
  1. 奇多马卡龙是董世文和ChristinaHa发明的,他们是纽约马卡龙店的店主。

    The Cheetos Macaron is the brainchild of Simon Tung and Christina Ha , who own New York City 's Macaron Parlor .

  2. 但后来这个故事的走向就有点不可思议了:Ha莫名其妙地决定将这神秘的奇多粉放进马卡龙里,仿佛给孤儿找了个家。

    But then , the tale takes an even weirder turn : Ha inexplicably decides that the perfect home for this mysteriously orphaned Cheetos dust is in a macaron !

  3. 以及法国“糕点毕加索”皮埃尔·埃尔梅(PierreHermé)的糕点店,这里的蛋糕和马卡龙好看得让人舍不得吃。

    and Pierre Herm é , France 's " Picasso of Pastries , " which sells cakes and macarons almost too pretty to eat .

  4. 你真的不要来一块马卡龙吗

    Are you sure you won 't have a macaroon ?

  5. 这场婚礼的场地自然是选在海边沙滩上,参加婚礼的宾客们可以享用多种海洋生物形状的马卡龙和纸杯蛋糕。

    To follow the ceremony which , naturally took place on the shore of the beach , guests could enjoy a selection of ocean themed macaroons and cupcakes .

  6. 侍者端上了两盘配有马卡龙的水果塔,潘基文谈到了一些联合国无法取得“尽可能多”的成效的领域。

    The waiter brings two plates of fruit tart with macaroons , and Ban talks about areas where the UN has been unable to deliver " as much as possible . "

  7. 他给人一种有自知之明、谦逊和憨憨的感觉。坐下来之后,他把一盘马卡龙和花式小蛋糕从咖啡桌那边推过来。

    The place was impeccable , and , after sitting down , Mr. Stallone , who comes across as self-aware , self-effacing and a little silly , slid a plate of macarons and petit fours across the coffee table .

  8. 看看表,差不多下午4点了,我们可能会坐下来喝杯卡布奇诺,吃几块马卡龙。但我只能想出一个词来描述这些,那就是“下午茶”。

    Look at that , it 's almost 4pm ... It may be that we sit down for a capuccino and a couple of macarons but I can only think of one way to describe this ... Afternoon tea .

  9. 有关于旧石器时期的书籍、人偶模型、美容制品、酒类饮料、睡眠眼罩、“大脚怪”鞋子和衣服;更有一大堆贩卖按旧石器时期方式制作的食物,包括杏花马卡龙、麋鹿肉干和无谷即食麦片棒。

    There are Paleo books , action figures , beauty products , liquors , sleep masks , " barefoot " shoes and clothing , not to mention a glut of places that sell all manner of Paleo foods , including almond-flower macaroons , elk jerky and grainless granola bars .