
zhēng qì jī
  • steam engine;steamer
蒸汽机 [zhēng qì jī]
  • [steam engine] 由蒸汽驱动或工作的发动机

蒸汽机[zhēng qì jī]
  1. 谁发明了蒸汽机?

    Who invented the steam engine ?

  2. 蒸汽机使热转变为能。

    A steam engine transforms heat into energy .

  3. 轮子的发明、蒸汽机的引进、电力的使用,这些都改变了千百万人的生活,但是笔带来的改变更多。

    The invention of the wheels , the introduction of steam engine , the use of electricity , all these have changed the lives of millions of people , but the pen has done more .

  4. pdfformat横向滑阀蒸汽机计划的指示。

    Horizontal Slide Valve Steam Engine plans with instructions in .

  5. 没错,蒸汽机也是旧的、过时的,但obsolete是旧与过时更后一步的阶段了。

    Yes , they are also old and out of date , but obsolete is kind of the next step after old and out of date .

  6. 锅炉给水泵汽轮机驱动锅炉给水泵蒸汽机210MW机组电动给水泵改汽动给水泵的经济性分析

    Analysis of Economical Efficiency of Changing Dynamoelectric Feedwater Pump into Steam Turbine-driving Feedwater Pump of a 210 MW Steam Turbine

  7. 新的字符加入的绍多尔岛的冒险包括来自绍多尔Steamworks和查理,一个新的蒸汽机日本发动机浩,维克多和凯文。

    New characters to join the adventures on the Island of Sodor include Japanese engine Hiro , Victor and Kevin from the Sodor Steamworks , and Charlie , a new steam engine .

  8. 这种蒸汽机的效率只有15%左右。

    This steam engine is only about 15 per cent efficient .

  9. 汽油发动机或蒸汽机的进给[排放]阀

    The inlet / outlet valves of a petrol or steam engine

  10. 然而,蒸汽机并没有只应用到了运输业,

    However , the steam engine wasn 't only used for transportation

  11. 蒸汽机,船舶推进用蒸汽机械喷油燃烧器

    Engine , steam , for marine propulsion steam-assisted pressure jet burner

  12. 蒸汽机或其他发动机中活塞向曲轴推动的冲程。

    The stroke of an engine piston moving toward the crankshaft .

  13. 十九世纪是蒸汽机时代。

    The19th century was the age of the steam engine .

  14. 这就是第一台蒸汽机的原型。

    This is the prototype of the first steam engine .

  15. 另外还有一个被美化的蒸汽机,即所谓的地球岩浆。

    There is another glorified steam engine called the magma of Earth .

  16. 这可怜的小家伙正象个蒸汽机似的扑哧扑哧地哼哼。

    The poor little thing was snorting like a steam-engine .

  17. 你需要它来开动蒸汽机。

    You need it to power your medieval steam engines .

  18. 人们把蒸汽机的发明归功于瓦特。

    Watt should be credited with inventing the steam engine .

  19. 因此,它是一个被美化了的蒸汽机。

    It is , therefore , a glorified steam engine .

  20. 蒸汽机的研制成功是工业技术的一大进步。

    The development of the steam engine was a great technological advance .

  21. 由蒸汽机驱动时,发电机可以发电。

    A generator may generate electricity when driven by a steam engine .

  22. 蒸汽机变更了地球上的距离。

    The steam engine altered the proportioned of the globe .

  23. 蒸汽机,船舶推进用

    Engine , steam , for marine propulsion self-propelled grab dredger

  24. 清除出来的东西,很快地装在车厢里,被蒸汽机拖走了。

    The rubbish dug out was rapidly carted away on Railway wagons .

  25. 商人带着他坏掉的蒸汽机走开了。

    The salesman went away with his broken steam drill .

  26. 船舶机械式通风系统蒸汽机,船舶推进用

    Ship 's mechanical ventilating system engine , steam , for marine propulsion

  27. 机车用蒸汽机,不带锅炉

    Engine , steam , for locomotives , not incorporating boilers

  28. 我敢保证,是他们给了他蒸汽机!

    They gave him the steam engine , I 'm sure of it !

  29. 单动式、复合或三级膨胀式蒸汽机

    Engine , steam , single-action , compund or triple-expansion

  30. 在十八世纪,许多发明家都致力于发明蒸汽机。

    In the 1700s , many inventors were working on the steam engine .