  • steel
  • 经过精炼,不含磷砂等杂质的铁,含碳0.15~1.7%,比熟铁更坚硬更富于弹性,是工业上极其重要的原料:~板。~笔(笔头用金属制成的笔)。~铁(“钢”和“铁”,喻坚强,如“~~的意志”)。轧~。

  • 把刀在布、皮、石、或缸沿上用力摩擦几下,使锋利些:把刀~一~。

  • 在刀口上加点儿钢(gāng),重新打造,使更锋利:这口铡刀该~了。


(铁和碳的合金) steel:

  • 合金钢

    alloy steel;

  • 不锈钢

    stainless steel;

  • 铸钢

    cast steel

  1. 这些塔楼是钢结构,花岗岩贴面。

    The towers are made of steel cased in granite .

  2. 用铝制作比用钢制作重量要轻12%。

    The aluminium body is 12 % lighter than if built with steel .

  3. 所有工具均由精钢制成。

    All the tools are fabricated from high quality steel .

  4. 我们沿着桥上狭窄的钢制格架往前爬。

    We were crawling along the narrow steel lattice of the bridge .

  5. 不锈钢是有可能和普通钢焊接在一起的。

    It 's possible to weld stainless steel to ordinary steel

  6. 上周该国钢铁厂的原钢产量下降了2.1%。

    Raw-steel production by the nation 's mills decreased 2.1 % last week

  7. 他们用钢钉将所有东西都固定住。

    They used steel pins to hold everything in place .

  8. 矿井中用钢制通风机来保持空气流通。

    The pit is ventilated by a steel fan .

  9. 钢罐是20世纪40年代时开始使用的。

    Steel cans were introduced sometime during the forties .

  10. 在大学广场上,工人们正在修建钢栅栏。

    In University Square workmen are building a steel fence

  11. 泳池四周的玻璃钢面开裂,水渗了出来。

    The pool 's fiberglass sides had cracked and the water had leaked out

  12. 钢制栅栏可以弯曲并能吸收冲击力。

    Steel barriers can bend and absorb the shock .

  13. 这个耗资400万英镑、用钢与玻璃所构筑起的亭子已经成了一个华而不实的摆设。

    The pavilion has become a £ 4 million steel and glass white elephant .

  14. 钢制浴缸是轻一点,不过容易碰损。

    Steel baths are lighter but chip easily .

  15. 这座英式亭阁是令人赞叹的钢和玻璃建筑,大小和威斯敏斯特教堂相当。

    The British pavilion is an impressive steel and glass construction the size of Westminster Abbey .

  16. 到那会儿钢的产量将大大增加。

    By that time the steel output will have greatly increased .

  17. 如果必要,我们可用铝代钢。

    If necessary , we can use aluminium instead of steel .

  18. 刺刀刃是用最优质的钢锻造的。

    A bayonet blade is forged from the finest steel .

  19. 该厂钢产量创历史最高水平。

    The plant 's steel output was an all-time high .

  20. 钢轧成了钢板。

    The steel rolled out in plates .

  21. 解放前全国钢年产量最高才90多万吨。

    Before liberation , China 's highest annual output of steel was only just over 900,000 tons .

  22. 本月的钢产量与上月持平。

    The steel output this month equals that of the last .

  23. 这种钢有特定的用途。

    This kind of steel has specific uses .

  24. 刀具上有用特种钢或金钢石制造的非常坚硬的齿。

    The cutters have very hard teeth made from special steel or from diamonds .

  25. 这刀钢口儿不错。

    This knife has a perfect blade .

  26. 钢是用铁炼成的。

    Steel is made from iron .

  27. 将元件装在沉重的钢制台面上,并将台面放在隔震支座上,即可满足这一要求。

    This accomplished by mounting the elements on a heavy steel table placed on antivibration supports .

  28. 第一季度的钢产量超过历史同期的最高水平。

    The steel output in the first quarter of the year was higher than the previous record for that period .

  29. 钢的价值在于它的强韧可靠,但是变冷的时候就不是这样了。

    Steel is valued for its reliability , but not when it gets cold .

  30. 第二次世界大战期间,钢在低温下的易损性首次成为一个主要问题。

    Steel 's fragility at low temperatures first became a major concern during the Second World War .