
miàn tán
  • interview;speak to sb. face to face;take up a matter with sb. personally;speak to sb.face to face
面谈 [miàn tán]
  • (1) [speak to sb.face to face]∶面对面地谈话

  • (2) [interview]∶当面交谈或商议

  • 和申请工作职位者面谈

面谈[miàn tán]
  1. 他们与雇员面谈以判定他们的应变能力。

    They interviewed employees to gauge their reaction to the changes .

  2. 一共五次面谈,分两天进行。

    A series of five interviews will be spread over two days .

  3. 我特意来这里与经理面谈。

    I came here with the express purpose of speaking with the manager .

  4. 据透露,警方当时正和两名妇女面谈。

    It was disclosed that two women were being interviewed by the police .

  5. 面谈进展顺利。

    The interview went smoothly .

  6. 面谈进行得怎么样,你成为正式成员了吗?

    How did the meeting go , did you get your full membership ?

  7. 我们全部和他们进行了面谈,结果约翰在求职者中脱颖而出。

    We all spoke to them and John emerged as the best candidate .

  8. 十有八九,委员会将不得不与每一位曾和托马斯共过事的女性面谈。

    In all likelihood , the committee will have to interview every woman who 's worked with Thomas .

  9. 这件事只能在面谈时讨论。

    The matter can not be discussed except at a personal interview .

  10. 记得我和创始人打了几年招呼以后,我才鼓起了勇气请求与他面谈。

    I remembered after a few years of passing by the founder , I had the courage to ask him for a meeting .

  11. 在格兰特教授的建议下,高盛引入了“入职面谈”(entryinterview)。

    On Prof Grant 's advice the bank is introducing the " entry interview . "

  12. 对搜集到的资料和数据,运用SPSS(11.0版本)统计软件,以相关系数,T检验等统计方法进行分析。并辅之以面谈,帮助分析问题。

    The data collected were analyzed by correlation analyses of SPSS ( version 11.0 ) .

  13. 面谈就像是台非常非常精密的天平:很难基于一小时的面谈评断某人,而且可能似乎左右为难(likeaveryclosecall)。

    An interview is like a very , very delicate scale-it 's very hard to judge someone based on a one hour interview and it may seem like a very close call .

  14. 普通的商务或旅游访问者必须预约B1/B2面谈时间。

    Visitors for business or tourism must schedule a B1 / B2 appointment .

  15. 和J类(学生、职业技能类学生和交流学者)申请人不必为签证面谈而等待几周。

    F , M , and J ( students , vocational students , and exchange visitors ) visa applicants do not have to wait several weeks for visa interviews .

  16. 结合问卷调查、人物面谈或电话访谈等研究方法,获取实证研究数据和信息。利用SPSS统计软件对收集的数据进行了分析。

    Utilizing different research means , such as questionnaire , interview and telephone interview , the author gets enough information and data and carries out analysis by SPSS statistic software .

  17. 我只使用EMA,本书中我面谈的几个人特别喜欢简单的均线MA。

    I only use EMAs on my charts , although several people interviewed for this book were perfectly comfortable with simple MAs .

  18. 方法:对226例社交焦虑症患者通过连续8周的集体社交技能训练,训练前后进行面谈和艾森克人格测验(EPQ)及社交焦虑症自我测验(SPIN)。

    Method : 226 patients with social anxiety have received collective social intercourse skill training for 8 weeks . EPQ and SPIN were tested before and after the training .

  19. 在Itani和候选人面谈的时候,她会询问他们的薪资史。

    When Itani talks to candidates , she asks for their salary history .

  20. 但是也有一些例外的情况,你被要求参加一个与NMC专员的面谈。

    However , there are a number of circumstances in which you may be asked to attend an interview with one of the professional officers of the NMC .

  21. 美国友邦保险(AIA)上市将是自2007年以来全球规模最大的一次IPO。上述两家投资银行在面谈阶段早早出局,对它们是一种打击。

    The listing of American International Insurance is set to be the world 's largest IPO since 2007 , and the ejection of the two so early in the interview process will serve as a blow to the investment banks .

  22. 联系出版公司的最佳途径是参加技术会议(Usenix、Interop,等等),到他们的展台前当面谈。

    The best way to contact publishers is to go to a technical conference ( Usenix , Interop , etc. ) and go to their booths and talk to them .

  23. 通过对安盛咨询公司员工的满意度调查和离职员工面谈分析,以及SGI公司2000年度全球范围的员工需求调查,归纳总结了知识型员工所具有的一些特点。

    Through Anderson Consulting Company 's employees satisfaction survey , their resignation analysis , and the study results of SGI global survey about employee needs , I have tried to conclude what knowledge workers are and what they actually expect .

  24. 目前,YL炼油厂中层管理人员现行的绩效考核体系存在绩效考核细则不够完整,企业内部对绩效考核标准缺乏统一认识,绩效反馈与面谈存在缺陷,兑现与结果脱节等问题。

    Through in-depth research , YL refinery middle management of the existing performance appraisal system is incomplete performance appraisal rules , internal lack of a unified understanding of performance appraisal standards , performance feedback and interviews flawed , cash out of line with the results of other issues .

  25. 方法以≥70岁的老年人为对象,通过问卷和个别面谈进行调查。

    Methods Questionnaire survey and face to face interview were conducted .

  26. 在您方便的时候,能否与直接面谈。

    May I come in to see you at your convenience ?

  27. 如何准备与移民官的面谈。

    How to prepare for an interview with an immigration officer .

  28. 我会帮你联系与他们面谈的。

    I 've gotta get you a face-to-face with these people .

  29. 还有,我还按规定完成了三次面谈。

    And last , I had completed the three required interviews .

  30. 然后询问什么时候能够面谈。

    Then ask when you can meet with them in person .