
ɡāo cháo xiàn
  • High tide line;high-water mark
  1. 一般高潮线与2m等深线反映黄河三角洲冲淤变化的对比

    Comparison of mean high tide line and 2 m isobath reflecting erosion and accretion of the Yellow River Delta

  2. 使用GIS工具,从1974-2010年大约8年的时间间隔使用Landsat多时遥感数据以平均高潮线作为海岸线来监测长江口的向海推进或后退。

    The mean high tide line as the coastline delineated from multi-temporal remote sensing data of Landsat during 1974-2010 at intervals of about 8 years were used to examine the progradation and recession of the Yangtze Estuary with GIS tools .

  3. 该层在高潮线之上1m处,直接覆盖在古海滩沙之上,顶部被厚度达4~5m的三层风成沙所覆盖。

    The shell bed stands on the ancient beach , locates at 1 m above high water line , and it is covered with recent coast aeolian sands to a thickness of 4 ~ 5m .

  4. SiO2化学性质比较稳定,对沉积地貌动力的响应比较显著,近岸高潮线附近和河道中主洪道沉积物SiO2含量明显偏高。

    The chemical attribute of SiO 2 is stable , which has notable response to the dynamic sedimentary physiognomy . The content of SiO2 near the high water line and in the key flood discharge channel of the river is obviously high .

  5. 以平均高潮线为界,平均每年增长土地面积2491亩,以小潮高潮线为界,平均每年增长土地面积1925亩。

    The new land area measured by high line of low tide was up to 1925 mu per year .

  6. 紧邻高潮线的沙堤外边缘,是耐盐的卤地菊、厚藤等植物。

    Salt resistant plant such as Wedelia prostrata and Ipomoea pes caprae appeared in the edge of sand wall next to high tide line .

  7. 潮间带的属于、关于或是高潮线与低潮线之间区域的含角闪石的变种填补了带状和脉状角闪岩的中间相。

    Of , relating to , or being the region between the high tide mark and the low tide mark . Hornblende bearing varieties bridge the gap over to amphibolites which are in bands and dikes .

  8. 营造乔、灌、草综合治沙试验模式示范林,并筛选出防风固沙效果好的4个木麻黄优良无性系,3个灌木和5个适于林带前沿至高潮线沙带种植的草本植物;

    In accordance with these technical barrier , the experiment selected 4 super casuarina equisetifolia clone and 3 shrubs with good sand-fixation and wind belt effect , 5 grasses that are suitable for the place from high-water mark to the tree belt front .