
  • 网络TV LENS
  1. 超短焦距广角CID电视镜头的设计、制造与检测

    Design , making and test of super short-focus and wide-angle CID TV lens

  2. 随着CMOS、CCD探测器的广泛应用及其分辨率的不断提高,人们对电视镜头的分辨率提出了更高的要求。

    With CMOS , CCD detector being widely used in optical instruments , and the improvement of the detector resolution , higher resolution of TV lens is demanded .

  3. 电视镜头对准了球员们破口大骂的场面。

    Television cameras were zooming in on incidents of players swearing .

  4. 电视镜头对准了她的脸。

    The TV cameras were focused on her face .

  5. 这一令人胆战心惊的闭路电视镜头显示,一条6英尺长的鳄鱼悄悄爬向了还未反应过来的两位受害者。

    Terrifying CCTV footage shows the 6ft crocodile creep up on the unaware victims .

  6. 儿童挨饿的电视镜头证明官方声称生活继续维持正常的报道是假的。

    Television pictures of starving children belie official reports that normal life is continuing .

  7. 在电视镜头上托内承认他们非法入侵了伊朗领海。

    Turney was shown on the television admitting " illegal entry " into Iranian waters .

  8. 此外今年还设立了一个新奖项:最佳电视镜头奖。

    A new award was also created this year - the impact award for best TV moment .

  9. 电视镜头拍摄到东京台园地域一幢大楼息怒冒烟的画面。

    TV footage showed a large building on fire and bellowing smoke in the Odaiba district of Tokyo .

  10. 他说:,我本想在电视镜头面前,把这件事从你口中套出来

    He said : " I 'm gonna drag this out of you in front of the TV cameras . "

  11. 举例来说,这些手势能编辑视频文件或将电视镜头转移到电话操作界面。

    These gestures could be used , for example , to edit videos or transfer footage from the TV to a telephone .

  12. 无论我们对着电视镜头重看多少次最后那个犯规,没有一丝迹象显示尼尔有意阻挡克罗索进攻。

    No matter how many times you see the replay their is no intention on Neill 's part to intentionality stop Fabio Crosso .

  13. 现在,电视镜头放出罗斯特罗波维奇的面部特写时,我发现他那充满魅力的笑脸其实是坚定决心的面具。

    Now , as the TV camera pushes in close to Rostropovich 's face , I recognize that charismatic grin as a mask of fierce determination .

  14. 近年来,体育明星频频出现在电视镜头前,恍然间,打破了观众原有的体育明星只在赛场上拼杀的固有印象。

    In recent years , sport stars frequently appeared in television , Immediately breaking impression of the original sports stars only game in the siege of the inherent .

  15. 电视镜头播放了一名女子绝望地尖叫,用双手锤打头部的情景。另外两名年长的男子穿着血衣躺在医院的走廊里。

    Television footage showed a woman shrieking in grief and beating her hands against her head , while two elderly men in blood-soaked clothes lay in a hospital corridor .

  16. 日本海岸,电视镜头拍摄到了海啸带来的巨大破坏,很多汽车、轮船、甚至是楼房都被海啸冲走了。

    Along Japan 's coast , television footage showed massive damage from the tsunami , with dozens of cars , boats and even buildings being carried along by waters .

  17. 日本民众看到了太多负面的电视镜头:中国民众用石块袭击日本领事馆,对日本足球队喝倒彩,并称呼日本人为“猪”和“鬼子”。

    Japanese people have seen too much footage of Chinese people stoning their consulates , booing their football team and calling them " pigs " and " Devils " .

  18. 它根据跟踪目标的远近、大小和形状等因素实时改变跟踪电视镜头的焦距,从而改变跟踪视场,捕获各种复杂目标。

    It can change focus of tracking TV according to tracking object size , distance and shape , so it changes the tracking inspect field to capture any complicated objects .

  19. 胡歌在电视镜头中并不陌生,这位大众情人近两年来一共出演了14部电视剧,两部电影,期间还发行了三张专辑。

    Hu Ge is no stranger to cameras . The heart-throb actor starred in over 14 TV series , two movies and released three albums during the past two years .

  20. 前背景分离技术已经广泛地应用于数字图像与视频的制作,几乎所有的图像与视频制作软件、电影特效制作、电视镜头合成都会采用这一技术。

    Matting has been already widely used in digital image and video editing and almost all the image and video editing software , film special effects and synthesis of television scenes .

  21. 赛前小托马斯是否能参加周日比赛尚未明确时,电视镜头捕捉到了赛前投篮训练时,队友埃弗里-布拉德利在替补席安慰他的画面。

    It was unclear if he 'd play Sunday , and prior to the game , television cameras captured teammate Avery Bradley comforting Thomas on the bench during the pregame shootaround .

  22. 去年金正日据报道中风之后,朝鲜政权可能也进行了某种内部调整,尽管最近的电视镜头表明他已经康复。

    The North Korean regime may also be going through some kind of internal adjustment after the reported stroke of Mr Kim last year , although recent footage suggests he has recovered .

  23. 这些不同种族、不同信仰的男人、女人和孩子们使我想起,相对于电视镜头中的每一群暴民,世界上都有保持类似希望和理想的亿万民众。

    These men , women , and children of every race and every faith remind me that for every angry mob that gets shown on television , there are billions around the world who share similar hopes and dreams .

  24. 贝卢斯科尼的心情显然很愉快,他最近还对着电视镜头开玩笑说,民调显示有三分之一的意大利女性愿意跟他睡觉,另外三分之二愿意跟他再睡一次。

    The prime minister himself is in jovial mood joking recently to television cameras that polls showed that a third of Italian women say they would sleep with him , while the others said they would like to do so again .

  25. 电视摄像镜头自动光圈控制方法的讨论

    Discussion to Auto iris Control Method Used in Televison Camera Lens

  26. 电视跟踪镜头液晶分划板设计

    Design of liquid crystal reticules of television tracking lenses

  27. 变焦距电视摄像镜头光学系统设计方法

    Designing Zoom optical System of Television Camera

  28. 电视摄像机镜头对着整个场景拍摄了1分钟,然后迅速转为对那位战斗英雄的特写境头。

    The TV camera held on the whole scene for a minute , then zoomed in on the combat hero .

  29. 简要介绍了变焦距电视摄像镜头光学系统像差平衡方案及主要像差结果。

    The aberration equilibrium of the zoom optical system of television camera and the main aberrations have been simply discussed .

  30. 根据可见-红外光谱对比仪电视摄像镜头的特点,介绍了该镜头的选型和结构设计。

    This article based on the features of the TV lens of visible-infrared specturmcontrast instrument intr0duces the pattern selection and structure design .