
yī liáo xínɡ wéi
  • act of medical treatment
  1. 医疗行为的理性谈

    On Act of Medical Treatment

  2. 医疗行为是探讨医疗事故,医疗差错的起点,但学界对医疗行为的探讨并不多。

    Act of medical treatment is the beginning to investigate medical malpractice , but there are few studies on it .

  3. 所以超声BI-RADS的准确性对临床医疗行为指导及患者疾病风险的控制有着重要的意义。

    Therefore , the accuracy of BI-RADS-US category has a great significance for guidance of clinical behavior and risk control of the disease .

  4. 医疗行为涉及多层次、多主体的法律关系。

    Medical behaviors involve multi level and multi subject legal relations .

  5. 举证责任倒置后医疗行为的难点与对策

    Difficulties and Countermeasure of Medical Treatment Action after Onus Probandi Inversion

  6. 医生医疗行为失范的成因与对策

    Reasons and Solutions for Paradigm Lost of the Doctor 's Behavior

  7. 医学会应是医疗行为鉴定的惟一合法机构

    Medical association should be the unique legal medical behavior identification institute

  8. 从肿瘤患者住院医疗行为看临床医疗资源的合理利用

    Analysis on medical resources utilization in view of tumor inpatient behavior

  9. 中美防御性医疗行为调研体系对比分析及启示

    China-US Studies System of Defensive Medicine : Comparative Analysis and Enlightenment

  10. 医疗行为实质上是一种履行合同义务的行为。

    Medical behavior is in essence a kind of obligation behavior .

  11. 第二章论述医疗行为的特殊性。

    The second section discusses the particularity of the medical action .

  12. 树立良好的医德医风,规范医疗行为。

    Set a good medical ethics , standardizing medical care behavior .

  13. 试论医疗行为中的知情同意权

    Talk about the right to know and agree in medical action

  14. 论医疗行为中隐私权的保护

    The Protection of the Right of Privacy in the Medical Behavior

  15. 器官植入是医疗行为,但有特殊性。

    Organ implantation is a medical act , but there are special .

  16. 医疗行为量化评估系统建设初探

    An initial exploration on developing behavior quantitative assessment system in medical service

  17. 浅析医疗行为适用公平责任原则的局限性

    The Limitation of Applying " Equitable Responsibility " Principle to Medical Cases

  18. 从刑法理论看医疗行为的正当性根据

    Justifiability of Medical Treatment base on the Criminal law Theory

  19. 医学的双重效应决定了医疗行为的高风险性。

    The medical double effects have determined its high risk .

  20. 儿科医生防御性医疗行为相关因素研究

    The Study on Related Factors About Defensive Medicine in Pediatricians

  21. 医疗行为的民事责任探析

    Discussing and Analysis of Tort Liability of Medical Treatment Behavior

  22. 内因,即自卫性医疗行为的心理学倾向;

    The inside cause is psychological liability of defensive medicine .

  23. 防御性医疗行为的合法性问题已经引起了法学界的广泛关注。

    The legality of defensive medicine caused widespread concern in legal circles .

  24. 医方承担民事责任的医疗行为范畴与民事责任的认定

    On the Category and the Cognizance of Medical Civil Liability

  25. 第三,防御性医疗行为降低了乳腺癌临床决策的质量;

    Thirdly , defensive medicine depresses the quality assurance of clinical decision .

  26. 如果报道属实,那么其医疗行为属于违法。

    If this is true , their medical practice would be illegal .

  27. 512名医生自卫性医疗行为现状调查及分析

    The Investigation and Analysis of 512 Physicians ' Defensive Medicine

  28. 规范医疗行为是预防医疗事故的关键

    Standardizing the Medical Treatment is the Key to Preventing the Medical Malpractice

  29. 医疗行为与合法医疗行为的法律概念初探

    Discussion on the Law Concepts of Medical Behaviors and Legal Medical Behaviors

  30. 规范医疗行为和过程,减少医疗中的随意性和不确定性。

    To standardize medical behaviors and processes , reducing arbitrariness and uncertainty .