
liǔ chénɡ
  • orange
  1. 图片介绍:柳橙清新甜蜜的滋味,含丰富维他命C。

    It has the savor of fresh and sweet orange , containing abundant vitamin C.

  2. (我门用伏特加与柳橙汁调鸡尾酒。)

    We mixed vodka with orange juice to make a cocktail .

  3. 柳橙和柠檬有高度的维他命c。

    Oranges and lemons are high in vitamin C.

  4. 他相信柳橙含有橙维他命C,可以预防癌症和皮肤问题。

    He believes that oranges have a lot of vitamin C which can prevent cancer and skin problems .

  5. 本文以‘暗柳橙’为试材,采用喷施法和涂抹法,探讨了甜橙对14C-2,4-D的吸收运转和分配。

    Spray or leaf daub of 14C-2,4-D was employed to pursue absorption , translocation and distribution of 2,4-D in seedling of ' An Liu Cheng ' orange .

  6. 回程时,它们会载满干净的毛巾,还有大量饮用水、食品、一瓶瓶橙色的柳橙苦酒——用以制作该市随处可见的鸡尾酒AperolSpritz——以及在这里用得上的其他任何东西。

    In turn , they deliver fresh towels but also untold gallons of drinking water , foodstuffs , bottles of orange Aperol to make the city 's ubiquitous Aperol Spritz and anything else consumed inside the lagoon .

  7. 我们在迎宾中心逗留,喝免费的柳橙汁。

    We stopped at the Welcome Center for free orange juice .

  8. 这种新饮料喝起来跟柳橙汁颇为相似。

    This new drink tastes much the same as orange juice .

  9. 那些柳橙熟了才能吃。

    You can 't eat those oranges until they are ripe .

  10. 是一种熏鸭和柳橙切片混合的沙拉。

    It is a mixed salad with smoked duck and orange slices .

  11. 他给孩子买了一箱柳橙。

    He bought a crate of oranges for his children .

  12. 我可以把我的柳橙汁换成冰咖啡吗?

    Can I change my orange juice into iced coffee ?

  13. 只要在每餐饭前,吃两个柳橙就行了。

    All you have to do is eat two oranges before each meal .

  14. 箱子的柳橙比橱上的好。

    The oranges in the box are better than those on the shelf .

  15. 他承认特别偏好柳橙。

    He confessed to a weakness for orange squash .

  16. 一盒里面有几个柳橙?

    How many oranges are in a box ?

  17. 没有人想买小柳橙。

    No one wanted to buy small oranges .

  18. 穿越马拉根德的时候,我看到一个年轻的女孩在卖柳橙。

    As we crossed the Malakand Pass I saw a young girl selling oranges .

  19. 我雇他去偷学佛吉的柳橙戏法。

    Because I hired him to find out how virgii does the orange trick .

  20. 在这个乡镇里,大部分的农夫都种柳橙。

    Most farmers in this town grow oranges .

  21. 一项抽查显示那些柳橙至少有百分之五受到了污染。

    A spot check showed that at least five percent of the oranges were contaminated .

  22. 但我不能喝柳橙汁,我的胃可能会有问题。

    But I don 't want orange juice , my stomach may have a problem .

  23. 这些柳橙来自西班牙。

    These oranges come from Spain .

  24. 苹果兴柳橙是水果。

    Apples and oranges are fruits .

  25. 每天一杯柠檬汁,柳橙汁,不但可以美白还可以淡化黑斑。

    A glass of orange juice , lemon juice , can not only whitening can desalt shading .

  26. 赤霉素或环剥处理分别对暗柳橙的花芽分化起阻遏或促进怍用。

    Gibberellins ( GA ) or Girdling ( GIR ) treatment inhibited or promoted'Anliucheng'Orange flower-bud differentiation respectively .

  27. 你可以漫游穿越菠萝、香蕉、柳橙、木瓜、姜及香草的种植场。

    You wander through plantations of pineapple , banana , oranges , papaya , ginger and vanilla .

  28. 他们夫妇之前种柳橙很久了,大多以“香吉士”这个品牌出售。却毫无种石榴的经验。

    The Resnicks had long grown oranges largely sold under the Sunkist brand but had no pomegranate experience .

  29. 冬季期间温度和水分对暗柳橙成花和花序类型的影响

    The influence of air temperature and soil moisture during winter on floral formation and types of inflorescences in sweet orange

  30. 箱子的柳橙比橱上的好。把皮带绕在箱子上捆住。

    The oranges in the box are better than those on the shelf . Fasten the straps round the case .