
  • 网络emergency parking strip
  1. 高速公路隧道紧急停车带衬砌台车选择方案

    Option Selection of Movable Lining Shutters for Highway Tunnel Portions with Emergency Parking Strips

  2. 如何使公路隧道车行横洞与紧急停车带的连接更加平顺、美观,一直是隧道工程设计和施工的一个研究课题。

    It has alway been researched that how to make the interconnecting p ie ce traversing tunnel and emergency parking area smooth and pleasing outlook .

  3. 高速公路因发生事故造成堵塞时,可在右侧紧急停车带或路肩行驶。

    When an accident has caused congestion on an expressway , the vehicles may run in the emergency strip on the right or in the shoulder of the road .

  4. 隧道紧急停车带流场和局部阻力数值模拟重点研究了射流风机在隧道内的的调压性能,竖井三通的气流分布以及局部阻力损失。

    Study on the airflow field and the coefficient of local resistance at the emergency parking place in a tunnel For example , the Capacity of Jet Fanin tunnel , the flux distribution and resistance loss in the chimney .