
  • 网络Individualism
  1. 第一章主要论述人的本质、个体主义及其与民法价值研究的关系。

    Chapter one discusses the nature of human being and individualism .

  2. 价值个体主义与道德合理性基础的重构

    Reconstruction of the Basis of Value Individualism and Moral Rationality

  3. 通过问卷调查、电子邮件联系和网上MSN视频采访的形式对以个体主义和集体主义文化纬度为代表的,中国佳木斯大学和美国纽约城市大学共90名师生进行研究。

    The subjects of this study are 90 teachers and students separately from Jiamusi University and City University of New York representing respectively the collectivistic and individualistic cultures . The instruments used in the research are questionnaire , email communication and interview via video chat on MSN .

  4. 运用管理学者Hofstede提出的五个文化维度:个体主义与集体主义、权力距离、不确定性规避、事业成功与生活质量、长期导向与短期导向对中日企业在价值观上进行差异性的分析。

    Scholars Hofstede give five cultural dimension : the individual socialist and collectivism , power distance , uncertainty avoidance , successful career and life quality , long-term orientation and short-term orientation on the sino-japanese enterprise in the values on the analysis of the differences .

  5. 个体的社会与社会的个体&对个体主义与人类解放的思考

    Individual Society and Social Individual : An Analysis of Individualism and Human Liberation

  6. 文化的维度,有复杂性、紧密性、个体主义和集体主义等。

    The dimensions of culture include complexity , tightness , individualism , collectivism .

  7. 个体主义/集体主义倾向对成人英语学习者学习信念的影响

    Effects of Individualist / Collectivist Orientations on Adult EFL Learners ' Learning Beliefs

  8. 我国的广告翻译者在进行涉外广告的翻译中应对个体主义这一文化特征应给予足够的重视。

    Therefore advertisement translators in China should pay high attention to the cultural character .

  9. 当然,这一分散的个体主义是有利于现代国家的治理模式的。

    This kind of fragmented individualism is fit for the governance of the state .

  10. 相应,他也提出了总体主义与个体主义两种重建思路。

    Accordingly , he also proposed a general doctrine , both individualistic reconstruction ideas .

  11. 在现代性语境下,美学的伦理话语主要表现为个体主义、普遍主义以及两者的复杂关系。

    The ethical discourse of aesthetics embodies individualism or universalism or their complex correlation .

  12. 相对于心理学的实证主义,心理学的个体主义则构成了更为严重的困难,而且并不容易被加以取代。

    Compared with positivism , individualism is more serious and not easy to deal with .

  13. 中国美学现代性的伦理话语是个体主义与普遍主义的统一形态。

    The united form of individualism and universalism is modernity ethical discourse of Chinese aesthetics .

  14. 西方宪法的创生与个体主义价值观密切相关。

    The creation of western constitution has a close correlation with the values of individual principle .

  15. 英语广告中的个体主义

    On Individualism of English Advertisements

  16. 个体主义伦理观与权利

    Individualistic Ethic and Rights

  17. 美国文化中的个体主义现象从中西文论史透视集体主义和个体主义取向

    Individualism in American Culture On Collectivism and Individualism Orientations from the Perspective of Chinese and Western Literary Theories

  18. 任务之间关联度低,企业文化为个体主义的组织运用个体激励更能激发团队中成员。

    And the organization with individualism culture and low correlative degree of the job should consider the individual motivation .

  19. 文化可分为集体主义文化和个体主义文化两种模式。

    According to some researches , culture might be divided into two dimensions , that is , collectivism and individualism .

  20. 这一系列的治理理论均未脱离新古典经济学的范畴,因而带有个体主义分析方法天然的局限性。

    As the main theories are derived from the new classic economics , they commonly have limits on the analysis method .

  21. 权利与权力、整体主义与个体主义、公共领域与私人领域间存在复杂的辩证联系;

    That there is complicate dialectic relationship between right and power , totalitarianism and individualism , public sphere and private sphere ;

  22. 个体主义价值观是具有现代色彩的思想观念,是思想按照逻辑规律展开活动的结果。

    Individualistic values of modern color ideas , is to start thinking in accordance with the laws of logic carries on activities .

  23. 只不过,斯内克是在谈论个体主义,而大首领不过是在为其所控制的这一批人而演讲。

    However , while Snake is talking about individualism , Big Boss is merely speaking for the collective that he is controlling .

  24. 而对于任务关联度低,集体主义文化和任务关联度高,个体主义文化的组织两者结合起来使用更有利于团队成员积极性的发挥。

    The combination of individual motivation and team motivation is adopted in organization with collectivism and low correlative degree of the job .

  25. 新古典主义政治学包括制度中心论、政治科学与政治哲学的统一性以及整体主义与个体主义的统一性。

    New classicist political science include institution-centeredness , combination of political science and political philosophy , and integration of wholism and individualism as well .

  26. 中美两国在价值观的取向上存在着不同,其中最突出的是群体主义和个体主义的价值观取向。

    This paper gives a clear explanation of the existence and development of egoism in contrast to Confucian collectivism among the traditional Chinese ethics .

  27. 在个体主义的面向上,涂尔干相应探讨了个人在法人团体中的职业伦理以及个人在公民宗教中公民道德问题。

    Oriented individualism , Durkheim corresponding to explore the ethical issues of professional ethics and personal of personal body corporate citizens in the civil religion .

  28. 中西哲学思维被尝试性的归纳为典型的两对:数学式的原子论和直觉式的一体论,个体主义和集体主义。

    The characteristics Western and Chinese philosophic thought are tentatively generalized as two typical pairs : mathematical atomism and intuitive oneness ; individualism and collectivism .

  29. 与西方文化倡导的个体主义幸福观不同,我国文化传统中所倡导的幸福观具有明显的集体主义取向。

    Different from the view on individualistic happiness promoted by Western culture , the view on happiness promoted by Chinese cultural tradition is obviously collectivistic-oriented .

  30. 个体主义与集体主义:中美日管理的文化研究企业文化中的个体主义和集体主义思想在一定程度上会影响到激励方式的选择。

    Individualism vs. Collectivism : A Cultural Study on Chinese , American and Japanese Management The individualism and collectivism of the corporate culture is another factor .