
  • 网络COMPACT;compact car
  1. 比如现代出品的紧凑型轿车伊兰特(Elantra)和中型车索纳塔(Sonata)这两款车型,它们将中低端家用轿车提升到了前所未有的高度。

    The compact Elantra and midsize Sonata raise the affordable family sedan to previously unattained levels .

  2. 该机首先装用于菲亚特的Punto紧凑型轿车上。

    The diesel is applied to Fiat Punto compact cars for the first time .

  3. 这款氢燃料电池汽车是在B级紧凑型轿车平台上制造的。

    The F-Cell is built on the company 's B-Class compact car platform .

  4. 克莱斯勒(Chrysler)最近与奇瑞签署了建立合资企业的协议,计划生产紧凑型轿车,主要向北美市场出口。

    Chrysler recently signed a joint venture with Chery to produce sub-compact cars , mostly for export to North America .

  5. 比如奔驰的前驱紧凑型轿车CLA的起价只有29900美元,但从年初到现在,它的销量已经达到12954台。

    Mercedes has been selling a front-wheel drive compact sedan , the CLA , for the better part of a year with a starting price of $ 29,900 and has moved 12,954 units in calendar 2014 .

  6. 南汽将首先在长桥生产mgtf跑车,然后生产mg7轿车和mg3紧凑型轿车,并与规模更大的南京工厂共享零部件和生产流程。

    NAC will begin by producing the MG TF model in Longbridge , moving to the MG7 saloon and mg3 compact car , and sharing parts and processes with its bigger Nanjing-based operation .

  7. 后来几年,马自达将紧凑型轿车的生产外包给铃木,最近,该公司将皮卡汽车的生产外包给五十铃(Isuzu),使自己得以专注于核心业务。

    In later years , Mazda outsourced production of compact cars to Suzuki and more recently , pick-up trucks to Isuzu , allowing it to focus on its core business .

  8. 她还表示,像昂科拉这样的车型“可以满足普通消费者的多种用途,因此只要人们诚实面对他们的真正需求,它就可以代替MPV、皮卡或紧凑型轿车等车型。”

    Cars like the Encore " can tick so many different boxes for the average consumer " and be a substitute for minivan , pickup or compact car " if people are honest about their actual needs . "

  9. 我的一位好朋友(这里不妨叫她“凯瑟琳”)建议我看看2011款雪佛兰科鲁兹(ChevyCruze)轿车的广告。这支广告强调道,这款紧凑型轿车能够为驾驶者“实时更新信息”。

    A good friend let 's call her " Kathleen " suggested I check out a TV spot for the2011 Chevy Cruze that highlights the compact car 's delivery of " real-time updates " to the driver .

  10. 我们制造了一款人们梦寐以求、愿意为此支付高价的紧凑型轿车。

    We 've created an aspirational compact car that people will pay a premium for .

  11. 戴姆勒和雷诺在去年12月表示,双方正围绕小型车和紧凑型轿车领域可能的合作进行谈判。

    Daimler and Renault said in December that they were discussing possible partnership on small and compact vehicles .

  12. 北汽若达成交易,将获得萨博9-3紧凑型轿车和9-5中型车的技术。

    The BAIC deal will allow the Chinese carmaker to adopt technology from Saab 's 9-3 compact and 9-5 mid-sized models .

  13. 不管怎样,总是会让人感到通用的设计师从来就没有全心全意把心思花在真正的紧凑型轿车上。

    Somehow , it 's hard not to feel that GM 's designers have never really had their heart in the idea of truly compact cars .

  14. 老捷达是微型豪华的紧凑型轿车,完美诠释了当今大众-奥迪的设计风格,新捷达却像一辆被挤压过的丰田花冠。

    Whereas the previous Jetta was a tidy , micro-luxurycar that epitomized the VW-Audi design language of the day , the newJetta looks like a badly photochopped Toyota Corolla .

  15. 两年前福特公司才勉强躲过破产危机,本周,在位于密歇根州韦恩市由卡车工厂改造而来的工厂里,它开始生产新款紧凑型轿车。

    Ford , which narrowly avoided bankruptcy two years ago , this week kicked off production of its new compact car in a converted truck factory in Wayne , Michigan .

  16. 日元持续走强、国内需求疲软以及汽车制造商在全球整合产品线,正在削弱日本在紧凑型轿车和其它高产量、低利润率汽车上的传统优势。

    A persistently strong yen , weak local demand and global integration of carmakers ' product line-ups are eroding Japan 's traditional strength in compact cars and other high-volume , low-margin vehicles .

  17. 去年10月份以来,本田已经因为质量问题五次召回次紧凑型飞度混合动力轿车,给该公司蒙上了一层阴影。

    The automaker has been under a cloud due to quality problems with its Fit hybrid subcompact , which was recalled five times as of last October .