
  • 网络orchid island
  1. 对原住民文化的电子辞典的需要,因一名兰屿上的达悟族人造访台北引起好奇而受到注意。

    The need for thee-dictionary on indigenous cultures was highlighted by the eye-opening visit to Taipei of a member of the Tao ( Yami ) tribe on Orchid Island .

  2. 丁字裤是兰屿雅美男人的传统服装。

    Tingtzu loincloths are traditional garb for Yami males on Orchid Island .

  3. 兰屿角鸮的栖地利用②Lsosnlphan兰;

    THE HABITAT USE OF LANYU SCOPS OWL ② Isosnlphan blue .

  4. 原产地:菲律宾、台湾、琉球;原生于绿岛和兰屿海岸林中,现已普遍种植为庭园及防风植物。近岸和沿岸生物和地质情况

    Distribution : The Philippines , Taiwan , Ryukyu Islands . A common ornamental and windbreak tree . Nearshore and coastal biological and geological parameters

  5. 据监测,震中位于北纬22.52,东经123.33,大约在兰屿岛东北190公里处。

    The epicenter was monitored at 22.52 degrees north latitude and 123.33 degrees east longitude , which was about 190 km to the northeast of the Lanyu Island .

  6. 搭乘高铁与巴士向南只需四个小时就可来到占地70平方英里的垦丁国家公园,这里有美丽的湿地、白沙滩与小渔村,从今年起,游客还可以乘渡船去往海钓和潜水的天堂——兰屿。

    Four hours south by high-speed rail and bus , 70-square-mile Kenting National Park is home to wetlands , white sands , fishing villages and , starting this year , a ferry point for the deep sea fishing and diving paradise of Orchid Island .