
  • 网络reading difficulty;dyslexia
  1. 阅读困难的产生对个体认知、情感、自我概念以及社会性发展均会产生重要影响。

    The individual with dyslexia will be affected in the development of cognition , emotion , self-concept and socialization .

  2. 数字记忆、言语学习及句子记忆3个因子对阅读困难儿童和正常儿童有鉴别作用,归类正确率为85.5%。

    Three composite scores , such as number letter memory , verbal learning , sentence memory subtest , were important in distinguishing children with dyslexia and normal children .

  3. 他被诊断患有严重的阅读困难症,但是却绝顶聪明。

    He was diagnosed as severely dyslexic but extraordinarily bright .

  4. 矫正老花眼。现在全球有近20亿人因老花眼而阅读困难,无论是iPad还是纸质书都是如此,他们非常希望能自由阅读,摆脱老花镜。

    You have close to 2 billion people who have difficulty reading , whether it 's an iPad or a book , and really want freedom from readers and from eyeglasses .

  5. 运用AMFR和ICM理论以及语音缺陷假设和双重缺陷假设,探讨了阅读困难儿童信息加工过程的特点及其在阅读困难儿童阅读过程中的作用。

    This paper uses AMFR and ICM theories and the phonetic defect hypothesis and dual defect hypothesis to discuss the characteristics of the information processing of Difficult in Children 's Reading and the effects of these theories on the reading process of Difficult in Children 's Reading .

  6. 阅读困难的早期发现

    On the Early Detection and Diagnosis of Children 's Reading Difficulties

  7. 旨在探讨在我国学生的汉语学习中是否存在阅读困难问题。

    This paper treatS of the reading disability of Chinese students .

  8. 中国高校学生英语阅读困难的心理语言特性分析

    A Psycholinguistic Analysis on English Reading Difficulty of Chinese College Students

  9. 阅读困难儿童工作记忆研究的新进展

    Progress in Studies on Working Memory in Children with Reading Disabilities

  10. 汉语阅读困难儿童的内隐学习研究

    The Research on Implicit Learning of the Children with Chinese Reading Disabilities

  11. 例如有阅读困难的人是语言障碍症。

    For example a person who has difficulty reading may have dyslexia .

  12. 专家正在找寻这个学生阅读困难的原因。

    The expert is diagnosing the pupil 's reading difficulties .

  13. 第四章对高校学生阅读困难进行了实证研究。

    Chapter IV is the empirical study of college students ' reading difficulty .

  14. 目的探讨阅读困难儿童的记忆特征;分析阅读困难的记忆与学习关系。

    Objective To investigate memory and learning in children with developmental dyslexia in China .

  15. 中国学生识记英语单词难,阅读困难,未能掌握识记单词的最基本方法。

    It is difficult for students in China to recognize English words in reading .

  16. 阅读困难儿童记忆与学习的关系研究

    Analysis on memory and learning in dyslexic children

  17. 中国大学阶段英语阅读困难生学习策略调查

    An Investigation of Learning Strategies in English Reading That Chinese College-Level Struggling Readers Employ

  18. 发展性阅读困难的行为遗传学研究

    The Behavior Genetic Studies on Developmental Dyslexia

  19. 准确及时地寻求帮助解决阅读困难。

    Get help promptly for reading problems .

  20. 阅读困难儿童的脑神经机制与认知技能缺陷分析

    An Analysis of the Deficits of Reading Disabled Children on Neural Mechanism and Cognitive Skills

  21. 发现对阅读困难幼儿进行干预性帮助确实能够在某种程度上缓解甚至改变他们的阅读能力落后状况。

    I discovered that intervening in reading disability infants proves their ability in reading more or less .

  22. 杜雷尔阅读困难分析

    Durrell analysis of reading difficulty

  23. 英国有1200万成年人存在阅读困难的问题,他们每天也会这样问自己。

    Many of the 12 million adults in Britain with reading difficulties repeat it to themselves daily .

  24. 左脑是语言加工的重要器官,而右脑则与许多视觉信息加工密切相关。因而我们设想,阅读困难者在阅读能力受损的同时有可能伴有视觉空间认知加工能力的优势。

    Left-hemisphere deal with processing of language , and right-hemisphere deal with processing of much visual information mostly .

  25. 用传统方法讲授英美文学有两个难题:课时效益差和学生的阅读困难大。

    There are two problems in the traditional class of the English literature : the inefficiency of in .

  26. 人可能有一个以上的障碍,但阅读困难是最常见的。

    People can have more than one disorder , but reading is the most common area of difficulty .

  27. 阅读困难儿童认知灵活性随年级增长的趋势不同于一般儿童。

    Compared with non-RD children , RD children were found to have different developmental tendency with increasing grades .

  28. 网页文本的颜色种类过多会造成视觉阅读困难和拼读不流利。

    Too many text colors on a web page make it hard on the eyes and spell inexperience .

  29. 研究也表明语音意识的缺失是造成阅读困难的主要原因之一。

    The research indicates that the phonological awareness deficit is one of the primary reasons of reading difficulty .

  30. 汉语儿童阅读困难初探&来自阅读困难儿童的统计数据

    A preliminary study of reading disability of Chinese speaking children & Statistical data of children with reading disability