
  • 网络Liu Rushi;Lost In Panic Cruise
  1. 开展柳如是研究有着丰富的人文内涵。

    The Liu Ru-shi study has rich humanism spirit connotation .

  2. 柳如是具有才女与英雄的双重性格。

    Liu Rushi is endowed with the double characters of blue stocking and hero .

  3. 柳如是特别钟情于“杨柳”意象,这是她情感世界的感性显现。

    Her exceptional love of the images of polars and willows is a perceptual revelation of her emotional world .

  4. 论柳如是诗词中独特的精神内涵台湾日据时期小说文本精神内涵的解读&以受难感为例

    The Distinctive Spiritual Content in Liu Rusi 's Poetry Interpreting the Spiritual Connotations of Taiwan Novels during the Japanese-invasion Period

  5. 在简略描述杨柳意象的历史生成、衍化基础上,本文对柳如是诗词里的杨柳意象进行类型划分,并探讨其大量出现的原因。

    After depicting the initiation and development of willow imagery in history , the text categorizes the willow imagery in Liu Rushi 's poetry and try to find out the cause why it emerges in numbers .

  6. 生活在明末清初时代的柳如是,被誉为秦淮八艳之一,她的作品、事迹历来被人们所重视。

    LIU Ru-shi lived in the course of the turning Ming Dynasty to Qing Dynasty . She was called one of the eight famous prostitute of Qinhuai River . Her works and deeds has always been respected .