
diào chá duì xiànɡ
  • respondents;target of an investigation
  1. 60%的调查对象表示不认可总统的表现。

    60 percent of the respondents said they disapproved of the president 's performance .

  2. 18.23%的调查对象是健康城市建设志愿者。

    About 18.23 % of respondents were volunteers in the building of healthy cities .

  3. 十几岁的调查对象更容易感到无聊。

    Survey-takers in their early teens were more likely to be bored .

  4. 同时,苹果也在创建自己的电子图书业务,而且该业务还成了美国司法部(JusticeDepartment)反托拉斯法的调查对象。

    Apple also is building its e-book business , the subject of a Justice Department anti-trust investigation .

  5. 结果调查对象HIV抗体检测均为阴性,年龄最小为14岁,初中文化占50.7%;

    The youngest was 14 years old and 50.7 % of them received junior middle school education .

  6. 22%的调查对象近1a患过性传播疾病。

    22 % had suffered from STD in the past one year .

  7. 调查对象还提到,复制的相对简单性是选择Informix的一个因素。

    Respondents also mentioned the comparative simplicity of replication as a factor in choosing Informix .

  8. 方法采用与规模大小成比例(PPS)的两阶段分层抽样法选择了583名城镇居民和429名农村居民,由调查员对调查对象进行一对一的问卷调查。

    Methods A two-stage cluster sampling with probability proportional to size ( PPS ) was conducted .

  9. 2013年的哈里斯民调(HarrisPoll)显示,42%的美国人相信鬼魂存在——但这个数字在68岁及更年长的调查对象中仅为24%。

    A 2013 Harris Poll found that 42 percent of Americans believed in ghosts - but only 24 percent of respondents 68 and older .

  10. 2013年的哈里斯民调(HarrisPoll)显示,42%的美国人相信鬼魂存在&但这个数字在68岁及更年长的调查对象中仅为24%。

    A 2013 Harris Poll found that 42 percent of Americans believed in ghosts & but only 24 percent of respondents 68 and older .

  11. 方法采用分层随机抽样的方法,将调查对象分成7个年龄组,每人采集3ml静脉血进行A和C群流脑抗体检测,并做统计分析。

    Methods A stratified and random sampling method was adopted for selection of subjects and all the subjects were divided into seven groups by age .

  12. [方法]用整群随机抽样的方法在苏州市平江区抽取35周岁以上常住人口2万名作为调查对象,数据用非条件logistic回归进行多因素分析。

    [ Methods ] 20 thousands residents of over 35 years of age in Pingjiang region were randomly cluster sampled and investigated . Data were analyzed with non-conditional logistic regression model .

  13. 这一研究由借贷公司AmigoLoans委托,调查对象是16岁到65岁之间的英国人。

    The study commissioned by lending company , Amigo Loans , quizzed UK adults between the ages of 16 and 65 .

  14. 方法选择小学学生956名作为调查对象,应用英国Rutter儿童行为量表评定行为问题,同时调查影响行为问题相关因素。

    Methods Rutter Child Behavior Check list was applied to 956 primary students .

  15. Wilson说研究对象中63%的人认为在某些特定情况下安乐死和医生协助自杀应受法律允许,这一比例与以正常人为调查对象得出的结果大致相同。

    Wilson said the proportion of study subjects 63 per cent who thought euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide should be legal in certain circumstances is about the same among healthy individuals .

  16. 然后选取长春市B中学三个班,河南遂平县某中学一个班,河南新乡某中学一个班的学生为调查对象。

    Then select three classes of students from B middle school of Changchun , one class of students from a middle school in Suiping of Henan province , and one class of students from a middle school in Xinxiang of Henan province as investigation objects .

  17. 对于高中阶段课程地位现状的研究,作者选取了H省X县的两所高中为调查对象,其中以X县高级中学为调查研究的重点。

    For the study of the status quo of senior secondary curriculum , the authors selected the two high schools in the X County , H Province , for the survey , in which X-County High School is a research priority .

  18. 因此,本文选择经常上网的年轻人群体为调查对象,调查了C2C网上购物买家感知的风险因素。

    In order to conclude the C2C on-line shopping sensation risk factors , the young people who frequently accessed the internet are investigated in the article .

  19. 方法:对空运入藏新兵中调查对象的AMS发病率和住院率进行追踪调查,总结部队预防AMS的成功经验;

    Method : The incidence and admission rate of AMS of recruits exposed to altitude by airplanes were followed-up since 1987.The successful experience in preventing AMS was summarized .

  20. 瑞典卡尔斯塔得大学(KarlstadUniversity)的克里斯特·克莱瓦尔(ChristerClerwall)开展了一项研究,并在《新闻实践》(JournalismPractice)上发表了相关论文。研究显示,当看到类似的体育报道时,调查对象无法辨别其中的区别。

    According to a study conducted by Christer Clerwall of Karlstad University in Sweden and published in Journalism Practice , when presented with sports stories not unlike these , study respondents couldn 't tell the difference .

  21. 方法选择采、供血传播HIV疫情较为严重的某乡全体乡村医生为调查对象,应用定性和定量研究相结合的调查方法收集资料。

    Methods All the rural doctors in a certain township where the epidemic of HTV being spread via blood collection and supply was pretty serious were selected for the survey and data were collected by combining qualitative and quantitative studies .

  22. 本文的调查对象是30名参加过2005年10月HSK(高等)考试的北京语言大学留学生,我们采用调查问卷的方法,使用SPSS对数据进行统计分析。

    All of the thirty participants have taken part in HSK ( high level ) of October 2005 . We adopt the questionnaire method , and analyze the data by SPSS .

  23. 应用频数、均数、标准差分析、主成分因子分析、聚类分析、logistic回归分析等统计方法分析调查对象的健康状态及其影响因素。

    The analysis of health status and its influencing factors was applicating the statistical method of frequency , mean , standard deviation analysis , principal component factor analysis , cluster analysis , logistic regression analysis . [ Results ] 1 .

  24. 以南通市肿瘤医院1996&2000年期间住院病种居前五位的恶性肿瘤病例为调查对象,应用Logistic回归模型,对五种恶性肿瘤病人的住院费用及其影响因素进行分析。

    Inpatients of malignancy that is one of the former five kinds of diseases in Nantong Tumour Hospital during 1996-2000 . Method : By Logistic regression model , the author analyzed costs and influence factors of five kinds of malignancy inpatients .

  25. 借助人际信任量表和自尊量表(SES),以在校高中生为调查对象,较深入探讨了高中生宽恕心理与自尊、人际信任的关系。

    With the help of Interpersonal Trust Scales and The Self-Esteem Scale , the relationships among forgiveness , interpersonal trust and self-esteem were explored among students from high school .

  26. 接触组中工龄≥2a的调查对象高频听力损失的检出率明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。

    The detection rate of hearing loss at high frequency for the investigated people whose length of service was greater than or equal to 2a among the contact group was significantly higher than that of the reference group ( P ﹤ 0.05 ) .

  27. 对调查对象进行问卷调查,内容包括职业紧张量表(OSI-R)、A型行为类型问卷(TABP)以及自制的一般情况问卷。

    They are questioned by three inventories : Occupational Stress Inventory ( Revised )( OSI-R ), Type A Behavior Pattern ( TABP ), self-made inventory about individual information .

  28. WHR≥076时男女调查对象的平均血压及高血压患病率均不再随着WHR的增加而上升(P>005),提示WHR≥080可作为预测高血压危险性的界限值。

    The average blood pressure and prevalence of hypertension did noth increase when WHR ≥ 0 76 ( P > 0 05 ), and this suggest that WHR ≥ 0 80 may as a cut-off value for hypertension risks prediction .

  29. 研究发现:关键行为受IAP严重性认知影响显著。同时,这该认知因素还受调查对象文化程度、IAP知识总分的影响。

    According to the analysis by Health Belief Model ( HBM ), We found that cognitive factors that have influence on risky behaviors include perceiving the severity of IAP , Meanwhile , these cognitive factors are also affected by educational level and the IAP knowledge factors .

  30. 方法采用余善法推荐的NIOSH职业紧张测量工具对调查对象进行测试,每一因素都按照Likerts5点法和7点法赋分予以数量化,按照量表赋分方法计算各因素得分。

    Methods Subjects were tested by NIOSH Measurement Instrument of Occupational Strain recommended by YU Shan-fa ; each factor was scored by Likert 's 5 points or 7 points method . The score of each factor was calculated by quantified questionnaires .