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  • 网络Liu Yong;liu yung
柳永 [liǔ yǒng]
  • [Liu Yong] (约987-约1053),字耆卿,原名三变,宋朝崇安(现在福建省崇安县)人,著名词人

  1. 欲掩香帏论缱绻,先敛双蛾愁夜短。(柳永《菊花新》)

    Before lowering the perfumed curtain to express her love , she knits her eyebrows , worried that the night is too short .

  2. 柳永的文学贡献及其成功之秘

    LIU Yong 's Contributions to Literature and His Way to Success

  3. 柳永用调究竟有多少?

    On how many tunes Liu Yong used ?

  4. 柳永的创作与作曲、演唱之间的联系十分紧密,是商业文化活动中重要的一环。

    His creations , closely connecting with composing and performances , reflected the commercial culture .

  5. 其他词人诸如欧阳修、柳永等只是需要对比论述的时候谈及,不再作为重点。

    Other text such as ouyang xiu , ci discussed such just need careful comparison of a key as expressed by .

  6. 北宋的词人辈出,如晏殊、欧阳修、柳永、苏轼、秦观、周邦彦等等。

    The most prominent poets are Ouyang Xiu , Yan Shu , Liu Yong , Su Shi , Qin Guan and Zhou Bangyan etc.

  7. 作为第一位专业的市民作家的柳永,他善于营构凄冷哀婉的氛围,其词多抒发浓郁的游子不遇情怀、悲秋感伤情绪,从而呈现出瘦冷的文化特征。

    His Ci usually expresses a strong feeling that scholars arent appreciated by their king , a sorrowful sense on grieving for autumn , and shows the thinness and coldness cultural feature .

  8. 本文以柳永的《雨霖霖·寒蝉凄切》和苏轼的《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》为例谈谈宋词的阴柔美和阳刚美。

    In this paper , Liu Yong 's " Yu Linlin-HanChanQiQie " and Sushi 's " Niannujiao-CiBiHuaiGu " are used for example to show the masculine and feminine beauty of Song poems .