
  1. 中国汽车行业的盛事——上海车展(ShanghaiAutoShow),已于上周末开幕。中国目前已成为全球最大的汽车市场,但它正为此付出代价。

    The country , whose showpiece industry event - the Shanghai Auto Show - starts this weekend , is now the world 's largest car market .

  2. 随着中国汽车行业的发展,FW公司面临着良好的外部市场环境机会。

    With the development of automobile industry in China , FW Company is facing with very good external market opportunities .

  3. 贯彻QS9000标准是中国汽车行业适应全球化采购,迎接WTO的必由之路。

    To put QS 9000 standard into effect in china automobile industry is the only way for world purchasing and meeting WTO .

  4. 第二章,结合目前中国汽车行业区域布局,进行中国汽车OEM和零部件供应商的区域布局现状和未来的发展趋势的分析。

    In the second chapter , in consideration of current China automotive industry regional layout , we will show current China automotive OEM and component supplies footprints and future plan .

  5. 本文从应用角度,对PLM的内涵、PLM在中国汽车行业的应用现状进行概述,同时尝试对基于PLM理论下汽车企业的绩效评价进行探索总结。

    With the application of PLM to automotive enterprises , the performance access system that match the real situation based on PLM is more and more important .

  6. 第二部份着重分析中国汽车行业的现状和加入WTO后在各方面的影响,特别是对汽车营销模式的影响,提出WTO下广场的品牌战略选择。

    The second part is the analysis on the situation of Chinese Automobile Industry , the influence upon Chinese Automobile Industry ^ specially the mode of saling after entering into WTO . The writer talked about how to make strategic management of the brand .

  7. 本文正是以此大环境为背景,在对一汽-大众公司目前的国产化外协件采购管理、供应链管理和JIT理论进行研究的基础上,探讨适应未来的中国汽车行业发展的采购管理模式。

    According to this kind of background and based on the research for current localization management of purchasing parts , SCM and JIT method , this article is to discuss future SCM which would adapt to the development of China .

  8. 准时制生产物流在中国汽车行业的应用

    Application of Just-In-Time Material Handling to Auto Industry in China

  9. 难道说,中国汽车行业的繁荣期就此终结了吗?

    Is this the end of the China car boom ?

  10. 中国汽车行业发展迅速。

    China has developed an American-style infatuation with the automobile .

  11. 而基于交叉转运的物流运作模式被逐步运用到中国汽车行业的供应链管理领域中。

    Logistics operations with cross-docking have been gradually applied by Chinese automotive industry .

  12. 中国汽车行业也因此面临新的发展机遇。

    Under this background , Chinese automotive industry also faces new development opportunities .

  13. 中国汽车行业的领袖对这些担忧不予理会。

    Chinese auto industry leaders shrug off such concerns .

  14. 对这一销售将取得多大成功,中国汽车行业分析师表示怀疑。

    Auto analysts in China have questioned how successful such sales will be .

  15. 中国汽车行业供应链整合研究

    Supply Chain Integration Research of China Automobile Industry

  16. 2002年中国汽车行业的变化

    Changes in China 's automobile industry this year

  17. 第五章,实证研究,以中国汽车行业为例。

    The fifth chapter will take automotive industry as an example make an empirical study .

  18. 中国汽车行业对外合资合作策略实施的分析研究

    Research on the implementation of the joined-venture & cooperation strategy of the Chinese automobile industry

  19. 首先,本论文分析了中国汽车行业的市场环境。

    First of all , this thesis scrutinizes the market environment in the Chinese Auto industry .

  20. 汽车与润滑油&中国汽车行业和润滑油行业现状与关联性简要分析

    Automobiles and lubricating oils industry

  21. 中国汽车行业产能充足,但外国厂商和本地合作伙伴仍在建设新厂。

    The industry is awash in capacity , even as foreign players and their local partners build new factories .

  22. 汽车行业中,中外合资类的汽车企业占据着主导地位,合资汽车企业的兴衰决定着中国汽车行业的发展态势。

    Therefore , the rise and fall of the joint-venture car makers determine the development of the Chinese auto industry .

  23. 但他警告称,不应对市场增长前景抱有过于乐观的预期。市场增长已导致中国汽车行业产能过剩,在本土国有汽车生产商中尤为严重。

    But he warned against over-optimistic assumptions over market growth , which has led to excess capacity , especially among state-owned domestic carmakers .

  24. 在我国,面对中国汽车行业的快速增长,汽车零部件行业也实现了持续快递的增长。

    In our country , facing the high speed increasing of automotive industry , automotive components industry also realizes the continuously high speed increasing .

  25. 中国汽车行业在2002和2003年的快速发展,超出了汽车企业老总、经济学家、汽车行业专家及国内外著名咨询公司的预测。

    In 2002 and 2003 , Chinese automobile industry developed so rapidly that it was beyond the expectation by the all kind of experts .

  26. 中国汽车行业日趋加剧的竞争使得汽车制造企业开始关注特许经销商的满意度。

    The increasingly fierce competition of the automotive industry in china makes the automobile manufacturing begins to pay close attention to the dealers ' satisfaction .

  27. 运用实证分析的方法来研究中国汽车行业集中度对该行业吸引外资的影响。

    We mainly make a research on the foreign capital attraction in China Automobile industry under the influence of market concentration ratio through empirical study .

  28. 本文首先分析目前中国汽车行业发展的现状及由主机厂面临的竞争所带来的汽车行业供应链的竞争,突出汽车零部件供应商的质量管理对主机厂乃至汽车行业可持续发展的重要性。

    This article analyzes Chinese automotive industry development situation and the competition among the automotive supply chains which caused by the competition faced by the OEMs .

  29. 中国汽车行业的飞速发展,不仅为本国汽车工业创造了机遇,而且也为世界汽车跨国公司提供了市场,纷纷在华建厂。

    Rapid automotive developments not only create opportunities for national industry but also provide market for multi-national companies , which set up new plants one by one .

  30. 中国汽车行业分析师余建良表示:“这对汽车经销商来说的确是好消息,会降低他们的经营风险。”

    Yu Jianliang , a China-based motor industry analyst , said : " This is really good news for car dealers and will reduce their business risk .