
  1. 基于材料结构同性能之间的关系,通过采用微结构调控手段,对Ti基光催化材料进行改性,从而提高其光催化活性。

    And the photocatalytic activity of Ti-based semiconductor can be significantly improved by using the microstructure modulation , based on the relationship between microstructure and photocatalytic property .

  2. 针对目前浙江电网中无功电压的调控手段相对落后的情况,本文提出了采用一种重要的FACTS设备静态无功补偿器(SVC)来改善浙江电网无功电压控制的方案。

    In order to improve the voltage control techniques , an advanced scheme based on a thyristor-controlled FACTS device & namely SVC is introduced in this thesis .

  3. 其次,通过调查分析其他东道国调节本国E、S、P的各项政策措施及其实施效果,借鉴国外经验教训,由此获得发展中东道国可行的外资调控手段。

    Second , through the investigation and the analysis of other countries ' ESP adjustment policies and measures , we can gain relevant experience and lessons , which will be useful for other host countries to adjust and control their FDI .

  4. 第四章《俄罗斯财政体制改革》首先论述了西方发达国的财政理论、财政调控手段及财政体制的特点。

    Chapter Four is on " Russian financial system reform " .

  5. 宏观调控手段发生实质性变化。

    Substantial changes have taken place in the means of macrocontrol .

  6. 微观的采购调控手段正发挥着不可替代的作用。

    Microcosmic regulation of purchase offers an indis ˉ pensable effect .

  7. 境外投资的调控手段落后;

    The management and control of foreign investment fall behind ;

  8. 知识产权信息管理的调控手段分析

    Analysis on the Adjust and Control Measures of Intellectual Property Information Management

  9. 政府干预从来都是与市场机制相对应的经济调控手段。

    The government interference is the means of the economic macroscopic regulation .

  10. 税收优惠作为国家宏观调控手段,在世界范围内被广泛应用。

    Tax preference is worldly used as a kind of national macro-control .

  11. 税收负担构成了一个国家税收政策和税收制度的核心内容,是税收作为经济调控手段的主要着力点。

    Tax burden is the main part of tax system and tax policy .

  12. 我国房地产价格现状分析及调控手段研究

    China 's Real Estate Prices Analysis and Control Study

  13. 我国高水平标枪运动员竞赛焦虑及调控手段的研究

    The Research on Competitive Anxiety and Regulatory Methods of Chinese Elite Javelin Throw Athletes

  14. 税收调控手段局限性分析

    An Analysis on the Limitation of Tax Adjustment

  15. 面对严峻的环保形势和艰巨任务,迫切需要法律、行政和经济等多种宏观调控手段共同进行调节。

    Environmental protection needs the joint macro-control of legislation , administrative and economic means .

  16. 该战略的实施有赖于包括税收在内的宏观调控手段的改善。

    The implementation to strategy depends on the meliorative macro-control means which includes tax .

  17. 英国国家规划政策指南&引导可持续发展的规划调控手段

    National planning policy guidance in UK : a planning tool for delivering sustainable development

  18. 对关系国计民生的重要行业实行市场准入制度是必要的经济宏观调控手段。

    It is a necessary economic macro-control precaution to impose market access on vital industries .

  19. 环境政策是协调发展与资源环境之间矛盾的手段,同时也是可持续发展战略的延伸和实现其目标的重要调控手段。

    Environmental policy is a means of harmonizing the conflict among development , resource and environment .

  20. 道德和法律都是人类社会生活不可或缺的调控手段。

    The morals and law are all regulation and control means with indispensable life of human society .

  21. 论现实基础上的投资宏观调控手段

    Macrocontrol Investment Based on Reality

  22. 面对这种威胁,人们采取法律调控手段来解决环境问题,而且已经产生了一定的功效。

    Faced with the menace , people adopted legal measure to solve the issue and it works .

  23. 这一系列问题和症状都需要发挥土地利用规划等调控手段来合理解决。

    These problems need to be properly resolved by applying land use plan and other control tools .

  24. 作为调控手段之一,国家税务总局等部门发布了《关于加强房地产土地增值税的通知》。

    Especially the land increment tax constituted recently gives a great impact to the real estate market .

  25. 我国应从改善宏观调控手段、强化宏观调控能力、加强金融监管方面来完善金融调控体系;

    Our country should consummate finance control system from improvement of macroscopic control artifice , finance supervision ;

  26. 在多元化的法律调控手段之中,经济法律手段是最为重要的。

    In a wide range of legal control means , the economy law is the most important means .

  27. 税收作为重要的宏观调控手段,在扩大内需方面具有十分重要的作用。

    Since , tax is an important macro-adjusting method it plays an important role in stimulating domestic demand .

  28. 货币政策作为总量调控手段其一大特点便是对整体经济影响的全局性。

    As a total control means , monetary policy has an overall impact to the economy and society .

  29. 中国通过一系列强有力的调控手段,有效的遏制了经济快速下滑的局势。

    By a series of macro-control measures , china effectively curb the rapid economic decline of the situation .

  30. 而且,对于近期所采取的许多宏观调控手段,我也不是很了解。

    Moreover , even many of the macro instruments that have been recently invented were unfamiliar to me .