
shū miàn cái liào
  • written material;written document
  1. 上述所有书面材料必须真实、可靠。

    The above mentioned written document must be true and reliable .

  2. 1998年通过的《桑尼博诺版权法案》(SonnyBonoCopyrightAct)延长了书面材料在美国的版权保护期,这一举动很快就得到欧洲的效仿。

    The Sonny Bono Copyright Act of 1998 extended the term of American copyright in written material and was quickly followed in Europe .

  3. 从书面材料看,有几位申请人符合条件。

    On paper , several of the applicants fit the bill .

  4. 也许你不想看有关道格死亡的书面材料。

    Maybe you don 't want to read about Doug 's death in black and white .

  5. 你上任时会收到一份聘用细则的书面材料。n.戏法

    On your appointment you will be issued with a written statement of particulars of employment .

  6. 培训期间,你会听讲座,看DVD或录像的片断,拿到教你如何变得更直率的书面材料。

    During the workshop , you will hear lectures , see vignettes on DVD or video , and receive printed information on how to become more forthright .

  7. 要求被调查人员提供书面材料和证明;

    Demand written material and testimonial from the persons under investigation ;

  8. 阅读是一种从书面材料中获取信息的过程。

    Reading is a process of obtaining information from written materials .

  9. 设计和撰写用于宣传产品和服务的书面材料。

    Designs and composes written material to advertise products and services .

  10. 对企业有关法律行为或书面材料进行律师见证;

    Providing a testimony for company 's legal measures or legal documentation ;

  11. 这位官员将选举的书面材料分送给每位选民。

    The official distributed written material about the election to every voter .

  12. 能否发表意见将取决于事先提交的书面材料是否获得接受。

    These will be based on their written submissions accepted in advance .

  13. 排字工把书面材料排成铅字的人;

    One that sets written material into type ; acompositor or printer .

  14. 把书面材料称为文献。

    We call the collected body of writing literature .

  15. 目标是测评这些学生对书面材料理解程度。

    The goal was to gauge how well these students understood written material .

  16. 你们有那些警察局长的书面材料来作证据吗?

    Have you got written statements from these police chiefs to back it up ?

  17. 第三,引用访谈记录和被调查校长的书面材料中语言,来反映校长对本职工作的感受。

    Third , headmasters'words are quoted to show the working experience of investigated headmasters .

  18. 提交一份其书面材料的大纲

    Provide a synopsis of their written submission

  19. 健康教育方式以医、护、患个别交谈和提供书面材料两种为主;

    Communication through talking and offering written materials were the two primary fashions of health education ;

  20. 阅读是读者从书面材料中获取信息,经过心理加工而表现为心智活动和行为,并多方面影响读者的过程。

    Reading was a process that obtained information from written material and affected reader from many aspects .

  21. 对其书面材料加以补充

    Add to their written submission

  22. 大部份情况下我们都需要书面材料来核实你提供的信息。

    The majority of the time we need paper records to verify the information you are providing .

  23. 在听证会之前,将在世卫组织网站上公布所有收到的书面材料。

    All submissions received will be made publicly available on the WHO website in advance of the hearing .

  24. 至于书面材料,我认为他需要携带一些有用的数据去参加会议。

    As to paperwork , I think he needed to take some useful data with him to the conference .

  25. 学习和理解书面材料是在现代社会生存的一项重要技能。

    Understanding and learning from written material is one of the most important skills to possess in modern society .

  26. 事后,当时的一些基本知识:好简单的书面材料,没有错字,没有减少的类型;

    After that , some of the basics : good simple writing ; no typos ; no reduced type ;

  27. 留学生在住宿期间调换房间,须向留学生办公室递交书面材料申请,留学生办公室将根据具体情况处理。

    During rental period , if any student will apply for room change , formal application should be submitted to ISO .

  28. 如果您需要复印一些书面材料或打算使用视听设备,请预先与我组委会设备部门联系

    " If you want to copy some written material or use any audio-visual facilities , please contact our equipment department in advance "

  29. 只有提交了书面材料的机构或组织才允许于规定的时间在听证会上发言。

    In order to be granted a scheduled time to speak at the hearing , a written submission must be received by the deadline .

  30. 该书面材料的形式提供教科书往往不一定真实,不符合学习者的水平非常好。

    The written materials provided in the form of textbooks are often not necessarily authentic and do not fit the learners'proficiency level very well .