
  • 网络lancashire;Lancashire County;Lancs
  1. 安妮是兰开夏郡姑娘,老家在普雷斯顿附近的朗顿。

    Anne is a Lancashire lass from Longton , near Preston

  2. 兰开夏郡的纺织城镇形成的大三角地带,从曼彻斯特向北至伯恩利,再从伯恩利西至阿克灵顿

    the great triangle of the Lancashire textile towns , stretching from Manchester up as far as Burnley and across to Accrington .

  3. 英格兰兰开夏郡的奈杰尔和琳达·布拉泽最近把他们的供电商苏格兰电力(ScottishPower)换成了英国可再生能源公司(Npower)。

    Nigel and Linda Brotherton of Lancashire , England recently switched their electricity supplier from Scottish Power to Npower .

  4. 委员会在一份声明中称:初步检测结果得出一份牛肉产品中确实含有马肉的DNA之后,兰开夏郡议会就已将问题产品撤出这47所学校的食堂。

    In a statement the council said : Lancashire County Council has withdrawn a beef product from 47 school kitchens after it provisionally tested positive for traces of horse DNA .

  5. 兰开夏郡议会自设的实验室已经对样品进行DNA检验,检验的样品由负责管理行业标准的官员采集。初步结果显示,校餐中含有马肉。这些问题食品现已被撤回。

    The council 's own laboratory has been carrying out DNA tests on samples collected by its trading standards officers , and preliminary results show the presence of horse DNA in the school meals , which have been withdrawn .

  6. 这款名为TwoTog的羽绒被是由位于兰开夏郡的一家工厂设计,它首次实现了一床被子、两种温度的效果。

    The Two Tog , which is made in a Lancashire mill , is believed to be the first in which the quilt comes in one piece .

  7. 去印度之前,她生活在英格兰北部的兰开夏郡(lancashire),为本地公司工作。

    Before going out to India she lived in Lancashire in northern England , working with local companies .

  8. 大约300名在附近的兰开夏郡(lancashire)黑夏姆(heysham)核电站工作的合同工也进行了罢工。

    Some 300 contractors at the nearby Heysham nuclear power station in Lancashire also staged a walkout .

  9. 《维特罗斯(Waitrose)食品和饮料报告》显示,蛋奶冻夹心饼干在约克郡(Yorkshire)的人气无人能敌,而在兰开夏郡(Lancs)、牛津郡和剑桥郡,巧克力消化饼干才是王道。

    Custard creams are king in Yorkshire , says the Waitrose Food and Drink report , while chocolate digestives rule in Lancs , Oxford and Cambridge .

  10. 但就在同一月Cuadrilla在兰开夏郡两次发生的轻微地震后停止钻探;

    But in the same month , Cuadrilla stopped drilling after two tiny earthquakes were recorded in Lancashire ;

  11. 随着叛军横扫兰开夏郡约克郡和诺森伯兰郡时

    As rebels swept through Lancashire , Yorkshire and Northumberland ,

  12. 兰开夏郡人的说话口音会叫你吃惊。

    The people of Lancashire speak in a way that will surprise you .

  13. 兰开夏郡团队第1营

    The 1st battalion of the Lancashire Regiment

  14. 宾南山脉位于兰开夏郡和约克夏郡之间,是远足的人所喜爱的地方。

    The Pennine Hills , which are very popular with hikers , are situated between Lancashire and Yorkshire .

  15. 英国工程师、水雷发明者罗伯特·怀特黑德出生于兰开夏郡。

    1823 Robert Whitehead , English engineer and inventor of the naval torpedo , was born in Lancashire .

  16. 在周六利物浦2-1险胜来自兰开夏郡的博尔顿队一战中,这位红军边锋替补上阵,在伤停补时阶段攻入了制胜进球。

    The winger came off the bench to strike an injury-time winner in Saturday's2-1 success over the Lancashire club .

  17. 凯蒂.妮可.威廉斯在她位于兰开夏郡普勒斯顿附近的家中,因为葡萄卡在气管而噎到。

    Katie Nicole Williams choked after the fruit became lodged in her windpipe at her home near Preston , Lancashire .

  18. 这起案件发生在兰开夏郡普雷斯顿附近的柯卡汉姆监狱,那里的工作人员目前正在调取查看闭路电视录像。

    The crime happened at Kirkham Prison near Preston in Lancashire , where staff are currently looking at CCTV footage .

  19. 把兰开夏郡与约克夏郡分开的山脉叫宾南山脉。提高大约克夏猪生产性能的选育研究

    The hills that separate Lancashire from Yorkshire are called the Pennines . Enhancing the Reproductive Performance of Large Yorkshire Swines

  20. 1784年,一个叫萨缪尔-格雷格的商人将其建成,这个人通过给兰开夏郡的纺织工人提供棉线获得利润。

    It was built in1784 by Samuel Greg , a merchant , who found profit in supplying cotton thread to Lancashire 's weavers .

  21. 这对生活在兰开夏郡莫克姆的夫妇还不知道胎儿是男是女,但他们说听到再次怀孕的消息,二人兴奋极了。

    The couple , from Morecambe , in Lancashire , don 't know whether it will be a boy or a girl but say they are absolutely thrilled by the news .

  22. 政府工作、夜总会、高尔夫俱乐部与海滩造就了英格兰兰开夏郡的海边小镇黑泽里前卫的穿孔者与守口如瓶的保守者一种奇怪的融合现象。

    Government jobs , nightclubs , golf courses , and beaches draw an eccentric mix of pierced hipsters and buttoned-up conservatives to the seaside town of Blackpool in England 's Lancashire county .

  23. 来自兰开夏郡里博尔山谷的议员奈杰尔·埃文斯也表示支持这项运动,并对英国土豆的极高的营养价值大加赞赏。

    Nigel Evans , a member of parliament for the Ribble Valley in Lancashire , has made a motion in support of the campaign , highlighting the nutritional value of the British potato .

  24. 其中一张照片是小便器在隔间里,但马桶却在外面,配文很简洁:“兰开夏郡管道服务”。

    One post features a photograph with a urinal inside a cubicle - while the toilet is exposed for all to see . The caption simply reads : ' Lancashire Plumbing Services ' .

  25. 罗杰·诺埃尔是兰开夏郡一个有钱有势的人,他是潘德尔山一带所有村落的法官。他住在里德宅院,离纽丘奇村7英里远。

    Roger Nowell was a rich and important man in Lancashire , and he was the judge for all the villages near Pendle Hill.He lived at Read Hall , seven miles from Newchurch .

  26. 斯科特尔预计面对兰开夏郡俱乐部又是一个艰苦的比赛,但是斯科特尔渴望利物浦扩大他们的不败纪录,继续攀上英超积分榜的排名。

    Skrtel is anticipating a difficult encounter with the Lancashire club , but the No.37 is eager for the Reds to extend their unbeaten streak and continue to climb the Barclays Premier League table .

  27. 英国兰开夏郡47所学校的肉馅土豆饼中被检测出含有马肉,这也是马肉已流入英国学校食堂一事首次得到证实。

    Horse DNA has been found in cottage pies sent to 47 schools in Lancashire , it has emerged , proving for the first time that horse meat has found its way into British school dinners .

  28. 《每日邮报》报道称,利兹和中央兰开夏郡的英国大学研究发现,牙齿相当于人类的孔雀尾巴。

    The study , from researchers at the British universities of Leeds and Central Lancashire , found that teeth are " the human equivalent of a peacock 's tail , " according to The Daily Mail .

  29. 由于监狱里关着许多兰开夏郡的巫师,布罗姆利法官在那一天听取了很多人的证词。老德姆代克没有出庭,因为在法官到达之前,她已经在5月份死去了。

    Judge Bromley listened to many people on that day , because there were a lot of witches from Lan-cashire in the prison.Old Demdike was not there because she died in May , before the judge arrived .

  30. 第二天早上,道森女士要从温德米尔赶到肯德尔郊区库里克的“野猪酒店”,因为29岁的海莉·康斯和32岁的杰米·特雷纳要在那里举办婚礼,两人来自兰开夏郡奥姆斯柯克。

    The following morning , Ms Dawson made her way from Windermere to The Wild Boar in Crook , outside Kendal , for the nuptials of 29-year-old Hayley Caunce and Jamie Traynor , 31 , from Ormskirk , Lancashire .