
  • 网络Central Nervous System Stimulant;CNS Stimulant;atomoxetine
  1. 烟碱又名尼古丁(nicotine)属于吡啶族生物碱,在烟草生物碱中烟碱是最主要生物碱,烟碱是一种中枢神经兴奋剂,吸食后使人产生生理和心理上的依赖性,是让人成瘾的物质。

    Alkaloid of tobacco is also known as nicotine , belonging to pyridine alkaloids . Nicotine is the main alkaloid in tobacco , which is a central nervous stimulator , and addictive substance after taking , causing physical and psychological dependence .

  2. 在药理和毒力方面,蓖麻碱和许多中枢神经兴奋剂一样,在高剂量时会引起动物阵挛发作,呼吸抑制,甚至死亡,但在低剂量时,具有改善记忆的药理活性,还有肝保护作用。

    As the properties of many central nervous system stimulants , Ricinine can cause clonic seizures of animals , respiratory depression , even death in high doses . However , ricinine can improve the memory or protect liver at low doses .

  3. 虽说被划定为镇静剂,酒精最初却是被当作中枢神经系统的兴奋剂。

    Despite being classified as a depressant , alcohol initially acts as a stimulant on the central nervous system .

  4. 兴奋剂:能兴奋机体功能的药物。通常指刺激中枢神经系统的兴奋剂,用于警醒,改善心情,提神消倦,增加言语和运动能力,以及控制食欲。

    Stimulant : any drug that excites any bodily function ; usually one that stimulates the central nervous system , inducing alertness , elevated mood , wakefulness , increased speech and motor activity , and decreased appetite .

  5. 咖啡因是中枢神经系统的强效兴奋剂,一杯咖啡中的咖啡因含量需要你花6个小时来消化。

    Caffeine is specifically a central nervous system stimulant . It takes a total of 6 hours for your body to get rid of half the caffeine found in a cup of coffee .