
  • 网络hwan
  1. 柳明桓说,北韩完全了解这一点。

    North Korea , says Yu , fully understands that .

  2. 柳明桓星期三说,拖延是因为两个基本障碍。

    Yu said Wednesday the delay is because of two basic obstacles .

  3. 韩国外交通商部长官柳明桓说,北韩的行动也许有其政治动机。

    Foreign Minister Yu says the North 's actions may have a political angle .

  4. 韩国外长柳明桓表示,外交手段对解决目前的僵持局面有可能起到某种促进作用。

    The South 's Minister Yu says diplomacy may produce some movement on the stalemate soon .

  5. 韩国外交通商部长官柳明桓证实,中国已经收到这份各方期待已久的清单。

    South Korean Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan confirmed the long-awaited nuclear declaration was in China 's hands .

  6. 柳明桓表示,北韩发出修复宁边核设施的威胁,也许是获取外交筹码的一种手段。

    Yu suggested the North may be threatening the restoration of its Yongbyon facility as a means of gaining diplomatic leverage .

  7. 柳明桓说,参加六方会谈的各方都理解,北韩的核清单跟核清单的可核查性是相互联系的。

    Yu says all parties in the six nation talks understood that the North Korean declaration and its verification were intertwined .

  8. 韩国外交通商部长柳明桓星期五在首尔对商界领袖说,平壤另有想法。

    The South 's foreign minister , Yu Myung-hwan , told business leaders in Seoul Friday that Pyongyang has other ideas .

  9. 柳明桓说,他希望北韩在核问题上帮助韩国,这样韩国就能在其他事情上帮助北韩。

    Yu says he hopes the North will help the South on the nuclear issue , so the South can help the North on other matters .

  10. 韩国外交通商部长官柳明桓星期五表示,北韩把各方已经为之努力了5年左右的外交努力置于危险之中。

    South Korean Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan said Friday North Korea is putting at risk the diplomatic effort that has been some five years in the making .

  11. 韩国外交与通商部长官柳明桓在就职后举行的首次记者会上对北韩核谈判的前景表示担忧。

    In his first media briefing since taking office , South Korean Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan expressed concern about the future of the North Korea nuclear talks .

  12. 柳明桓说,北韩现在已经拥有核武器,打算和美国进行削减军备的谈判,而美国不会接受这个要求。

    Yu says now that North Korea possesses nuclear weapons , Pyongyang intends to have U.S. - North Korea arms reduction talks , which the U.S. cannot accept .

  13. “由于录用女儿的问题引发争议,为承担责任,部长柳明桓已提出辞职,”韩国外交部周日表示。

    " Minister Yu offered to step down , taking responsibility for causing controversy over the issue of hiring his daughter , " the foreign ministry said on Sunday .

  14. 柳明桓表示,“显然是”朝鲜击沉“天安”号,并有足够证据将该事件提交给联合国。

    Yu Myung-hwan said it was " obvious " North Korea had sunk the Cheonan and that there was enough evidence to take the incident to the United Nations .

  15. 韩国外交通商部长官柳明桓星期五在首尔对记者说,他同意美国官员的说法,那就是核查北韩提交的核清单一直是协议条款的一部分。

    South Korean Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan , speaking Friday to journalists in Seoul , agreed with U.S. officials that verifying North Korea 's declaration was always part of the deal .

  16. 柳明桓在谈到为解除北韩核武器的六方会谈时说,我们的处境困难,恐怕不得不回到起点。

    Referring to a six-nation talks process aimed at ending North Korea 's nuclear weapons , Yu says we are in a difficult situation where we may have to return to square one .

  17. 外交部长柳明桓已经表示,如果掌握了关于朝鲜牵连此事的有力证据,韩国将会把此事递交联合国安理会以求对朝鲜更多的制裁。

    Yu Myung-hwan , the foreign minister , has said South Korea would take the matter to the UN Security Council for additional sanctions if there were hard evidence that North Korea was involved .

  18. 柳明桓指出,尽管国际核查员被拒绝进入宁边核工厂,但是他们仍然住在靠近核工厂附近的宿舍里,并没有被赶出北韩。

    Yu pointed out that even though international inspectors have been denied access to Yongbyon , they are still being housed in North Korean dormitories near the complex and not expelled from the country .

  19. 麦科马克说,赖斯国务卿通过电话同韩国外交部长柳明桓讨论了六方会谈的形势,而希尔的副手金成正在这一地区同有关各方进行磋商,并将于星期四返回华盛顿。

    McCormack said Secretary Rice discussed the state of the talks by telephone with South Korean Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan , and that senior U.S. diplomat Sung Kim - Hill 's deputy - is due back in Washington on Thursday , after consultations with parties in the region .