
jǐn quē
  • lack;in short supply;badly needed
紧缺 [jǐn quē]
  • (1) [in short supply]∶因非常缺乏而供应紧张的

  • 紧缺商品

  • (2) [be short of; lack]∶缺乏;短缺

  • 物资紧缺

  1. 基本食物紧缺。

    Basic foodstuffs were in short supply .

  2. 然而,既掌握旅游知识和技能,又具有扎实英语语言功底和较强的跨文化交际能力,具备良好综合素质的实用人才更为紧缺。

    The practical talents who master tourist knowledge and skills , have a good command of English and strong intercultural communicative competence , and have fine integrated quality are in short supply .

  3. 当时医院病床紧缺,药物根本所剩无几。

    Hospital beds were scarce and medicines were practically non-existent .

  4. 建筑规划包括紧缺的新办公用房在内。

    The building plans include much needed new office accommodation .

  5. 我们的资源极端紧缺。

    Our resources are strained to the utmost .

  6. 那时候,钱紧缺。

    Money was short at that time .

  7. 食物越来越紧缺。

    Food was becoming scarce .

  8. 从汽油耗尽到用水紧缺,所有可能发生的事情都考虑到了。

    Every eventuality is covered , from running out of petrol to needing water .

  9. 胡萝卜紧缺,于是大家都去种胡萝卜。等到来年这个时候,可想而知,胡萝卜就会过剩。

    There is a shortage of carrots . So everybody starts growing carrots . Next season , surprise , surprise , there is a glut of carrots .

  10. 资金紧缺限制了我们的努力。

    Lack of money cramped our efforts .

  11. 随着网络的不断发展,IP地址资源日益紧缺。

    With the development of the network , the IP address resources are becoming more and more absence .

  12. 我国农业生产所需的N,P,K三大肥料中,钾肥最为紧缺,主要依靠进口。

    Among the three fertilizer of N , P , K , the potash fertilizer is mainly depended on import in our country .

  13. 引入BOT投资模式,解决资金紧缺矛盾;

    Introducing the BOT investment to resolve the problem of financing shortage ;

  14. NAT是解决IP地址紧缺的一种短期方案,本身不是并不是一种安全措施,不过客观上它能隐藏内部网络。

    NAT is ashort-term solution for the IP address shortage , and not a security method essentially , but it can " hide " the inside network actually .

  15. 动态主机配置协议(DHCP协议)很好地解决了网络地址的管理和现有网络地址的紧缺问题。

    Dynamic host configuration protocol ( DHCP protocol ) has successfully solved the management and insufficiency problem of network address .

  16. 他说,谷歌总部园区(Googleplex)的停车位紧缺,新车库的报价达到每辆车40000美元。

    The Googleplex , he says , is short on parking , and quotes for new garages have come in at $ 40,000 per car .

  17. 利用DNA重组技术将外源基因导入栽培稻创造转基因水稻的方法为提高水稻产量、抗性和品质,解决日益增长的人口和粮食紧缺矛盾以及农业可持续发展开辟了一条崭新的途径。

    Recombinant DNA is a new method to create transgenic rice with foreign genes from other species . This method could be helpful to increase rice yield , quality and consequently to solve the problem between population expansion and sustainable development .

  18. 污水灌溉对于缓解水资源紧缺地区的农业用水危机起到了举足轻重的作用,同时,污水中含有丰富的N、P等营养成分,提高了农业生产产量。

    The waste-water irrigation plays a very important role on the agricultural water crisis which alleviates the short supply of water resource , at the same time , waste-water contains abundant nutritional component such as N , P , etc. , which improves the yields of agricultural production .

  19. LV投资公司近期的报告也发现,许多空间紧缺的父母只能勉强挤进去他们年轻时候最完美的两居室房,但已经没有空间留给三个左右的孩子。

    A recent report , from investment firm LV , also found that many space-starved parents are squashed into a two-bedroom home which was perfect when they were a young couple , but has no space for three or so children .

  20. 作为清洁能源之一的水煤浆技术,可以缓解石油资源的紧缺,同时还减少了SO2和NOx的排放,受到各国的重视。

    Coal Water Slurry ( CWS ), as one of clean energy sources , can solve the lack of petroleum resource , It can also decrease the emission of SO_2 and NO_x · So it becomes more important attention-getting due to its many virtues .

  21. 超窄带(UNB)高效调制技术可获得非常高的频谱利用率,能有效缓解频率资源的紧缺现状,因而近年来广受关注。

    Ultra-Narrow-Band ( UNB ) technology can greatly improve the spectrum utilization efficiency , and ease the tension of frequency resources . Therefore it has attracted extensive attention .

  22. 在饲料资源非常紧缺的宁南山区,将玉米秸秆制成微贮饲料后喂猪,试期180d。

    Feeding pigs with microbial straw silage would be well suited to resolve the lack of local forage resources in the mountain areas in south Ningxia .

  23. 模糊数学在水资源紧缺程度评价中的应用研究

    Study on Application of Fuzzy Mathematics to Water Resources Absence Evaluation

  24. 寻找紧缺的银矿资源&地质工作者的急迫使命

    Urgently needed silver mineral resource and the impatient mission of geologists

  25. 二年制软件技术专业紧缺人才培养模式探讨

    An Inquiry into the Teaching Patterns of Two-year Software Technical Professionals

  26. 当今世界能源紧缺、环境污染日趋严重,节能及保护环境已经成为人们越来越关心的问题。

    Energy conservation and environmental protection have become a growing concern .

  27. 我国典型紧缺矿产资源跨国经营投资环境评价

    Evaluation on Transnational Investment Environment for China Typical Scarce Mineral Resources

  28. 福建沿海地区水资源紧缺问题及其解决途径

    Shortage of water resources in Fujian coastal area and its solutions

  29. 水资源紧缺,资源浪费严重。

    Water resources are deficient , and its waste is serious .

  30. 电力资源已成为紧缺资源。

    Electric power resource has become the shortage of resources .