
Lán xīn
  • Lansing
  1. NPR新闻,里克·普图塔密根歇州兰辛报道。

    For NPR News I 'm Rick Pluta in Lansing , Michigan .

  2. 利用一元J函数,多元J函数分析了兰辛森林数据,获得了许多有价值的结果。

    Valuable results are obtained in this paper through the analysis of Lansing woods data with the application of J function and Jij function .

  3. 安阿伯,巴特克里市,弗林特和兰辛所有地区有较小的下跌。

    Ann Arbor , Battle Creek , Flint and Lansing all saw smaller drops .

  4. 根据美国国际教育工作者协会的数据显示,外国留学生为东兰辛的经济贡献了2.13亿美元。

    According to NAFSA , the population pumps $ 213 million into the East Lansing economy .

  5. 至少周围的3学校被关闭,因为老师们都在兰辛作为其中的成员。

    At least 3 schools around the state were closed , because teachers went to Lansing to be part of this .

  6. 虽然他住在美国俄亥俄州戴顿市,我在密歇根州的兰辛市,我们仍然在一起。

    Even though he lives in Dayton , Ohio , and me in Lansing , Michigan , we are still together .

  7. 特别是双方签署的《兰辛-石井协定》,更是美国在战时向日本妥协的一个典型事例。

    Especially the Lansing – Ishii Agreement , signed by the two parties , was a typical case which showed the compromise of America to Japan .

  8. 周四上午,在纽约州兰辛附近的嘉吉岩盐矿中,有17名矿工被困在了地下电梯,救援工作正在进行当中。

    Rescue efforts were underway Thursday morning for 17 miners who were stuck in an elevator below ground at a Cargill rock salt mine near Lansing , New York ,

  9. 该学院在兰辛东部总共拥有433名国外留学生,在位于阿联酋的迪拜的校园还有11名留学生。

    In all , the college has four hundred thirty-three foreign students in East Lansing . It also has eleven students at a in Dubai , in the United Arab Emirates .

  10. 第五部分揭示《兰辛&石井协定》的实质,美国以中国为筹码,和日本做了一笔交易,再一次出卖中国,实现美、日之间的暂时妥协。

    The United States did a deal with Japan trading China as a bargaining chip , once again sold out China to realize a temporary compromise between the United States and Japan .

  11. 从第一次世界大战爆发到1917年11月兰辛&石井协定签定,是这个时期英国远东战略演变的第一阶段。

    From the outbreak of World War I to Lansing in November 1917 - signed Ishii Agreement , the United Kingdom are the Far East during this period the first phase of the evolution strategy .

  12. 威尔逊总统和兰辛国务卿更多的考虑日、美在东亚的力量对比,美国不能东西受敌的现实,反对中国参战。

    President Wilson and Secretary of State Lansing considered more Japanese and American forces in East Asia , and thought the United States could not be around by the enemy in the west and east , against that China took part in the war .

  13. 在他们遭遇一个被篡改的访谈以及一个不正当的解雇官司时,亚特兰蒂斯有线电视台新闻总监查理斯金纳、新闻主播威尔麦卡沃伊以及执行制片人麦肯齐麦克黑尔不得不选择辞职,他们自感已经失去了公众的信任,但兰辛却拒绝接受他们的屈服。

    A doctored interview and a wrongful termination suit sway ACN director Charlie Skinner , anchor Will McAvoy , and executive producer MacKenzie McHale to resign -- they feel they 've lost the public 's trust -- but Leona refuses to accept their white flags .