
ɡānɡ qín xié zòu qǔ
  • piano concerto
  1. 贝多芬《C大调第一钢琴协奏曲》(第一乐章)的演奏风格

    The Playing Style of Beethoven 's C Major Piano Concerto No.1

  2. 拉赫玛尼诺夫与他的《c小调第二钢琴协奏曲》

    Rachmaninov and His 《 The Second Piano Concerto in C Minor 》

  3. 然后,六名决赛选手每人演奏了两首钢琴协奏曲。

    The six finalists then played two piano concertos each .

  4. 肖邦《e小调第一钢琴协奏曲》的创作与演奏分析

    The Creation and Performance Analysis of Chopin 's Piano Concerto No.1 in E Minor

  5. 第三章主要是《c小调第三钢琴协奏曲》中贝多芬音乐独特性的体现及其评价。

    The third chapter basically is the third piano concerto c-minor embodiment of music uniqueness in Beethoven and its assessment .

  6. 还有,餐厅供应拉赫玛尼诺夫钢琴协奏曲作为主菜,还有Bj?rk乐队或麦当娜甜点,

    And also , some Rachmaninov piano concertos as main dishes , and some Bjork or Madonna desserts ,

  7. 贝多芬降B大调第二钢琴协奏曲Op.19的研究与演绎

    The Study and Performance on Beethoven 's Piano Concerto No.2 in B Sharp Major OP.19

  8. 浅析18世纪钢琴协奏曲中的利都奈罗

    Analysis of Ritornello in the Piano Concertos in the 18th Century

  9. 这首钢琴协奏曲是由中央乐团演出的。

    The piano concerto was performed by the Central Philharmonic Orchestra .

  10. 本文以中国钢琴协奏曲为研究对象,研究西方钢琴协奏曲形式传入中国后的发展变化。

    This paper studies the development of Chinese Piano Concerto context .

  11. 节目单上第二个作品是钢琴协奏曲。

    The second work in the program is the Piano Concerto .

  12. 肖斯塔科维奇《第一钢琴协奏曲》的旋律写法

    Writing Technique of Melody of piano Concerto a No. 1 by Shostakovich

  13. 论钢琴协奏曲《黄河》的创作艺术

    On the Art of the Piano Concerto The Yellow River

  14. 钢琴协奏曲是当时协奏曲的一个重要的类型。

    Piano Concerto was an important type in the century .

  15. 他们今晚演出他的剧[钢琴协奏曲]。

    They are performing his play / piano concerto tonight .

  16. 自此,掀开了中国钢琴协奏曲创作的篇章。尤其80年代以来,中国钢琴协奏曲的创作成怒放之势。

    Since 1980s , the writing of Piano Concertos became blossoming in China .

  17. 钢琴协奏曲《山林》的创作技法研究

    The Research of Composing Techniques Used in Piano Concerto

  18. 钢琴协奏曲《黄河》的初步研究

    The Tentative Research on the Piano Concerto Yellow River

  19. 她将这首难度大的钢琴协奏曲弹奏得完美无缺。

    She played the difficult piano concerto to perfection .

  20. 这首小提琴协奏曲的独奏者是梅纽因。勃拉姆斯《d小调第一钢琴协奏曲》创作研究

    A Creation Research into Brahms 's " d Minor Piano Concerto No.1 "

  21. 钢琴协奏曲《黄河》与《黄河大合唱》之比较

    Contrast of the Piano Concerto the Yellow River and the Yellow River Cantata

  22. 毫无疑问你知道他的钢琴协奏曲“火车妈妈”

    Undoubtedly you know of his piano concerto " choo Choo mama . "

  23. 舒曼A小调钢琴协奏曲的研究

    A Study of Schumann 's a Ditty Piano Concerto

  24. 巴托克第三钢琴协奏曲结构分析

    Structure Analysis of Bartok : Piano Concerto No. 3

  25. 巴托克三首钢琴协奏曲分析与研究

    Analyze and Study to Three Piano Concert of Bartok

  26. 一中国钢琴协奏曲创作概况

    General description of piano concerto works in China

  27. 我们准备去听钢琴协奏曲《黄河》。

    We 're going to hear the piano concerto " the Yellow River " .

  28. 舒伯特的《小夜曲》,肖邦的钢琴协奏曲等等。

    Schubert 's @ Serenade @ , Chopin 's piano concertos and so on .

  29. 舒曼以他的钢琴协奏曲而著名。

    Schuman was known for his piano concerto .

  30. 马修教授关于第四钢琴协奏曲的谈话没有触及什么关键性的问题。

    Professor Matthew 's talk on the Fourth Piano Concerto was about nothing in particular .