
  • 网络Personalized Medicine
  1. 基因学研究最立竿见影且最具影响的也许就是医疗保健机构将面临个性化医疗。

    The most immediate and probably the largest , effect of genetic research that health-care providers will face is personalized medicine .

  2. 随着蛋白质网络信息的逐步完善,感染性疾病,个性化医疗以及药理学研究中的应用也即将涌现。

    Applications in infectious disease , personalized medicine , and pharmacology are also forthcoming as the available protein network information improves in quality and coverage .

  3. 我们将把个性化医疗推向一个新高度,这将是一项创新性极强的事情,

    It 's really taking individualized medicine to a new height and it 's hyper-innovative ,

  4. 医疗方式正从以往的循征医疗,向个性化医疗的方向发展。

    Medical approaches are developing from the previous evidence-based medical care in the direction of personalized medical care .

  5. 随着个性化医疗的发展,临床已经迫切需要建立既快速又准确的方法来检测样本中核酸序列的变化。

    With the advent of personalised medicine , there is a compelling need for rapid and accurate methods for detection of nucleic acid sequence changes in clinical specimens .

  6. 这种监测将使我们离个性化医疗的实施更近一步,也就是我们将根据不同的患者人群的敏感性来选择治疗方法。

    This type of tracking will bring us closer to the implementation of personalized medicine , in which we will differentiate patient populations based upon their responsiveness to candidate therapies .

  7. 由于一个人的基因变异可以决定它们对于一种药物的响应有多好,这份目录将很可能用于根据病人的遗传结构,实施个性化医疗。

    Because a person 's gene variant could determine how well they respond to a drug , the catalogue will most likely be used to tailor medicines to a patient 's genetic makeup .

  8. 当时,这一研究好象是个性化医疗的重大突破&想想看,只要我们了解一个人的病症在分子层面有哪些特点,就可以对之进行针对性的治疗,这是多么聪明的想法!

    At the time , this work looked like a tremendous advance for personalised medicine & the idea that understanding the molecular specifics of an individual 's illness will lead to a tailored treatment .

  9. 查普曼称,个性化医疗运动旨在针对以下问题进行非常个体化的预测:你是否会患某种疾病?这种治疗方法对你是否管用?你还能活多久?

    The personalized medicine movement , said Dr. Chapman , seeks to get a very individualized prediction of , will you get this disease , will this treatment work for you , how long will you live ?

  10. 近年来,清华的研究团队和安诺析思国际咨询公司在比较效益分析、医疗大数据的构建,数据挖掘,个性化医疗和中国自然语言处理等领域一直保持着密切的合作。

    The research teams from Tsinghua and Analysis Group have already been collaborating closely over the years in fields of comparative effectiveness analysis , construction of medical big data , data mining , personalized medicine and Chinese natural language processing .

  11. 此外,他接着说,要继续实现患者和医生已经习惯的那种进展,必须向更加个性化的医疗方式进行转变。

    And , he adds , a shift to more personalized medicine will be needed to continue to make the kind of progress to which patients and doctors have become accustomed .

  12. 现在这些预测主要是基于平均值的猜测,而未来当个性化的医疗和基因研究更加完善时,每个人的死亡时间有可能会提前知道,而人们必须要学会在这种情况下过日子。在知道死亡日期后生活

    For now , it 's mainly guesswork , based on averages - but as personalised medicine and genetic research advances , the date of your death may eventually be a fact that you must learn to live with .

  13. 基于语义的临床信息交换方法具有松耦合性和跨平台性,可以很好地促进异构信息的有意义共享,进一步达到为医疗相关者、患者等随时随地提供个性化的医疗保健服务的目的。

    Information exchange method based on semantic is loose coupling and cross-platform , which is a good way to promote the sense of heterogeneous information sharing , and to achieve the purpose of providing personalized healthcare service to users at anytime and anywhere .

  14. 他创办了加利福尼亚健康与长寿研究所(CaliforniaHealthandLongevityInstitute)。这个水疗度假中心提供营养教育、体能训练、生活方式咨询、先进诊断技术、个性化护理、医疗普查等服务来延长寿命。

    He started the California Health and Longevity Institute , which is a spa retreat that gives nutritional education , fitness training , lifestyle consultations , advanced diagnostic technology , personalized care , and medical screenings to enhance longevity .