
wěi xiè xínɡ wéi
  • Indecent behavior;obscene/salacious behavior
  1. 他们因存在严重猥亵行为而被判有罪。

    They were found guilty of acts of gross indecency .

  2. 检方表示,王某实施的强制猥亵行为不构成犯罪。

    Prosecutors said the man had committed forcible indecency but not a crime .

  3. 他因此被捕,并于1952年因严重猥亵行为而定罪。

    This led to his arrest and conviction in 1952 for gross indecency .

  4. 在马里兰州的安那波里斯海军学校也有11例对猥亵行为的控告。

    And the Navy Academy in Annapolis , Maryland , had11 accusations of indecent assault .

  5. 他在1952年被判犯有严重的猥亵行为&实际上,他是因同性恋而受到审判的。

    In1952 , he was convicted of gross indecency – in effect , tried for being gay .

  6. 我突然间有种疯狂的想法:他想要对一具尸体做出粗鄙的猥亵行为。

    The wild thought came to me that he was proposing some form of gross indecency with a corpse .

  7. 对很多人而言,要区分健康的开放行为和猥亵的行为是很困难的。

    It is difficult for many to distinguish a healthy openness and lewd behaviors .

  8. 这个喜剧演员的玩笑对台下大多数妇女观众来说,简直是一种猥亵的行为。

    The comedian 's jokes were too near the knuckle for most of the women in the audience .
