
  • 网络Realanspruch;possesorische Anspruche
  1. 将占有保护请求权的性质界定为物上请求权。

    It would protect the property right thing defined to claim .

  2. 物上请求权制度研究

    The Study of System of Petition Right on Property

  3. 物上请求权与诉讼时效之适用

    Application of the time limitation of action and the rights of the owner

  4. 对物上请求权制度的历史考察

    Research on History of Claim Right in Rem

  5. 物上请求权的性质与消灭时效

    Nature of right of the real claim and effects which it has on extinctive prescription

  6. 论诉讼时效制度对返还财产请求权的适用&兼论对物上请求权是否应当适用诉讼时效制度的研讨应当仅针对返还财产请求权来进行

    On Application of the Rule of Limitation to the Right of Claim for Return of Property

  7. 准物权具有排他效力、优先效力和物上请求权,但有特殊性,物权的追及效力极少适用。

    Quasi-property has exclusiveness , priority and claiming right on property , and has exceptions too .

  8. 在当代大陆法传统国家的民法典当中,都有物上请求权制度的规定。

    Stipulations of claim right in rem are recorded in civil codes of contemporary countries that inheriting Continental Law System .

  9. 占有人可以通过自力救济、物上请求权以及债权请求权的行使等多种方式来保护其占有的利益。

    They could protect the interests of their possession through self-help , exercise claims of real rights and creditor rights .

  10. 物上请求权制度作为大陆法系国家民法特有的对物权进行保护的制度,是物权法的重要组成部分。

    System of petition Right on Property , as the peculiar system that protects property right in Law of Property Right .

  11. 中国应吸收、借鉴他国的经验,在未来的民法典中建立相应的物上请求权制度。

    Therefore , China should learn from those foreign countries to establish corresponding system of claim right in rem in immediate future .

  12. 对物上请求权性质的不同认识,导致对其是否罹于消灭时效的不同观点。

    The different views on the nature of right of the real claim should lead different views on whether extinctive prescription apply to right of the real claim .

  13. 论不当得利请求权与物上请求权&以物权变动模式为中心具有不同借贷利率的欧式未定权益定价模型

    Claim Right on Unjust Enrichment and Claim Right on Property : Centering on the Patterns of Property Right Transfer ; Pricing Model of European Contingent Claim with Different Interest rate

  14. 准确界定时效完成后产生的法律后果,应协调取得时效与财产登记制度、取得时效与物上请求权消灭时效的关系。

    To regulate the force adeffect of expiration exactly , we must harmonize the relations between the acquisition prescription and the system of registration , negative prescription of right of real claim .

  15. 所有物返还请求权是物上请求权中的一项重要内容,也是物权法制定中必须研究的课题。

    Ownership returning petition right is one important content of petition right on property , and it is also a subject of study required by drawing up law relating to rights over things .

  16. 由于历史的原因,我国民法上对物上请求权制度缺乏系统的规定,理论研究也很薄弱,此种状况已经不能适用我国社会主义市场经济发展的需要。

    Due to historical reason , Chinese Civil Law lacks of systematic regulation on it , and theoretical study on it is also very frail . Such condition cannot fit in with the needs of the development of the Chinese Socialist Market Economy .

  17. 有鉴如此,本文着力从理论和实践两个方面对物上请求权制度一些基本问题进行了较为深入的分析研究,以期能对我国物权法的制定及司法实践有所裨益。

    In the light of such reason , the thesis , aiming at providing some valuable references both to the legislation of Law of Property Right in our country and to the judicial practice , preliminarily studies some basic problems on System of Petition Right theoretically and practically .

  18. 真实权利人基于债权请求权、物上侵权请求权、不当得利请求权实现其权利的救济,请求权发生竞合,真实权利人可以择一而行之。

    Real human rights claim based on claims , property claims on the infringement , unjust enrichment claim their rights to achieve relief , occurrence of competing claims , one can choose a real right of the line .

  19. 罗马法尊奉哪里有权利哪里有救济的原则,其中对物的诉讼可以被视为物上请求权制度的雏形。

    Its embryo dates from " action of right in rem " which belongs to the principle of " Where there is right , there is remedy " disciplined by Roman Law .

  20. 支配于物的事实与支配于物的权利&兼论物权的排他性与物上请求权

    On the Fact and Right of Domination to Things