
  • 网络Personalization;personal service;Personalized service;self-identity service
  1. scorpiopartnership的德夫说:“对有些投资者来说,大银行会有吸引力,因为它们具有市场渠道和购买力,而小型机构则被认为更能提供贴身的个性化服务。”

    Mr dovey at Scorpio partnership says : " to some investors , the big banks will be attractive for their assumed market access and the buying power they offer whereas the smaller firms will be viewed as better able to offer high-touch personal service . "

  2. 面向高校重点学科建设的图书馆个性化服务研究

    Personal Service in Library for Building University Subjects Construction

  3. 实现互联网信息的个性化服务,是Web信息处理中的一个重要研究课题。

    Web information personalization service is an important research problem in Web Information process .

  4. 以个人Web使用挖掘技术为基础,提出了一种个性化服务模型。

    A model based on Personal Web Usage Mining was introduced in the paper .

  5. 基于主题的Web信息个性化服务

    Web information personalization service based on topic

  6. 对个性化服务中主要使用的Web使用记录挖掘过程进行了描述。

    The process of web usage mining which is mostly used in electronic commerce personalization service is depicted .

  7. 针对用户特性并向用户提供个性化服务已经成为Web技术的一个研究热点。

    It has been a research hotspot in Web technologies to provide personalized services according to user profiles .

  8. 本文还针对本题中概念网络匹配、个性化服务和Web服务三个关键技术做了重点讨论。

    The paper also emphasizes on discussing three key techniques : concept matching , personalized service and Web services .

  9. 探讨了电子商务、电子商务推荐系统与个性化服务、电子商务中进行Web挖掘的数据源、获取的知识模式以及Web挖掘在电子商务活动中的应用;

    Especially we analyze E-Commerce , including its personalized recommendation system , its data sources , its related technologies and its application fields .

  10. 利用Apriori算法实现WEB的个性化服务

    Personalized service of web based on Apriori algorithm

  11. 在涌现的众多课题中,围绕为访问Web网站的互联网用户提供方便快捷的个性化服务的Web个性化推荐技术的研究工作,成为了目前的研究热点之一。

    Among them , the Web personalized recommendation technology has become a key research issue , which can provide personalized services for Internet client expediently .

  12. 智能Web应用程序结束了过去传统Web应用程序只能让用户被动地去适应千篇一律的服务的时代,它把我们带入了可以依据不同用户的需求为用户提供个性化服务的新时代。

    Smart Web applications provide personalized services to the user instead of providing a similar service to every user , as in conventional Web applications .

  13. 通过挖掘Web日志可以改善网站的组织结构,监控服务器的工作情况,改善Web应用的系统设计,为用户提供个性化服务。

    We can improve the structures of Web sites and the system design of Web application , monitor the server and provide individual service to the users .

  14. 针对用户个性化服务的特定需求,文中提出了一种基于Agent的个性化信息过滤系统的设计思想及其实现过程。

    With the requirement of user 's specific information service , a framework of personalized information filtering system , based on Agent , is proposed and implemented in this paper .

  15. 基于RDF的个性化服务模型

    The Personalized Service Model Based on RDF

  16. Web日志挖掘的一个主要任务是获得用户的浏览模式,这对Web站点的改进和为用户提供个性化服务提供了非常有价值的潜在信息。

    One primary task of Web log mining is to discover and identify users ' access patterns , which provides very valuable potential information for the improvement of Web sites and the users ' personalized service .

  17. 根据用户的偏好和反馈训练Agent,及时获取用户感兴趣的最新信息,从而获得个性化服务,帮助用户解决信息过载和资源迷向。

    Practising the agent according to the interests and feedbacks of users and gathering the fresh interests of users , in this way people can get individual service and resolve the two previous problems .

  18. 但是,k-means直接算法的时间复杂度和模式复杂度对数据量的大小非常敏感,无法满足一些高性能的应用场合,如个性化服务中对用户数据进行的群组分析。

    However , the time required in a direct algorithm of k-means method is sensitive to the number of patterns .

  19. 实验证明,Web日志挖掘技术可以有效的识别用户访问模式,为网站管理员和商家决策提供宝贵的信息,实现网络个性化服务。

    The experiment shows that the techniques of Web log mining could efficiently recognize user 's access path , and valuable information for the web site administrators and the merchants ' decision-making is provided , which realize the service of individuating Web .

  20. Web日志挖掘就是通过对Web日志记录的挖掘,发现用户访问的Web页面的浏览模式,从而进一步分析和研究Web日志记录中的规律,改进Web站点的性能和组织结构,提供个性化服务。

    Web log mining is to find browsing pattern of user accessing Web pages by mining Web log records , accordingly to analyze and research rules hidden in Web log and improve the performance and structure of web station , thus can provide personalization services .

  21. 客户服务中心系统是一个利用现代通讯技术、计算机网络技术、数据仓库技术,集电话接入技术、人工座席、自动语音应答、Internet网络服务为一体,面向客户提供全方位个性化服务的组织机构。

    CallCenter System is an integrative organization which utilizes the technology of communication , computer network & dataware house , includes computer telephony integrated technology , customer service representative , interactive voice response technology , internet technology and supports the customers with full-oriented , individual service .

  22. 笔者通过对网站个性化服务相关技术的研究,改进了对Web服务器用户访问日志信息进行聚类分析的关联数据竞争聚类(competitiveagglomerationforrelationdata,CARD)算法,并在此基础上构建了相应的实验模型。

    A clustering algorithm CARD is presented to analyze user access logs of Web server and an experimental model was constructed on the basis of analysis . CARD ( Competitive Agglomeration for Relation Data ) is based on CA that can adaptively process Web data .

  23. 本文首先对当前主要的个性化服务技术和个性化服务在E-learning中应用进行了研究,并介绍了Web挖掘、国家远程教育技术标准(CELTS)、用户建模等相关知识;

    Firstly , the key technologies of personalization and the application of personalized technology in E-learning are studied . And some of related knowledge is introduced , which include web mining , China E-learning Technology Standardization ( CELTS ), user modeling etc.

  24. 它与传统的Web1.0模式相比,在用户特性、微内容、个性化服务、交互式技术等方面均有显著的差异。

    It differs greatly from Web 1.0 in the aspects such as user features , microcontent , personalized service , and interactive technologies .

  25. Barnes&Noble(美国最大的实体书店)宣布,其新款电子书应用Nook将可以应用于iPod,iPhone,iPad,以及苹果电脑。软件将提供个性化服务,包括改变字体,颜色,亮度调节,更重要的是,这款应用是免费的。

    Barnes & Noble has announced that its Nook , e-reading software will be available for the iPod Touch , iPhone , iPad and pc. The new program is easy to use and offers tons of customization including font , colour and brightness settings , best of all , the app will be free .

  26. 社会书签、内容索引和网上个性化服务

    Social Bookmarking , Metadata , and Personalized Service for the Web

  27. 个性化服务&图书馆人性化服务的新形式

    Personalized service & new form of humanized service in the library

  28. 个性化服务中的信息资源重组与整合平台构建

    Platform Construction of Information Resource Reorganization and Integration for Personalized Service

  29. 这当中最能解决这个问题的就是个性化服务。

    Personalized service is the best method to solve the problem .

  30. 用户建模是实现个性化服务的关键技术。

    User modeling is the key technology in implementing personalized services .