
  • 网络Substance dependence;substance dependency
  1. 胍丁胺的镇痛作用及拮抗吗啡的耐受性和物质依赖性

    Analgesic effect of agmatine and its antagonism on morphine tolerance and substance dependence

  2. 物质依赖或称药物成瘾是一种慢性反复发作的脑疾病。

    Substance dependence also known as drug addiction is a chronic relapsing brain disorders .

  3. 方法采用逆转录PCR(RTPCR)方法,对CREBmRNA在吗啡依赖和戒断时大鼠脑内与阿片类物质依赖有关的前额叶皮质、海马、伏隔核和新纹状体等脑区的表达进行观察。

    Methods The expression of CREB mRNA was investigated by RT PCR in the following brain regions : prefrontal cortex , nucleus accumbens , hippocampus , and caudate putamen .

  4. 近来研究提示物质依赖戒断后焦虑产生的神经生物学机制与内源性焦虑物质&苯甲二氮卓结合抑制因子(DBI)密切相关。

    Current study proves the diazepam binding inhibitor involved in the mechanism for anxiety after drug withdrawal .

  5. 环磷酸腺苷(cAMP)和环磷酸鸟苷(cGMP)作为细胞内重要的第二信使,在介导阿片类物质依赖和戒断中发挥着重要的作用。

    The cyclic AMP ( cAMP ) and cyclic GMP ( cGMP ), as important second messengers , play a vital role in producing drug tolerence and dependence .

  6. 目的评价中药参附脱毒胶囊(Shenfutuoducapsule)治疗阿片类物质依赖急性戒断综合征的疗效和安全性。

    Objective To assess the effectiveness and safety of Shenfutuodu capsule in the treatment of opioid withdrawal syndrome .

  7. 结论吗啡依赖和戒断时CREBmRNA在某些脑区的表达升高,提示CREB可能与阿片类物质依赖的形成有关。

    Conclusions The expression of CREB mRNA were increased in some brain regions after morphine dependence or morphine withdrawal , suggesting that CREB are associated with the development of opioid dependence .

  8. 应激、学习记忆与精神活性物质依赖及复发的关系

    Relationship between learning , memory and relapse of psychological active substances

  9. 阿片类物质依赖者常见并发躯体疾病调查&附2583例分析

    Somatic complications of opioids addicts & an analysis of 2583 cases

  10. 更低的智商与成人物质依赖症是相互关联的。

    Lower IQ was not linked to adult substance-dependence disorders .

  11. 物质依赖创伤后应激障碍患者防御方式分析

    Defense styles in drug abusers with post traumatic stress disorder

  12. 他表示脑内的许多部位都与物质依赖有联系。

    He says many parts of the brain are connected with substance dependency .

  13. 抑郁也发生在高达75%怀孕的,有物质依赖性的患者,她补充说。

    Depression also occurs in up to75 percent of pregnant , substance-dependent patients , she added .

  14. 学校教育的物质依赖性决定了学校必须与现代网络技术结合。

    The physical dependence of school education decides the necessity of the combination between the school and the modern internet technology .

  15. 当然,关于行为动机,还有一些其它的心理学理论,包括化学物质依赖、性动机、“对抗过程”理论等等,它们都可以应用到游戏中来。

    There are other psychological principles of motivation : chemical addiction , sexual motivation , and the Opponent Process theory may be applicable to games .

  16. 本文综述了阿片类物质依赖、戒断和复吸各个阶段下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺皮质轴的改变,及其与阿片依赖、戒断和复吸的关系。

    This review focuses on the changes in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in opioid dependence , withdrawal and relapse , and the relationship between HPA axis and opioid addiction .

  17. 既往精神健康,无严重躯体疾病,无慢性疼痛史,无精神活性物质依赖史,没有被催眠的经历。

    Normal subjects without mental diseases , general medical diseases , chronic pain and psychoactive addiction in the past and at present , and have never been hypnotized .

  18. 唐前山水文化经历了从蒙昧向文明、从物质依赖向精神诉求、从非理性向理性发展的进程。

    The Chinese landscape culture before the Tang Dynasty underwent the evolutionary process from ignorance to civilization , from material reliance to spiritual pursuit and from irrationality to rationality .

  19. 探讨机体微循环在阿片类物质依赖、戒断过程中的不同变化及温阳益气、活血化瘀复方的作用。

    Objective : Discussing microcirculation changes in the process of opiate dependence-abstinence and the role of warm Yang , replenish energy , invigorate blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis compound prescription .

  20. 目的:了解太原市阿片类物质依赖者稽延性戒断综合症的耳穴电阻,为下一步中医证候学研究提供一些基础性参考资料。

    Objective : To study the ear accupoint electric resistance of protracted opioid withdrawal syndrome in order to lay a foundation for the symptomatology of the traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) .

  21. 十五岁以上的人中,大约17%的患有精神疾病,其中抑郁症约为5%,焦虑症约5%,药物、酒精等物质依赖症约5%。

    About 17 percent of people above 15 have mental diseases , with 5 percent suffering from depression , 5 percent from anxiety disorder , and 5 percent from drug and alcohol addiction .

  22. 方法在小鼠醋酸扭体、热辐射甩尾、物质依赖戒断等模型上,采用脑室和脊髓给药的方法,分析胍丁胺对吗啡药理作用的中枢部位。

    Methods Mice acetic acid writhing test , mice heat radiation tail flick assay and mice abstinent jumping test were used to analysis the sites of agmatine modulation on morphine analgesia and tolerance to and dependence on morphine by intracerebroventricular ( icv ) and intrathecal ( itt ) injection .

  23. 以ATS为主的中枢兴奋剂及相关非法精神活性物质精神依赖性强。国产丁丙诺啡的药物依赖性特性

    ATS and related club drugs had strong psychic dependence-producing potential . THE DEPENDENCE - PRODUCING PROPERTIES OF BUPRENORPHINE

  24. 人们对某些物质产生依赖性的原因是。

    Physical dependence on certain substances results from .

  25. 核子质量、半径及夸克凝聚的核物质密度依赖性

    Density Dependence of Mass and Radius of a Nucleon and Quark Condensate in Nuclear Matter

  26. 本研究的目的在于探讨吗啡耐受依赖的细胞分子机制,以求在众多环节中为阿片类物质耐受依赖的防治寻找新的突破。

    The aim of this study was to explore cellular and molecular mechanisms of morphine tolerance and dependence in order to seek new ways to prevent and treat opioid tolerance and dependence .

  27. 指出当代诗歌的这种走向可以被视作是对人性回归的一种探索,但是过分追求感官刺激,过分对物质的依赖,只能使当代诗歌沦落为一种单纯的消费品。

    It points out the trend of the present poetry as one kind of exploration to human nature returning , but it seeks excessively the stimulation sense and dependents on the matter , those only can change the present poetry in one kind of simple consumer goods .

  28. 一个女人,物质上不依赖你,精神上不依赖你,那么请问你,要你干什么?

    If a woman does not depend on you for material or emotional support , then why does she have you ?

  29. 酒精和其他物质滥用或依赖也可以与抑郁症共同出现。

    Alcohol and other substance abuse or dependence may also co-exist with depression .

  30. 比热容不仅取决于所研究的物质,而且依赖于加热的外部条件。

    Specific heat depends not only on the material in question but also on the external conditions of its heating .