领导人尼古拉萨科齐(nicolassarkozy)和安格拉默克尔(angelamerkel)努力掩盖两国之间关于如何处理希腊债务危机的分歧,导致在布鲁塞尔举行的欧盟首脑会议声明中,未宣布立即对希腊提供援助。

    Efforts by Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel , the French and German leaders , to paper over differences between Berlin and Paris on how to deal with the Greek debt crisis led to a summit statement in Brussels that stopped short of providing immediate support for Athens .

  3. 希腊债务危机的最后走向现在掌握在全体希腊人民的手中,希腊政府宣布将于7月5日举行公投来决定债务解决条款。

    The outcome of Greece 's debt crisis now rests in the hands of its people after Greece announced it would hold a referendum on 5 July on the terms of its debts .

  4. 德国和法国这两个欧元区最大的经济体借债额最高,不过,斯洛文尼亚和西班牙这种经济实力不太强的国家可能会在希腊债务危机中受损更多。

    The Eurozone 's largest economies , Germany and France , are owed the most but countries with smaller or less robust economies , such as Slovenia and Spain , would likely suffer more .

  5. 本文第二部分从实证角度出发,以IMF在2010年希腊债务危机中的表现为切入点,对IMF贷款条件性的实体条件&贷款条件进行了深入的探讨。

    In the second part , seeing from empirical point of view and seeing from the expression of IMF in the 2010 Greece sovereign debt crisis .

  6. 许多人指责希腊债务危机导致上周四美国股市大幅下跌。

    Many people the sudden drop in American stock markets last Thursday .

  7. 她对希腊债务危机付出了极大的同情。

    The Greek debt crisis has cost her many sympathies .

  8. 再次,希腊债务危机给世界经济增加了重大不确定性。

    Thirdly , the crisis brought any major uncertainties to the world economy .

  9. 希腊债务危机继续危害欧洲银行。

    Greek debt continued to hurt European banks .

  10. 希腊债务危机惊动了美国和世界各地的投资者。

    Greece 's debt crisis has n investors in the United States and worldwide .

  11. 与此同时,政策制定者正在关注希腊债务危机的演变。

    Meanwhile , policymakers are watching with concern the unfolding of the Greek debt crisis .

  12. 鉴于政客们在应对希腊债务危机方面如此笨手笨脚,违约也可能悄然而至。

    Default could sneak by the politicians working so clumsily to prevent it from happening .

  13. 周五,欧元区国家财长在波兰会晤,讨论希腊债务危机问题。

    Finance ministers from the euro area meet Friday in Poland to discuss the Greek debt crisis .

  14. 与对希腊债务危机的恐慌、或是朝鲜半岛的紧张局势相比,经济增长放缓被视为一个更为“根本”的问题。

    Slowdowns are considered more " fundamental " than panics over Greece , say , or tensions on the Korean Peninsula .

  15. 如果你仔细审视希腊债务危机就像用慢镜头观看火车相撞事故那样你不禁会问:欧洲的团结到底出现了什么问题?

    Watching the slow-motion train crash that is the Greek debt crisis invites the question as to whatever happened to European solidarity .

  16. 在那之前,如何管理希腊债务危机应由希腊政府、而非全民公投裁断。

    Until then , managing the Greek debt crisis is a question for the Greek government – not for a popular plebiscite .

  17. 受希腊债务危机影响,以及此次危机是否会影响到其他欧洲国家经济的担忧,日本周四股价暴跌。

    Japanese shares fell sharply on Thursday as worries continued over the Greek debt crisis and whether problems would hit other European countries .

  18. 自从今春希腊债务危机爆发以来,这是首次对一家财政状况相对较好的欧洲经济体发出下调评级警告。

    It is the first downgrade warning for one of the stronger European economies since the Greek debt crisis flared up this spring .

  19. 其它几则特别吸引人的播报分别是关于希腊债务危机和马萨诸塞州的医疗计划。

    Other exemplary pieces I found fascinating – a strong probing analysis of both the Greek debt quandry and the Massachusetts health plan .

  20. 最近有不少分析师都认为由于受到希腊债务危机的影响,欧洲市场对液晶平板的需求量会出现下降,由此则将导致全球液晶平板市场的供货紧缺现象得到一定的缓解。

    Many analysts think that because the Euro has fallen because of the Greek debt crisis , that might stop punters from buying .

  21. 但现在,危险再次显示出自己的威力,就像两年前在次贷或希腊债务危机时一样。

    But now gravity has reasserted itself ; just as it did two years ago with respect to subprime loans , or Greek debt .

  22. 根本原因很简单,但意义重大:希腊债务危机已演变成威胁欧洲及全球经济的潜在更大问题。

    The bottom line is simple yet consequential : the Greek debt crisis has morphed into something that is potentially more sinister for Europe and the global economy .

  23. 在传染机制作用下,希腊债务危机很快就演变成为整个欧洲的债务危机,这给正在从金融危机影响下复苏的全球经济增添了重大的不确定性。

    Because of the contagion mechanism , the Greece debt crisis swiftly evolved into a crisis of whole Europe , which brings a major uncertainty to the global economy .

  24. 随着以希腊债务危机为导火索的欧洲债务危机的愈演愈烈,国债的发行与管理再一次成为了经济学讨论的热点。

    As with Greek debt crisis for the European debt crisis triggered the increasingly fierce , the national debt issuance and administration once again be the economics of hot debate .

  25. 这归功于她的好运气和能力,还归功于阿根廷人民创后压力反应。阿根廷人经历过类似现今希腊债务危机的悲惨处境,十年流逝伤疤依旧隐隐作痛。

    It is due to luck , skill and above all the post-traumatic stress that still scars Argentine society a decade after a financial collapse that resembles Greece 's plight today .

  26. 自希腊债务危机爆发以来,欧元受到市场恐慌的重创,而日元兑欧元今年已升值逾20%。

    The single currency has been battered by market jitters since the Greek debt crisis , and the yen has risen more than 20 per cent against the euro this year .

  27. 然而对于受到希腊债务危机后果波及,从而使风险有所增加,但仍具备偿债能力的那些地理边缘国家来说,另一个可行的办法就是通过提供流动性来增加其举债能力。

    Another idea is to increase the capacity for providing liquidity to countries on the periphery that seem solvent , yet risk being caught in the fallout from a Greek default .

  28. 但是,欧元区各国领导人抢先一步、摘得了这个并不令人钦羡的桂冠&他们让希腊债务危机失控,使其威胁到欧元区的完整性。

    However , the eurozone leaders have stolen this unenviable prize by letting the Greek debt crisis get so out of hand that it now threatens the integrity of the eurozone .

  29. 为期两天的20国峰会星期五结束,这次峰会专注于希腊债务危机。美国总统奥巴马在会议后表示,他将继续敦促有关各方迅速采取行动,解决希腊危机。

    After the two-day G20 economic summit in France was dominated by the debt crisis in Greece , President Barack Obama says he will keep pressing for quick action to solve the crisis .

  30. 欧元区国家政府同意设立该基金,作为7500亿美元援助计划的核心。该计划旨在平息市场对于希腊债务危机之后几个欧洲国家债务日益增加的担忧。

    Eurozone governments agreed to set up the fund as the centrepiece of a € 750bn package to calm market concern about the mounting debts of several states after the Greek debt crisis .