
  • 网络Compact;compact car
  1. 莱索达说,第一款克莱斯勒•奇瑞出口型号将会基于奇瑞A1紧凑型车,用道奇品牌销售。

    The first Chrysler-Chery export will be based on Chery 's A1 compact and sold under the Dodge brand , LaSorda said .

  2. 低排放、省能源的日本紧凑型车技术&第33届东京国际汽车展中日本汽车技术一瞥

    Low Emission and Energy Efficient Compact Cars of Japan ELITES AND CARS

  3. 更大,更安全舒适,达到紧凑型车极限。

    Bigger , safer and more comfortable than its little sister punto , the'grande'springs the limits of the compact segment .

  4. 韩国现代汽车一直专注于中型车和紧凑型车,特别是仅针对中国的车型,比如悦动、朗动和名图(Mistra)轿车。

    South Korea 's Hyundai has focused on mid - and compact-sized vehicles , focusing on China-exclusive models such as the Yuedong , Langdong and Mistra sedans .

  5. 品牌定位方面,向小型车及紧凑型车的方向延伸产品线,并提升产品更新换代及引入的速度。

    On product positioning , Volvo should improve product lines to small cars and the direction of the compact car . And promote the speed of product upgrading and the introduction .

  6. 而紧凑型车因为价格方面明显高于微型车,所以车主相应就有了更高的期望,而紧凑型车在硬件及软件服务上往往很难达到车主的期望值,以致产生矛盾。

    But compact cars are still higher in price than small cars , so there are always disputes between buyers and sellers when the buyers expect highly to compact cars and services .

  7. 观致有掀背车和紧凑型越野车,但尽管在上海国际车展上展出了混合动力SUV概念车,目前还不清楚它的第四款车型将是什么。

    Qoros offers hatchbacks and compact off-roaders , but despite the hybrid SUV concept shown in Shanghai , it is unclear what the fourth model will be .

  8. 福特汽车公司计划今年晚些时候在印度钦奈的一家工厂生产翼博(EcoSport)紧凑型跨界车。

    Ford plans to export its ecosport small crossover from a plant in Chennai later this year .

  9. 这5个系列的车将分属中高端、中端、SUV、紧凑型和微型车。

    The five will be : mid-to-high-end , middle , sport utility vehicle , compact and mini .

  10. 他们神往的可能是这种车,但到了真正掏钱的时候,他们买的车往往还是离不开三个热门类别:紧凑型和小型车、紧凑型SUV、跨界车。

    Those may be their wants , but the cars they actually buy often fall into one of three popular segments : compact and midsize car , compact SUV , or crossover .

  11. 其紧凑型设计允许该车在门和过道中行走,也能作为设施内任何故障读取器的替身。移动车读取标签比职员使用手提装置速度更快。

    The cart 's compact design allows it to move through doors and aisles and to function as a stand-in for a malfunctioning fixed reader anywhere within a facility .

  12. 比如,土耳其的消费者喜欢紧凑型和次紧凑型车,这两种车占到当地市场销量的一半以上。

    In Turkey , for example , shoppers are interested in compact and subcompact cars , which account for more than half the auto market there .