
zhī bù jī
  • loom;knitting machine
织布机 [zhī bù jī]
  • [loom] 织机的俗称

  1. 那位老太太正在织布机上织布。

    The old woman was weaving on her loom .

  2. 今年8月推出的首个系列的T恤衫的布料由老织布机纺出,由ColonialGoods与LeeKungMan联手推出,LeeKungMan是一家创建于1923年的针织厂。

    For its first collection of T-shirts spun from a vintage loom , which will be released in August , Colonial Goods teamed up with Lee Kung Man , a knitting factory established in 1923 .

  3. 她技艺高超,操作着复杂的提花织布机。

    A first-class worker , she operated the difficult Jacquard looms .

  4. 织布机上梭子来回地飞动。

    The shuttle flies back and forth on the loom .

  5. 那家工厂有十台织布机。

    That factory has ten looms .

  6. 那家工厂有25台织布机

    The factory has twenty-five looms .

  7. 尽管巴菲特的投资组合包括内衣[(水果织布机)(FruitoftheLoom)]、公用事业、制造业和金融业在内的所有美国大品牌的股份,但保险业仍是其根基。

    Though the US investor 's portfolio has stakes in great all-American names in underwear ( Fruit of the Loom ), utilities , manufacturing and finance , its roots lie in insurance .

  8. JosephMarieJacquard创造了一种可以附加在织布机上的设备,它使用一个打孔模式(很像早期计算机的穿孔卡片)编织图案。

    Joseph Marie Jacquard created a device which could be affixed to looms , which used a pattern of holes , much like early computer punched cards , to direct the textile design .

  9. 这些织布机半个小时生产1.25米布料世界公认为巴勒斯坦民族象征的keffiyah头巾的传统尺寸。

    It takes the machines half an hour to produce 1.25 metres of fabric . That is the traditional measure for one keffiyah , the headscarf recognised around the world as the symbol of Palestinian nationalism .

  10. 织布机分布式微机监测系统的研制

    Development of the Distributed Observation System for Weaving Machine by Microcomputer

  11. 我每天都坐在织布机旁边织这块布。

    I will sit at my loom and weave the web .

  12. 当他看到了空的织布机时,他非常惊讶。

    When he saw the empty loom , he was surprised .

  13. 无梭织布机微机控制系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of Microcomputer Control System of Shuttle-free Loom

  14. 棉纺厂织布机监控系统数据采集软件的设计与实现

    Data Acquisition Software for Loom Monitoring System : Design and Implementation

  15. 织布机上自动实时检测系统的研究

    The Study of Real-time Automatic on-loom Fabric Defect Detection System

  16. 在我的织布机上有一块细软麻布,已经织了一半。

    In my loom I have a half-finished web of soft linen .

  17. 他们假装整日的在空织布机上织布。

    They pretend to make the cloth on the loom every day .

  18. 把贱金属变成黄金是不可能的。织布机;

    It is impossible to transmute base metals into gold .

  19. 1511、1515型织布机的使用与改造

    The Application and Reconstruction of Loom Type 1511 and 1515

  20. 机械化的织布机改变了棉布的生产方式

    the manufacture of cotton is transformed by mechanized looms .

  21. 她走进一个大房间,这个房间的中央有一架空织布机。

    She came into a grand room , the of an loom .

  22. 艾琳要她的百依百顺的丈夫为她制作一架手摇织布机。

    Irene asked her doting husband if he would build her a handloom .

  23. 她的织布机正编织着这些织物。

    The fabric was weaving at her loom .

  24. 卡上的孔引导织布机使用不同颜色的线

    The holes in the cards instruct the loom to use different coloured threads ,

  25. 他在有织布机和仅一些毛线的一间屋子里设置了她。

    He set her in a room with only a loom and some yarn .

  26. 经线被水平运载的手摇织布机;用来织织锦。

    A handloom in which the warp is carried horizontally ; for weaving tapestry .

  27. 此台绣花织布机主要用于织造窗帘布和衬衫面料等。

    This embroidery weaving system is aimed at producing fabrics for e.g.curtains and shirting .

  28. 在宽织布机上织出来的、不需要缝的地毯。

    A carpet woven on a wide loom to obviate the need for seams .

  29. 微机化织布机监测系统

    The Micro-Computerized Monitor System for Textile Machinery

  30. 织出华丽织品的织布机。

    A loom for weaving figured fabrics .