
  • pancake
  1. 身体锻炼:有人发现罗伯特和克里斯汀在巴吞鲁日(路易斯安那州首府)一起骑车,而贾斯汀和塞丽娜在一起享受完美味的薄烤饼之后可能会去健身房!

    Physical Fitness : Rob Kristen have been spotted riding bikes in Baton Rouge , while Justin Selena probably have to hit the gym after eating at pancake joints !

  2. 按每一件你曾用手和薄烤饼。

    Press each piece with your hand and get a pancake .

  3. 呃,我喜欢薄烤饼,苜蓿芽,柠檬水。

    Well , I like pancakes and alfalfa sprouts and lemonade .

  4. (印度)在煎锅里做成的平的薄烤饼似的面包。

    ( India ) flat pancake-like bread cooked on a griddle .

  5. 在煎锅里做成的薄烤饼似的玉米面包(主要在新英格兰)。

    Cornbread usually cooked pancake-style on a griddle ( chiefly New England ) .

  6. (墨西哥)用玉米粉或小麦粉未经发酵做成的薄烤饼。

    ( Mexico ) thin unleavened pancake made from cornmeal or wheat flour .

  7. 薄烤饼是餐车中的最受欢迎的一种早餐食物。

    Pancakes are a favorite breakfast food at diners .

  8. 相比之下,人们熟悉的薄烤饼节则是与别人俱乐部迥然不同的活动。

    In contrast with the Other Club there is the popular Pancake Day .

  9. 传统的“开学日”薄烤饼。

    Traditional " First day of school " Pancakes .

  10. 我卖薄烤饼开始白手起家的。

    You know I make pancakes from scratch .

  11. 而松脆饼是一种薄烤饼

    And a crumpet is a griddle cake .

  12. 用荞麦面粉做成的薄烤饼。

    A pancake made with buckwheat flour .

  13. 但至少我要嫁会做薄烤饼的男人。

    But at least I 'm marrying a guy who knows how to make pancakes .

  14. 谁想要蓝莓口味的薄烤饼?或者香蕉味?

    Who wants blueberry pancakes ? Banana ?

  15. 他们是那些薄烤饼。

    They 're those thin pancakes .

  16. 用酪乳做成的薄烤饼。

    A pancake made with buttermilk .

  17. 用来制作薄烤饼的奶油面糊。

    Batter for making pancakes .

  18. 然后做薄烤饼。

    Then cook the pancakes .

  19. 事实上,就在这一时刻,每个人都在做薄烤饼,而我在这写这个。

    In fact , at this very minute , everyone is making pancakes , and I 'm typing this .

  20. 若没有华夫铁板,可用煎锅代替,象做薄烤饼那样。

    If you do not have a waffle iron , just use a fry pan and cook like a pancake .

  21. 你可以做你的好人,因为你会给他们做薄烤饼,你会带他们做洋基队的游戏。

    And you can be the one they adore because you make them pancakes and take them to Yankees games .

  22. 薄烤饼是一种薄而圆的饼,用面粉、蛋和牛奶在一层油面上烧制而成。

    They are a thin , round cake made of flour , eggs and milk & all cooked on a greased surface .

  23. 除了圣路易斯的披萨饼外,因奥巴马而火爆的还有匹兹堡的薄烤饼、华盛顿的果汁汉堡和辣味烤肠、以及芝加哥的黑人传统食品。

    Pizza from St Louis , pancakes from Pittsburgh . A juicy hamburger or a chili half-smoke sausage in Washington , soul food in Chicago .

  24. 不过可不只有灌汤包,还有生煎包——一种蒸熟的猪肉包——是一种很棒的小吃,而煎饼——以鸡蛋为主料做成的薄烤饼,抹上豆瓣酱或辣椒酱——也是当地非常有名的早餐。

    But don 't stop there , Shen jian bao , steamed pork bun , makes for a perfect for snack , while jian bing , egg-based crepes with a bean sauce or chili smear , is a local power breakfast 。