
  • 网络RAND;the rand corporation;Rand Corp
  1. 因此兰德公司的两位研究员提出以下建议。

    So here 's a suggestion offered by two researchers at the Rand Corporation .

  2. 当时他加入了智库兰德公司(randcorporation),因此必须决定如何投资自己的养老金。

    He joined the RAND Corporation and had to decide how to invest his pension .

  3. 他还读《对外政策》(ForeignPolicy)杂志上的文章,以及兰德公司(RANDCorporation)对镇压叛乱的研究,努力跟上由他肇始的恐怖主义战争的形势。

    He also read Foreign Policy magazine articles and RAND Corporation studies on counterinsurgency , trying to keep a handle on the war on terrorism he had set off .

  4. 在另一项研究中,来自兰德公司(RANDCorporation)的研究员希瑟·施瓦茨(HeatherSchwartz)得出的结论也与桑普森和威尔逊更为一致。

    In a separate study , Heather Schwartz , a researcher at the RAND Corporation , reached conclusions more in line with Sampson 's and Wilson 's.

  5. 在英国,财政部在全面支出审核前所做的研究,及兰德公司(randcorporation)的评估均显示,这类社会投资计划可以生成回报。

    In the UK , Treasury studies ahead of the comprehensive spending review , along with assessments by the RAND Corporation , have shown such social investment schemes can generate returns .

  6. 兰德公司的工程师理查德·梅森帮助设计在2004年和2007年间DARPA挑战赛中的无人驾驶车辆。

    Engineer Richard Mason of the Rand Corporation helped design driverless vehicles for DARPA challenge races between 2004 and 2007 .

  7. 兰德公司(RandCorporation)的一份报告认为,把青少年的上学时间推迟到8点30分或更晚,有望在未来15年给美国经济带来1400亿美元的效益。

    A report by the Rand Corporation argues that , for adolescents , delaying the start of school to 8.30am or later could bring a $ 140bn benefit to the US economy over 15 years .

  8. 二战后,受智库兰德公司(randcorporation)的影响,众多商业学者提出,只有经得起科学证明的知识才站得住脚。

    After the Second World War , a diffuse group of business academics , influenced by the RAND Corporation , a think-tank , argued that the only valid knowledge was that which could be proved scientifically .

  9. 兰德公司总裁赖斯访问记

    Interview with Dr. Donald B. rice , the president of RAND Corporation

  10. 本文观点来自兰德公司亚太政策中心。

    This point of view from the Asia-Pacific Policy Center , RAND Corporation .

  11. 1959年,兰德公司在对深地下施工方面,举行了多次会议。

    In1959 , the RAND Corporation held several conferences on Deep Underground Construction .

  12. 但是美国兰德公司最近进行的研究提出了毁誉参半的评价。

    But a new study by the RAND Corporation suggests a more mixed picture .

  13. 欣悉您已被任命为英格索--兰德公司董事会的董事。

    I was delighted to hear that you were appointed to the Board of Ingersoll-Rand Company .

  14. 兰德公司指出,没有证据表明美国正在吃老本。

    There is little evidence that America is resting on its laurels , according to RAND .

  15. 兰德公司是美国一家著名的非盈利性研究组织,向来以判定精准和语出惊人著称。

    Rand Corporation is an American famous non-profit research organization , have always celebrated by its determine precise and surprisingly .

  16. 美国兰德公司中东地区公共政策中心主任大卫.阿龙说,这种说法听起来实在太熟悉了。

    David Aaron , Director of the RAND Center for Middle East Public Policy , said that rhetoric is all too familiar .

  17. 兰德公司的报告说,这种和平协定的主要缺陷在于没有贯彻这种协定的机制。上传:韩萱。

    The RAND Corporation report says the major flaw in such peace deals is that there is no mechanism to enforce them .

  18. 兰德公司品质标准强调在所有工作中优质与客观作为公司核心价值之重要性。

    RAND 's quality standards emphasize the importance of RAND 's core values of quality and objectivity in all aspects of our work .

  19. 然而,我拒绝顺从兰德公司,包括它提出的概念、建议、以及与信仰自由相关的问题。

    However , I refuse to submit to RAND , its conceptions , suggestions , and questions related to the freedom of religion .

  20. 兰德公司的海事安全专家查克说,不给船员提供武器还有一个原因。

    Peter Chalk , maritime security expert with RAND Corporation , says there 's another reason why not to provide weapons to the crew .

  21. 这种说法似乎言之有理,但两项由非党派智囊团&兰德公司和城市学院所做的新研究项目提供了反驳。

    That sounds plausible , but two new studies by the RAND Corporation and the Urban Institute , both non-partisan think-tanks debunk the argument .

  22. 兰德公司将企业的核心竞争力分为三个层次,即产品层、制度层、核心层。

    Rand corporation divide an enterprise 's core competence into three partitions , that is , product level , system level and core level .

  23. 纳什博士在1950年获得博士学位,加入了麻省理工学院,并很快获得加州兰德公司的研究职位。

    Dr. Nash received his doctorate in 1950 , joined the MIT faculty and soon took a research position at the Rand Corp. in California .

  24. 美国非营利的研究机构兰德公司说,中国缺乏控制可能用于生产大规模杀伤性武器敏感技术出口的能力。

    U.s.non-profit research group Rand Corporation says China lacks the ability to control exports of sensitive technology that could be used in weapons of mass destruction .

  25. 在兰德公司研究者准备的任何报告中不存在这样的评论,而这篇文章中的评论没有准确地反映兰德学者的观点。

    No such comments exist in any report prepared by RAND researchers and comments in the article do not accurately represent the views of RAND scholars .

  26. 这种说法似乎言之有理,但两项由非党派智囊团—兰德公司和城市学院所做的新研究项目提供了反驳。

    That sounds plausible , but two new studies - by the RAND Corporation and the Urban Institute , both non-partisan think-tanks - debunk the argument .

  27. 按照兰德公司及其他类似机构的理解,中和派穆斯林所具备的特征与每一个穆斯林应该具备的特征毫无关联。

    The qualities of moderate Muslims , according to RAND and other similar institutions , have nothing to do with the qualities that every Muslim should have .

  28. 美国兰德公司进行了一项研究,研究人员发现在2011年至2012年间,核弹部队士兵被送上军事法庭的数量比整个空军的数量要多两倍多。

    Study conducted by RAND researchers finds court-marshal rates in the nuclear missile force in 2011 and 2012 more than twice as high as for the air force overall .

  29. 兰德公司(另外一家智库)发表的一项新论文指出如果循序渐进的对卡路里征税,将对人的体重产生很大影响。

    A new paper * from the RAND Corporation , another think-tank , suggests that taxing calories could have a sizeable , if gradual , effect on people 's weight .

  30. 包括兰德公司在内的美国研究中心和智囊团试图传播一种与我们穆斯林信仰的文化相对立的文化。

    The American research centers and think tanks , including the RAND Corporation , try to propagate a culture that is contradictory to what we , Muslims , believe in .