
jǐn jí jǐnɡ bào
  • emergency alarm ;red alert
  1. 如果有人打扰你了,就高声说“让我一个人静静!”如果那个人还不离开你,就打响紧急警报或把警报传达给司机。

    If someone harasses you , loudly say " leave me alone !" if the person won 't leave you alone , hit the emergency alarm or alert the driver .

  2. 你注意到空袭的紧急警报了吗?

    Do you notice the red alert ?

  3. 思科(Cisco)刚刚给约翰•钱伯斯(JohnChambers)加上执行董事长的头衔——此举将在英国拉响公司治理的紧急警报——同时让继任CEO慢慢地适应公司的情况。

    Cisco just gave John Chambers the title of executive chairman - a move that would set off governance emergency klaxons in the UK - as it eases a successor in as CEO .

  4. 后来才发现哔哔声原来是紧急警报

    And then it turns out the beeps were those emergency alerts

  5. 发全船紧急警报唤醒船员。

    Sound the ship 's general alarm to rouse all crew .

  6. 现在是紧急警报系统测试。

    This is a test of the emergency alert system .

  7. 我们已播送了大雪紧急警报。

    And a snow emergency has been declared .

  8. 扫描电镜已移动到分发文本和电子邮件的天气和紧急警报的新方法。

    Sem has moved to a new method of distributing text and email weather and emergency alerts .

  9. 谷歌有一个交互式地图,在上面你可以看到桑迪的行走路线,任何紧急警报以及疏散路线。

    Google has an interactive map where you can watch Sandy 's path and see any emergency alerts and evacuation routes .

  10. 暴风雨要来了在洛杉矶我只见过一次紧急警报

    and warning that thunderstorms were in Los Angeles and I 've only seen the emergency alert in Los Angeles only once before

  11. 紧急情况警报启动备用计划

    Hmm. .. Emergency ! Emergency ! Activate Plan B !

  12. 当天晚上我们连就被紧急集合的警报给惊醒了,然后就到了城防卫戍司令那。

    The same night our company was awaked by alarm and delivered to the commandant of the city .

  13. 当警卫的头两年我在控制中心做接线员,所有的紧急呼叫和电子警报都会接到那。

    My first two years as a guard I was working at the control center as an operator where the entire emergency calls and electronic alarms are received .