
tiáo shì chénɡ xù
  • debugger;debugging program;debugging routine
  1. 调试程序打印了控制c上的异常现象。

    Debugger printerd exception on control C.

  2. 启动Java调试程序时失败。

    Failed to start the Java debugger .

  3. 注意,在配置中,我们将设定调试程序在main方法启动时自动断开。

    Notice that in the configuration we set things to break automatically at the startup of our main method .

  4. 使用run命令执行程序并从头开始调试程序。

    Use the run command to execute the program and to start debugging the program at the beginning .

  5. 上机调试程序是学生在学习C语言程序设计时遇到的困难之一。

    The students have many difficulties during learning C Language Programming , and debugging program is one of these difficulties .

  6. 介绍了PCI实验板卡的设计以及板卡调试程序的开发。

    The PCI add-in card and the testing program are introduced .

  7. 现在就可以使用Eclipse调试程序来调试该代码了。

    Now you are ready to debug this code using the Eclipse debugger .

  8. TASKTRACED:正被调试程序等其他进程监控时,进程将进入这种状态。

    TASK_TRACED : A process arrives at this state while it is being monitored by other processes such as debuggers .

  9. 理想情况下,当您使用调试程序进行单步调试时您希望看到GUI运作的方式。

    Ideally , you want to see how the GUI behaves while you step through it with a debugger .

  10. 传统的调试程序在执行特定用例时不能帮助您了解GUI的状态。

    Traditional debuggers cannot help you learn the state of a GUI while it 's executing a particular use case .

  11. 这样可以强迫JVM停止,等到附加了调试程序后再继续进行其操作。

    This forces the JVM to stop and wait for a debugger to be attached before proceeding .

  12. 调试程序启动后,它将提示您切换到Debugger透视图。

    Once the debugger starts , it will prompt you to switch to the Debugger perspective .

  13. Eclipse封装了Java调试程序,使您能够遍历和更改变量,监视项并在Java代码中添加断点。

    Eclipse wraps the Java debugger to allow you to step through , to alter variables , to watch items , and to add break points in your Java code .

  14. 当调试程序停在Swing代码中置入的断点时,GUI绘图中断,使得GUI看起来像一个空白方框。

    When the debugger stops at a breakpoint placed in Swing code , GUI painting is interrupted resulting in GUI that looks like a blank square .

  15. Eclipse大概是最好的集成开发环境之一,它提供了非常丰富的特性,其中包括上下文相关操作、视图、富调试程序(richdebugger)和重构。

    Eclipse is one of the best integrated development environments around and offers wonderfully rich features including context-sensitive actions , views , a rich debugger , and refactoring .

  16. IBMRationalSoftwareDeveloper(RSD)允许您使用GNU调试器(GNUdebugger,gdb)在远程的机器上运行并调试程序。

    IBM Rational Software Developer ( RSD ) allows you to run and debug programs on a remote machine using the GNU debugger ( gdb ) .

  17. 本文就微机系统维护中常见的一些重要问题,结合动态调试程序DEBUG和汇编提出了解决这些问题的方法。

    In view of some common problems in safeguarding PC systems , this paper provides so - lutions to them by combining assembling with dynamic debugging DEBUG .

  18. 这对于开发RIA应用程序很有好处,因为能够方便地调试程序。

    This is a great advantage for developing RIA applications , because being able to easily debug your programs is a huge benefit .

  19. 交互式LotusScript调试程序将在发生第一个事件时提取焦点。

    The interactive LotusScript debugger picks up on the first event that occurs .

  20. 最后,用MATLAB进行软件仿真,验证了理论的可行性,用VC++6.0编辑调试程序,对采用不同补偿方法得到两组试验结果进行比较。

    Lastly , the software imitation did by MATLAB validate the feasibility of the academic , editing and debugging program by VC + + 6.0 , comparing the different results of the two algorithms .

  21. 完成了嵌入式开发环境的构建和嵌入式系统的移植,并编写了语音处理模块的调试程序,以及信号处理模块调试程序中的FPGA部分。

    The paper completes the building of the embedded development environment and embedded systems migration , the programming of the voice processing module and signal processing module in the FPGA part for debugger .

  22. 第一,它使用调试程序到内存,从而改变了形象,我们正在寻找的过程中加载的DLL挂钩。

    One , it uses the debug procedures which load hook DLLs into the process thus altering the memory image we 're looking at .

  23. 讨论注塑模具的调试程序、调试前的准备、移交生产前应做的技术工作、调试方法以及模具的计算机辅助工程(CAE)在模具设计和调试中的应用。

    Debugging process , preparation before debugging , technological work before shifting to production , debugging method and application of CAE in mold design and debug were all discussed .

  24. C语言是目前较为普遍的程序语言,它功能丰富、表达能力强、使用灵活方便、目标程序效率高,适合编制一般应用软件。用C语言编写与调试程序应注意math。

    C language is a kind of universal programming language at present , it has some advantages of multiple functions , richness expression capacity , flexible and convenient use , object program with higher efficiency , it adapts to general internet applications programming .

  25. Matlab语言是专门进行数值计算的高级语言,编程量较之Java语言等明显少的多,调试程序也很方便,显示所学习得到的结构也很方便。

    Matlab language is a superior language specializing in numerical value calculation and workload in it in programming is much less than that in Java language . It is convenient to debug a program and show the structure obtained from learn .

  26. 这使得用户可以在VisualStudio内置的console中运行JRuby,同时也能使用我们JRuby版本的‘JCylon’来快速debugger来调试程序。

    This gives users the ability to run JRuby in a docked console in Visual Studio and also to debug programs using a JRuby version of our fast debugger ,' JCylon ' .

  27. 假定Eclipse能够编译您的Java文件(如果它无法编辑,它会让您知道),那么您真的不需要对它们做任何事情,以便编译、运行和调试程序。

    Assuming Eclipse is able to compile your Java files ( and it 'll let you know if it can 't ), you really don 't need to do anything with them in order to build , run , and debug a program .

  28. 针对基于MPI环境的并行聚类算法需要手工配置数据,不利于调试程序等的不足,提出一个基于移动Agent的并行聚类算法模型。

    Needing to config the data by hand and not easy to debug program in date-clustering field is the disadvantage of MPI system . In this paper , to solve this problem , a parallel clustering algorithm based-on mobile agent is presented .

  29. 本文介绍一种在VAX机上调试程序的工具&符号排错程序,利用它能使程序调试工作大为简化,效率成倍增长,加快了软件开发速度。

    In that way , the work is inefficient , this paper introduces a useful tool-Symbol Debugging routine provided by VAX . This program can simplify the debugging procedure and thus speed up development of softwares .

  30. 介绍日照发电厂350MW机组配置的MBF-23型中速磨煤机的调试程序、运行特性、运行优化以及密封环的改进情况。

    Debugging procedure , operational performance , optimized operation , and retrofit of sealing ring for MBF-23 type coal pulverizes are presented .