
  • 网络history of medicine
  1. 医学发展史蕴藏着深厚的哲学思想。

    Medical phylogeny contains profound philosophic thinking .

  2. 本文是一部中国性医学发展史。

    This thesis carries on the overall treatise to the developing history of Chinese sexual medicine .

  3. 李东垣的脾胃学说是中国医学发展史上的一个里程碑。

    Li Dongyuan s spleen stomach theory is a milestone in the history of traditional Chinese medicine .

  4. 自20世纪90年代起开始了医学发展史上的新纪元&循证医学时代。

    A new era in the history of the development of the medical sciences-the epoch of EBM , started from the 1990s .

  5. 本文通过对祖国医学发展史的回顾,从四个方面阐述了卫生防病思想的具体表现。

    The article clarified the concrete thoughts of diseases prevention and control from four aspects by reviewed the history of development in chinese traditional medicine .

  6. 回顾医学发展史,器官移植无疑是人类攻破顽症征程中&座不朽的丰碑。

    Review the history of development of medicine , organ transplantation is a chronic problem of human to break the journey of an immortal monument .

  7. 他们对中医温病学的创立与发展作出了贡献,在祖国医学发展史上占有一席地位。

    They held their positions in the history book of TCM , because of their contribution to the establishment and development of Epidemic Febrile Diseases of TCM .

  8. 从医学发展史分析,宋以前的医家几乎以肾为中心以温补为大法治疗阳痿;

    Analysis based on medical history indicated that the method of warming and recuperating the kidney-yang for impotence treatment was adopted by all the doctors before the Song dynasty .

  9. 细胞凋亡学说的建立无疑是20世纪末医学发展史中的又一里程碑,而且必将进一步扩大医药学的思维空间。

    Therefore , the establishment of apoptosis theory is no doubt one more milestone in the medicinal history in the end of20 century , thus suggesting great significance in medicine .

  10. 从医学发展史的角度来看,有人认为基因治疗是继公共卫生的预防传染病、外科手术的麻醉,以及疫苗和抗生素应用之后的又一次革命性措施。

    From the prospects of medical progression his-tory , somebody looked gene therapy as one great in-novation besides contagious diseases prophylaxis , anesthesia , and application of vaccine and anti - biotic drugs .

  11. 中国古代医学书籍发展史研究

    Study on the Development of Chinese Ancient Medicinal Books

  12. 本文回顾了我国医学美学学科发展史和医学美育的教育史,以及全国普通医药专业医学美育的现状,并就如何改进全国普通高校医药专业医学美育工作,进行了理性的思索。

    This article has reviewed aesthetic discipline development history of medical science and history of Medical aesthetic education in our country , and the current situation of medical aesthetic education , and has carried on rational thinking on how to improve the professional medical aesthetic education of medical universities .

  13. 新中国海南岛医学教育发展50年史,包括海南医学院的发展史,海南省中等卫生学校的发展史。

    The 50 years ' history of medical education of Hainan Province in new China was investigated in the study .

  14. 交叉韧带外科的历史是一代又一代医学专家承先启后的发展史。

    The developmental history of the cruciate ligaments is the advances of human ideas and techniques in the area generations after generations .

  15. 阐述了医学信息学的发展史、研究领域和课程建设内容,并对国内外医学信息学教学进行了比较研究。

    This paper discussed the development history , study fields and course construction of medical informatics ( MI ) and compared the similarities and differences of MI between China and the other countries .

  16. 循证医学(evidence-basedMedicine)是医学发展史上的第三个里程碑。

    Evidence-based medicine ( EMB ) is the third milestone in medicinal history .

  17. 文章将主要阐述循证医学在心血管病临床医疗实践、科研、卫生决策和医学教育方面产生的重要影响;客观分析循证医学在此领域的发展史及现状;

    In this article , EBM 's important influence on clinical health care , research , health policy making and medical education of CVD is expatiated primarily , phylogeny and actuality of EBM in CVD is analyzed objectively ;