
zhī nǚ
  • Vega;woman weaver;weaving woman
织女 [zhī nǚ]
  • (1) [Vega]∶织女星的古俗称

  • (2) [weaving woman]∶从事纺织的女子

织女[zhī nǚ]
  1. 用织女一号火箭在海南站探测的高空风和风切变

    Wind and wind shear observed by ZN-1 rocket at Hainan station

  2. 我对花月一样甜美丽的织女这样说。

    I like the sweet flower on the beauty Weaver said .

  3. 织女-1号主发动机点火装置研制总结报告

    The Ignition Device Development Final Report for the " Vega-1 " Sustainer

  4. 你知道牛郎和织女的传说吗?

    Do you know the legend of the Cowhand and Weaver Maid ?

  5. 乘气球无法会织女。

    Riding the balloon won 't take you to meet weaving maiden .

  6. 牛郎看到哭泣的织女就把她带回家。

    The cowherd saw this and offered to take her to his house .

  7. 牵牛、织女是银河两岸一对耀眼的星宿,也是原始先民星神崇拜的对象。

    Altair and Vega are the stars located on both sides of Galaxy .

  8. 然后设法打动织女的芳心。

    Weaver then try to move the heart .

  9. 我梦想我跟织女,男耕女织多好。

    I dream I told Weaver , man cultivated a good many women weaving .

  10. 牛郎与织女一年才能在鹊桥上相会一次。

    Only once a year , the couple could meet on the Milky Way .

  11. 可惜织女今晚不出来了。

    But these girls aren 't out tonight .

  12. 相传,这天晚上织女会在银河洗发去会牛郎。

    It was that night , in the Milky Way to wash hair will cowboy .

  13. 透过远处的树林,织女星象一盏灯似地挂在木叶尽脱的树枝间。

    Far away through the plantation Vega sparkled like a lamp suspended amid the leafless trees .

  14. 看来当时我的理想也不过是做“织女”而已。

    Looks like my dream was just to be a " weaver " at that time .

  15. 不幸的是,王母娘娘发现了这件事,把织女押回了天庭。

    Unfortunately , the Queen Mother found out the fact and brought the Weave Maid back .

  16. 传说,牵牛和织女每年只有在在这个时候才能想见。

    It is said that the Herd-boy and Waving-girl can meet only on that evening every year .

  17. 有一天,这七个织女下凡来,在河里玩。

    One day , the seven fairies came down from heaven and were playing in a river .

  18. 牛郎偷偷地爬出来,拿起织女的衣服跑开了。

    Niulang crept out of his hiding place , picked up Zhinu 's clothes and ran away .

  19. 此外,一种新型号探空火箭&织女三号高空研究火箭也将于近年内发射。

    A kind of new rocket , vega-3high altitude research rocket , will launched in the near furture .

  20. 从此,织女留在天上,而牛郎则待在人间。

    From then on , the fairy weaver stayed in heaven , and the cowherd stayed on earth .

  21. 两人结婚后,牛郎耕田种地,织女纺线织衣,恩恩爱爱。

    After their marriage , the Cowherd ploughed and the Girl Weaver wove and they loved each other .

  22. 民间传说每年七夕节是牛郎和织女聚会的日子。

    It is said in folk legends that the Herd-boy and Weaving-girl get together every Chinese valentine 's day .

  23. 牛郎企图要追上织女,但是银河挡住了他的去路。

    Niulang tried to follow her , but the river of stars , the Milky Way , stopped him .

  24. 七仙女从织女中分离出来的过程也即董永遇仙传说独立的过程。

    The legend of Dong Yong Encountering the Fairy gained its independence when the Seventh Fairy parted from Zhi NU .

  25. 但是当王母娘娘得知织女嫁给一个凡人后,勃然大怒,强行把织女带回天上。

    But the Goddess of Heaven found out that Zhin ü, a fairy girl , had married a mere mortal .

  26. 但是,牛郎和织女的传说却根深蒂固的留在了人们心中。

    However , the legend of the Cowhand and Weaver Maid has taken root in the hearts of the people .

  27. 细心的照顾她,于是织女爱上的牛郎,并嫁给了他。

    Because the cowherd took care of the fairy so well , she fell in love with him and married him .

  28. 他看见织女们留在岸上的漂亮羽衣,于是他拿走其中一件。

    He saw that the fairies had left their beautiful clothes on the shore , so he took one of them .

  29. 所谓的天河就是银河,而牛郎、织女就是天上的两颗星。

    The so-called river is actually the Milky Way , and the Weaving Girl and the Herd Boy are two stars .

  30. 如果中国的情人节那天下雨了,那是牛郎和织女的眼泪。

    If the night Chinese Valentine 's Day rains , the rain are the tears of the Weaving Maid and Cowherd .