
gè àn yán jiū
  • case study
个案研究[gè àn yán jiū]
  1. 第二章和第四章对Gonewiththewind的三个中译本做了个案研究。

    Chapter Three and Chapter Four are a case study of three Chinese translations of Gone with the Wind .

  2. 本研究正是在这一理论的指导下,采用质的研究方法,对南京市B幼儿园进行了个案研究。

    Under the guidance of the theory , this research uses qualitative research , carries out case study in B kindergarten of Nanjing .

  3. 综合分析之后是5个个案研究。

    General analysis is followed by five case studies .

  4. 学习方法包括讲课、导师辅导、个案研究与实习。

    The methods of study include lectures , tutorials , case studies and practical sessions .

  5. 城市社区的国家与社会:现实诉求和路径依赖对C市市长公开电话的个案研究

    State and Society in Modern Urban Community : Realistic Appealing and Path Dependence : A Case Study of Mayor 's Publicized Telephone in C city

  6. 这篇论文在通过对eye的个案研究进行英语身体词汇一词多义现象的概念隐喻分析。

    This thesis presents a conceptual metaphorical analysis of English polysemous body terms based on the case study of " eye " .

  7. 婚姻支付变迁与姻亲秩序谋划&辽东Q镇的个案研究

    The Vicissitude of Marriage Payments and the Equilibrium of Power in Affinal Relationships : A case study in Q county of Liaoning province

  8. 但从其实质看,PBL是个案研究性学习的一种形式,本身也有一些不足。

    In the fact , PBL is a kind of individual inquiry learning form and there is some shortcoming .

  9. 本文运用个案研究与问卷调查相结合的方法,以导入ERP系统的国内企业为研究对象,探讨系统导入前后企业会计功能的变化情况。

    Using the case study and questionnaire methods , the authors focus on the change of function in accounting domain of domestic enterprises by the use of integrated information systems ( ERP ) .

  10. 第三章展开对TheBorderTown的个案研究,从不同意义层级上讨论模糊语言的处理情况及翻译方法。

    Chapter Three carries out a case study on The Border Town with a discussion of the aesthetic representation , as well as a summary of translation methods , of fuzzy language on different meaning levels .

  11. 一语(L1)对英语语篇内人称指称习得的干扰&个案研究

    L_1 Interference in English Personal Reference Acquisition in Discourse & A Case Study

  12. 数据驱动学习与英语写作教学中的语域知识传授&基于CLEC语料库的个案研究

    Data-Driven Learning and the Teaching of Register Knowledge in English Composition Pedagogy & A CLEC-Based Case Study

  13. 本研究采用个案研究法,研究对象是x中学,该校建校以来一直非常重视教师的培养,在促进本校教师专业发展的实践中取得了一定的成绩并积累了丰富的经验。

    The case chosen in this study is X middle school . The school has been attached great importance to the training of teachers , and has made some achievements and accumulated rich experience in the practice of promoting teacher professional development .

  14. 基于AISAS模式的网络整合营销传播模型建构与个案研究

    Electronic Integrated Marketing Communication Model Construction and Case Study Based on AISAS Pattern

  15. 第四部分对南非入境跨国教育机构最热门的MBA项目的质量保障实施情况进行个案研究,考察了MBA项目质量保障的具体操作,提出了一些值得思考的经验。

    The forth parts is a case study of the implementation of quality assurance for the most popular MBA programs run by the inbound transnational education providers . It exposes the concrete operation of their quality assurances and concludes some experience from that which is worth considering .

  16. 本文从交互的角度,以北京师范大学开发的网络协作学习平台(WebCL学习平台)为基本研究样本,采用个案研究方法,就网络协作学习中的人际交互相关问题进行了研究。

    From a perspective of interaction , the paper takes a case study of the " WebCL platform " of Beijing Normal University to study interpersonal interaction in web-based collaborative learning .

  17. 阳光依旧灿烂&一个心理问题学生的个案研究

    A Study on a Case of a Student With Psychological Problem

  18. 第四节为性灵诗人黄立世的个案研究。

    The fourth section is a case study of Huang Lishi .

  19. 绵阳市城市幼儿园师幼关系的个案研究

    A Case Study on Teacher-child Relations in City Kindergartens in Mianyang

  20. 双语者词汇习得策略&个案研究

    On Strategies of Word Acquisition of Bilinguals : A Case Study

  21. 校本教研促进课堂教学之个案研究

    A Case Study on School-based Educational Research Improving the Classroom Instruction

  22. 关系运作制度化的过程分析&华东地区A县乡镇政府机构改革的个案研究

    Analysis on the Process of the Institutionalization of Social Relations Operation

  23. 心理咨询师从业初始动机个案研究

    Case Study of the Primary Job Choosing Motivations of Psychological Consultants

  24. 研究方法主要是问卷调查和个案研究。

    The main research methods are questionnaire survey and case study .

  25. 第三节是蓝田的个案研究。

    The third section is a case study of Lan Tian .

  26. 英语写作错误分析的个案研究(英文)

    A Case Study on Error Analysis of English Writing ;

  27. 社会资本与下岗职工再就业的个案研究

    Case Study on Social Capital and Laid-off Workers ' Reemployment

  28. 广西西林县教育投资有效使用个案研究

    Study on Effective Use of Education Investment in Xilin County in Guangxi

  29. 幼儿同伴关系干预的个案研究

    The Case Study of Intervening Preschool Children 's Peer Relationship

  30. 《李尔王》中的说者和听者&一个语用学的个案研究

    The Speaker and Listener in King Lear & A Pragmatic Case Study