
  • 网络texture;monophonic;fabric;polyphony
  1. 在文本解读过程中,词汇衔接解读文本深层次的信息,是文本织体(texture)的重要表现形式。

    In the course of understanding a text , lexical cohesion helps acquire deep information and it is an important way to show texture .

  2. 词汇关系是唯一有系统地构成多重关系的衔接方式,词汇衔接是创造语篇织体(texture)的主要手段。

    Lexical cohesion , achieved via vocabulary choice , is the only type of cohesion that regularly forms multiple relationships and therefore the dominant mode of creating texture .

  3. 论乔治·克拉姆音乐中的音色与织体

    On Timbre and Texture in the Music of George Crumb

  4. 范吉利斯电子音乐作品的织体与音色研究(上)

    The Texture of Vangelis Electronic Music with Timbre Research ;

  5. 独奏和乐队部分交融在一起,复调织体却又十分透明。

    Solo and tutti themes are subtly interwoven and the polyphonic texture is transparent .

  6. 最后,从伴奏织体的主客观两方面归纳总结其影响因素。

    Finally , summarizes the risk factors of accompaniment texture on both subjective and objective .

  7. 肖邦通过各种手段来丰富作品的织体形式和伴奏手法。

    Chopin used many means to enrich his works ' texture modalities and accompaniment means .

  8. 运用音乐理论对三首钢琴作品和声和织体方面的特点,进行了具体分析;

    It also draws a detailed analysis of such features as of harmony and texture of them .

  9. 歌曲的伴奏织体丰富,和声新颖,与歌曲本身交相辉映,产生了巨大的艺术魅力。

    The accompaniment of these songs with plentiful structures and original harmony brings about tremendous artistic charm .

  10. 模仿织体。即低声部以自由模仿上声部的旋律而构成双声的迭置。

    Imitative Songs . a low voice imitates the melody of a high voice , and they overlap .

  11. 他的每一首作品都是精雕细琢的精品,结构合理,织体丰富,却又非常适合演奏。

    His every song is crafted products , reasonable structure , texture rich , but very suitable for playing .

  12. 上述各织体的声部结合,大多采用密集的同度、大二度、大小二度、四度、五度等音程。

    All these types of songs use tight intervals greater second , greater and lesser third , fourth and fifth .

  13. 支声广泛存在于民间音乐中,是民间多声部音乐最常见的织体形式。

    Heterophony widely exists in folk music , and it is a most common texture form of folk multipart music .

  14. 单声复调是二十世纪西方现代音乐中最为新颖和最具典型的一种复调性织体形态,其中蕴含的理论意义和应用价值尤显突出,值得特别关注。

    The monophonic counterpoint is a new and typical counterpoint texture pattern in the West modern music in 20th century .

  15. 也许是受了巴赫的的影响,舒曼在艺术歌曲钢琴织体的使用上是别具特色的。

    Maybe he was influenced by bach , the application of piano texture in his artistic songs was particularly characterized .

  16. 第三章具体分析研究钢琴组曲《镜子》,先是从创作手法进行织体分析,再从演奏技巧方面分析。

    Chapter III detailed analysis of Piano Suite " mirror ", Analysis first creates and then analysis from playing skills .

  17. 古典奏鸣曲式的整体结构形态包含了和声、曲式、节奏与织体四大要素。

    The whole structure form of the classic sonata type consists of four factors , chord , melody , rhythm and collectivity .

  18. 他的钢琴音乐具有异常新颖,细腻的织体,独具魅力的旋律和色彩丰富的和声语言。

    His piano music has exceptionally novel , exquisite weaves the body , alone charm melody and color rich and sound language .

  19. 作为一种特殊用途的书面语篇,它具有独特的语篇织体和信息分布方式。

    Being a special text type for specific purpose , EST text has its own prototypical texture and patterns of information distribution .

  20. 第四章从乐队织体的角度讨论管弦乐创作中民族风格因素。

    Chapter IV of the orchestral texture orchestrated the ethnic factors , from the point of view of weaving orchestrated language Orchestra Nationalization .

  21. 本文将从该曲的结构感、色彩感、织体在演奏中如何体现及如何运用踏板的角度来阐述该曲的演奏手法。

    This article will analyze from the sense of song structure , the sense of color , how weave the body to manifest a.

  22. 是人对律感、音感、调感、织体感、节奏感、结构感等音乐底基要素的不同感觉。

    They are people 's different feelings of such music essential elements as temper , tone , mode , texture , rhythm and structure .

  23. 本文主要探讨该作品中体现出来的半音化、音响效果机械化和模糊化、网状织体及微复调写作技术等几个特点。

    This article , by analyzing the characteristics and the technique , reveals the semitones , sonority , texture and micropolyphony in the work .

  24. 本文拟从这部作品的调式化和声语言及织体形态入手,对其在作品中的主要运用方式及其特点进行研究。

    This paper aims at researching on the main using method and its characteristics from the works of this harmony and form of woven body .

  25. 其次,对贯穿于这部作品的具有黑人民间音乐特点的节奏以及在此基础上形成的钢琴织体进行了剖析。

    Secondly , the article analysized the rhythm of American ? s folk music of the black people and the piano texture based on these rhythms .

  26. 第二部分从四个方面,既旋律、织体、力度与速度及踏板的使用,来分析这部作品的演奏技法;

    The second subsection analyzes the playing techniques from the following four different aspects : melody , texture , dynamics and tempo , use of pedal .

  27. 它的织体浑厚坚实,和声以密集和弦为主,力度强大,结构为严谨的三段体结构。

    Its woven body vigorous solid , and harmony with dense chords primarily , strength strong , structure of the three sections for rigorous body structure .

  28. 他的音乐灵活而富于弹性、形式典雅、织体多样,充满活力并具有浓郁的世态风俗描绘性特点。

    His music is flexible and resilient , elegant form , texture , variety , vitality and the characteristics of rich customs of the world state .

  29. 任何文本都是庞大的文本网络中的织体,在彼此间的相互指涉和相互交融中体现出自身的价值和意义。

    Any translated text is a tissue in an immense network of complex , where the significance of each text unfolds through referring to each other .

  30. 因此,人类文化对来世的叙述泛滥,在一些情况下还有非常明确的细节、织体和景色。

    Human culture , therefore , overflows with afterworld narratives , and in some cases these have become rich in specific details , textures and landscapes .