
miàn bāo xiè
  • crumb;bread crumb
  1. 她擦掉嘴角的面包屑。

    She flicked a crumb off the corner of her mouth

  2. 董贝先生说道,一边把船长的财产从他的身边一下推开,仿佛它真是好多面包屑似的。

    ' said Mr Dombey , sweeping the Captain 's property from him , as if it were so much crumb indeed .

  3. 她站起身掸掉了毛衣上的面包屑。

    She stood up and brushed the crumbs from her sweater .

  4. 她把面包屑扫进废纸篓里。

    She swept the crumbs into the wastebasket .

  5. 用面包屑将肉裹起来。

    Roll the meat in the breadcrumbs .

  6. 她正在厨房把面包屑扫入簸箕里。

    She was in the kitchen sweeping crumbs into a dust pan

  7. 把面包屑撒在干燥的烤盘上,然后放在烤箱里烤脆。

    Spread breadcrumbs on a dry baking sheet and crisp them in the oven .

  8. 把面包屑炸成金褐色为止。

    Fry the breadcrumbs until golden brown .

  9. 吃早餐时不要在桌子上留下面包屑。

    Don 't leave any crumbs on the table when you have your breakfast .

  10. 请把面包屑擦掉。

    Sweep up the crumbs , please .

  11. Debug视图现在提供了breadcrumb(面包屑),显示了当前活动的debug上下文

    Debug view now offers a breadcrumb which shows the current active debug context

  12. 里格斯则以摆POSE照相和大嚼狗骨头庆祝自己的胜利,面包屑和口水都弄到了冠军宝座上。

    Riggs celebrated by posing for photographers and munching on a doggy bone , leaving crumbs and drool on his throne .

  13. 家庭追踪系统还有一项服务,能保存该应用程序在两周内产生的所有数据记录,公司将其称为GPS面包屑功能。

    Family Tracker has an additional service that keeps a log of all data generated by the app for a two-week period , which the company calls GPS breadcrumbs .

  14. 面包屑栏是在EclipseV3.4中引入的。

    The breadcrumb bar was introduced in Eclipse V3.4 .

  15. 我们在伦敦的时尚欧式餐厅Delaunay的午餐吃到一半时,乔治•R•R•马丁(GeorgeRRMartin)把我盘中一大块裹着面包屑的炸鸡比作一张梦幻王国的地图。

    Halfway through lunch at the Delaunay , a fashionable European-style brasserie in London , George RR Martin compares the giant slab of breaded chicken on my plate to a map of a fantasy kingdom .

  16. 低调的MaruyamaKippei餐厅在2012年开业,主打简餐,这里有最好吃的日式猪排——包裹面包屑的炸猪排。简朴的外观很容易让人以为这是一家普通的寿司店。

    The unassuming luncheonette Maruyama Kippei , which opened in 2012 , serves superlative tonkatsu - breaded , deep-fried pork cutlet - in a modest space that could easily be mistaken for a spartan sushi bar .

  17. 下班回来,我精神饱满地准备按照Goop(一个提倡健康生活方式的网站)上的菜单做饭:文火烹调的蔬菜汤、意大利熏肉和面包屑。

    After I get home from work , I 'm full of energy and ready to cook dinner using one of the recipes you post on your lifestyle Web site , Goop : slow-cooked kale , pancetta and bread crumbs , anyone ?

  18. 裹满面包屑经过炸制的鸡肉跟汉堡包一样有害。

    The breadedand fried chicken is just as bad as burgers .

  19. 上面再放剩余的梨、再放剩余的面包屑混合物。

    Top with remaining pears , then with remaining breadcrumb mixture .

  20. 他用手拂去桌面上的面包屑。

    He swept the crumbs off the table with his hand .

  21. 将上述原材料(面包屑除外)全部倒入炖锅。

    Place all the ingredients except the breadcrumbs in a saucepan .

  22. 在第三个碗中,混合腰果与面包屑。

    In a third bowl , combine cashews and bread crumbs .

  23. 这是一群鸽子在争夺面包屑

    This is a cluster of pigeons fighting over bread crumbs .

  24. 一只鸟正从她伸出的手中吃面包屑。

    A bird was eating crumbs from her outstretched hand .

  25. 请把杏仁捣碎与面包屑混在一起。

    Please pound the almonds and mix with bread crumbs .

  26. “一些面包屑”,犹太人回答。

    " Just some bread crumbs ," replies the Jew .

  27. 在猪肉上用面包屑覆盖。

    Cover with bread crumbs , as of pork chops .

  28. 鸟儿跳上了窗台寻找面包屑。

    The bird hopped up onto the windowsill , looking for crumbs .

  29. 但令他们沮丧的是,面包屑都不见了。

    But to their dismay , they were all gone .

  30. 冬天,他把面包屑撒到屋外去喂鸟。

    In the winter he scattered crumbs outside to feed the birds .