
liǔ tiáo kuānɡ
  • wicker basket
  1. 最后,来自英国的专业飞行员加里•克劳利(CaryCrawley)把热气球停靠于河流与耕地间的一块草地上,载人的柳条筐顺着结霜的草地冲撞了三下,才最终侧停住。

    Finally Cary Crawley , a professional balloon pilot from England , lands us on a meadow sandwiched between the river and a tilled field , the wicker basket bumping three times along the frosty grass before it comes to rest on its side .

  2. 柳条筐里的乘客在不滋扰山谷的情况下,饱览其绝世美景。

    The occupants of its wicker basket survey the valley without intruding on it .

  3. 把他柳条筐在我们班吧。

    Put him in our class .

  4. 篮子-这里的篮子是指小型的柳条筐,犹太人的生活常用品,常常用来携带洁净的食品。

    Basketfuls-The baskets were small wicker baskets , commonly used by the Jews , especially to carry clean food .

  5. 为了避免运输途中的损坏,我方建议勿使用柳条筐,而要使用木制箱。

    In order to avoid damage in transit , we suggest packing in wooden cases instead of wicker baskets .

  6. 他在世上最后的行动,是把自己的救生衣让给一个女人,又用一些救生衣绑在盛着婴儿的柳条筐上,希望他们可以逃过一劫。

    His last acts on earth were to give his own life jacket to a woman , and to tie life jackets to wicker baskets holding infants in an attempt to save them .

  7. 现在,太阳神还未圆睁火红的眼睛,白昼还未欢腾,露水还未晒干;我必须用苦涩的野草和鲜艳的花朵盛满我这个柳条筐。

    Now , ere the sun advance his burning eye , the day to cheer and night 's dank dew to dry , I must up-fill this osier cage of ours with baleful weeds and precious-juiced flowers .

  8. 装有食品杂货的柳条购物筐。

    A wicker shopping-basket containing groceries .