
  • 网络high-quality talents;talents of high quality
  1. 大力培养高素质人才。

    Constructing eco-environment coal mining area and cultivating talents of high quality .

  2. 高素质人才是企业创新与发展的根本保证。

    Talents of high quality is its fundamental guarantee .

  3. 中国加入WTO后,高等教育必须培养面向未来的高素质人才,以适应更加开放和竞争更加激烈的世界。

    After China joins WTO , higher education must train high quality persons who are able to face the future so as to adapt to the open and competitive world .

  4. 通过上述分析,笔者认为河南省文化产业的发展虽取得了一定成绩,但还是存在着文化产业结构不合理、从业人员少、高素质人才缺乏、文化产业增加值占GDP比重低等一系列问题。

    For example , culture industrial structure is unreasonable , few of the jobholders , lack of the high quality talented person , the cultural industry increase in value to occupy the GDP proportion is low status .

  5. 为了满足加入WTO以后我国市场经济对高素质人才的要求,高校体育教育必须转变思想观念,培养竞争型人才;

    In order to meet the market economy 's needs of all & round persons after China 's entry into WTO , physical education at colleges must change their conception of ideas so as to train talents with high competitive capacity .

  6. IQ和EQ是新时期高素质人才应该具备的条件。可是由于各方面原因的影响,我国现阶段大学生呈现出低EQ的现状。

    IQ and EQ are two important features of high-quality talents in modern times , but EQ level of today ' undergraduates appears to be low because of various reasons .

  7. 建设一流实验教学中心,培养高素质人才

    Building Advanced Experimental Teaching Center and Cultivating High Quality Person

  8. 深化改革加快发展培养高素质人才

    Deepening Reformation , Enhancing Development and Cultivating Highly Qualified Personnel

  9. 深化会计教育改革培养社会需要的高素质人才

    Deepening the Reform of Accounting Education and Cultivating High-quality Talents

  10. 它起源于社会对高素质人才的需要。

    It meets the need for the excellent talent in our society .

  11. 第二,培养高素质人才和深化传媒教育;

    Second , cultivate competent people and strengthen education .

  12. 先进文化与高素质人才的铸造

    The Mould of High Quality Talents by Advanced Culture

  13. 它肩负着为国家培养高素质人才的使命。

    It undertakes the duty of developing high quality people for the whole country .

  14. 论动物科学高素质人才的培养

    On High Quality Talents Cultivation of Animal Science

  15. 强化质量意识培养高素质人才

    Strengthening quality awareness and training high-quality talents

  16. 知识经济发展的关键是高素质人才队伍的建设。

    The key for development of knowledge economy is the establishment of high-quality talent team .

  17. 吸纳高素质人才的对策研究&关于建立为发展中的区域所用的专家信息管理系统的若干问题

    Countermeasures on Attracting High-Caliber Talents & Several Issues on Establishing Experts MIS in Developing Regions

  18. 高校的根本任务是培养社会需要的高素质人才。

    The basic task of the university is to train high-quality talents of the society need .

  19. 21世纪,我国教育正由应试教育向素质教育转变,而教师是实施素质教育的主体,中学教师自身素质的高低是能否顺利实施素质教育,培养高素质人才的重要前提。

    In the 21 cn , the education has been changing from test education to quality education .

  20. 湖州市高素质人才资源开发现状分析与对策研究

    A Study on the Analysis and Countermeasures for the Development of High-Quality Talent Resources in Huzhou City

  21. 高等学校作为高等教育的主要执行机构,承担着培养高素质人才的重任。

    Universities as the main executing agency for higher education take the responsibility of training high-quality talents .

  22. 文章主要论述了高等学校如何围绕发展知识经济,培养高素质人才。

    This article mainly deals with how colleges and universities should strive to train high quality talent .

  23. 走特色办学之路努力培养高素质人才

    Quality personnel and characteristics-oriented education

  24. 试论引进高素质人才

    On Introduction of High-quality Talents

  25. 在新的劳动组织方式下,企业加大了对创新的高素质人才的需求。

    Under the new labor organization , the need of innovative high-quality talent for company is expanded significantly .

  26. 有利于培养高素质人才为和谐社会的构建提供动力。

    To the cultivation of high quality talents , the driving force for the construction of harmonious society .

  27. 高校廉政文化建设是高校反腐败的需要,是高校培养高素质人才的需要,也是高校提高核心竞争力的要求。

    The clean governance culture of university is the needs for training of high-quality talents and core competitiveness .

  28. 从而提高专业教学的质量,加快高素质人才培养的速度。

    So improve the quality of Mechanical Engineering teaching , Speed up the pace of cultivate high-quality personnel .

  29. 对于直接为社会提供高素质人才的高校来说,全面实施素质教育,提高人才质量,责无旁贷。

    So college education should be based on quality-oriented education since colleges which directly provides society with talents .

  30. 研究性学习课程的设置是我国教育部为培养21世纪高素质人才所做出的重大举措。这种新兴的学习方式具有综合性、普及性、课程设置不受时空局限等特点。

    Starting the curriculum of " Learning by studying " is a significant act of our country to fos -