
  • 网络Urgency;Emergency;degree of urgency;Urgency Degree
  1. 这意味着优先度和紧急程度。

    It signified priority and urgency .

  2. 按重要程度、紧急程度和匹配难易程度对需求进行分类和排序。

    Classify and sort order of the demand by importance , urgency and matching degree of difficulty .

  3. 同时,为了避免饥饿以及满足不同紧急程度I/O请求响应时间的需求,提出了一种新颖的两级deadline设置策略:动态deadline和强制deadline。

    In the meanwhile , to avoid starvation and meet the requirement of response time for I / O requests with different urgencies , it proposes a novel two-level deadline setting strategy - a dynamic deadline and a mandatory deadline .

  4. 同时还在周期性数据帧中引入截止期限字段来区分其不同的紧急程度,并对其采用非中断的EDF调度方法来改善周期性数据帧的端到端延迟。

    At the same time , deadline field is introduced into periodic data frames to differentiate their emergency degree , and non-preemptive EDF scheduling method is applied to improve the end-to-end delay of periodic data field .

  5. 初中生亲社会行为动机中主导型动机在不同年级(年龄)、性别、学校、成绩、关系远近以及事情紧急程度上方面表现出一定的变化。

    The dominant type of prosocial behavior motivation differs in grade , gender , situation and district .

  6. 可视处理紧急程度分为“马上”和“稍后处理”。

    Those papers can be separated into actions that must occur immediately and those that can occur later .

  7. 根据紧急程度和流程需求,不同流程的日志级别可能不同。

    The level of logging can vary from process to process based on the urgency and needs of the process .

  8. 同时判断触发告警的安全事件类型,提出度量指标来评估超级告警的可信度和紧急程度。

    Meanwhile the type of security event will be distinguished , two indexes will be proposed to evaluate the reliability and emergency of meta-event .

  9. 要将被用方案付诸使用的时间应当与需要使用的紧急程度相关。

    The time required to bring the alternative arrangements into use should be related to the possible urgency of the need to use them .

  10. 结论按手术紧急程度不同,可分为急症手术、尽早手术和择期手术三类。

    Conclusions Indication and opportunity of operation could be divided into emergent operation , immediate operation and selective operation according to urgency and severity of disease .

  11. 医疗安全不良事件的预警信息是由权威机构发布的,信息接收者应根据预警的信息的紧急程度确定采取什么样的应急管理措施。

    Early warning message is released by authority organization , information receiver should know use what emergency management measures according to the urgent degree of early warning information .

  12. 文章提出了一种由黑板、通知和邮件机制组成的协调平台,以适应敏捷供需链代理之间不同紧急程度、不同交互方式的协调要求。

    In order to satisfy the different coordination demand on urgency and interactivity , a coordination platform is put forward , which provides three kinds of coordination modes .

  13. 该模型包括两个子控制器:相序控制器根据各车道的交通紧急程度决定通行相位;

    The model is composed of two sub controllers : the green phase is determined by the phase sequence controller according to the traffic urgency degree of all lanes ;

  14. 如果你的上司在打电话或者专心工作,最好重新考虑你要找他处理的问题的紧急程度,不要在你自己可以解决的小问题上浪费上司的时间。

    Don 't bother your boss if he is on phone or is elbows deep in work , and try to solve the problem if you can solve it yourself .

  15. 按目的和功能不同、依是否为独立行使、调整的内容、紧急程度等标准又可加以细分。

    We can subdivide the policing affairs-treating into different part according to the standard of purpose and function , whether execute independently , the contents of adjustment , level of emergency .

  16. 根据隧道突水能造成的危害、紧急程度和发展态势,将预警等级分为四级,依次用红、橙、黄、蓝四种颜色表示,即四色预警。

    The early warning grading was devided into four classes , which was represented by red , orange , yellow and blue according to the damage , emergency degree and development situation .

  17. 考虑到申请时间的长短及紧急程度,可以采用先来先处理或优先权的策略来响应调拨申请。

    In consideration of apply for the length of time and urgent degree , one can adopt to come first to handle first or the strategy of the priority to respond to allocate an application .

  18. 针对这个缓存模型,本论文提出了对网络缓存数据根据时间敏感度和紧急程度进行分类,在传统的概率一致性维护机制上的基础上,提出一个改进的缓存一致性维护机制。

    To construct this cache model , cache data are filtered according to time sensitivity and urgency level , thus formulating an improved cache consistency maintenance strategy based on the traditional probabilistic consistency maintenance mechanism .

  19. 在最近的杂志文章,你题到一个新特性,电脑会在进攻的时候考虑到紧急程度或者说是点击次数。

    GameSpy : In a recent magazine article , you mentioned a new feature where the computer would register panic or multiple clicks on a particular unit and take that into account when determining attacks .

  20. 文中将实时任务分为若干子任务,并运用统筹方法,按其紧急程度重新统一排序,以此来减少任务的响应时间和总的等待时间。

    The real-time task is divided into many subtasks which are rearranged according to the degree of instantaneousness with operational research method so as to reduce the response time of the task and the total waiting time .

  21. 全球范围内可用粮食的危机迅速升温已经达到了紧急的程度。

    The rapidly escalating crisis of food availability around the world has reached emergency proportions .

  22. MichaelTwery:“这会导致我们每天晚上都暴露在阶段性的氧气不足的环境下。我们的血液中氧气的水平可能会下降到被认为是紧急状况的程度。”

    MICHAEL TWERY : " And it 's constantly exposing us , night after night , to periods of oxygen . The level of oxygen in our blood will actually decrease to levels that would be considered a medical emergency . "

  23. 非意愿妊娠妇女对紧急避孕知识认知程度的调查

    Investigation on Knowledge of Emergency Contraception in Patients with Unexpected Pregnancy

  24. 紧急状态是相当程度危险下的一国国内的社会状态;

    State of emergency refers to social state of the country that lies in a more dangerous situation ;

  25. 然而,调查结果同时发现,获取紧急避孕药的便利程度决定了该药服用的及时性。

    However , the findings also show that convenience of access influences whether emergency contraception was used promptly .

  26. 紧急措施必须依法行使,要有法律的明确依据,而且应当与紧急状态的严重程度相对应,以符合比例原则的要求。

    Emergent measures must taken under the law , with clear legislative ground , and in accordance with the level of emergent state .