
  • 网络public summons of real right
  1. 对物权公示制度的历史发展予以考察,物权公示的价值在于维护交易安全。

    This paper examines the historical development of the principle of Public Summons of Real Right . The value of this principle is to maintain the transaction security .

  2. 物权公示原则是现代各国物权法关于物权变动所奉行的重要原则,此项原则存在的必要性主要来源于交易安全的保护。

    The Principle of Public Summons of Real Right is one of the most important principles in the law of real right in every country in nowadays . The necessity of this principle bases on the protection of transaction security .

  3. 物权公示方式研究

    A Research on the Public Notice Methods in Property Law

  4. 论物权公示制度与交易安全的保护

    On the System of Property Announcement and the Protection of Safe Exchange

  5. 物权公示的原因在于对交易安全的保护;

    The purpose of public notice is to protect the transaction safety .

  6. 物权公示的对象是物权,而不是物权变动。

    The object of property publication isn t property alteration but property itself .

  7. 背书不是独立的物权公示方式。

    It is not that an independent real right shows the way commonly to endorse .

  8. 俄罗斯的公示制度虽然采德国法系,但林业物权公示中,国家干预的成分较多。

    Russia has adopted German system , but emphasize on government intervention in forestry property publication .

  9. 物权公示制度是物权法的重要内容。

    Publication system of real right is an important content in the law of real right .

  10. 论船舶优先权登记制度&从物权公示原则出发探讨如何解决船舶优先权与船舶抵押权的冲突问题

    System of Registry of Maritime Lien

  11. 第一部分,物权公示的一般原理。作者从六个方面进行了分析:(1)物权公示概述。

    The first section explains the general principles of publication of real right in six parts as follows .

  12. 物权公示原则是大陆法系各国物权法中所确立的基本原则,从比较法的角度对公示在物权变动中的效力问题进行研究。

    The principle of making the real right public is a basic principle established according to different countries ' real right law .

  13. 因而作为物权公示的方式并不应是交付和登记,对于动产而言公示的方式就是以占有为主,以登记为辅;

    Therefore , the system of property publication does not mean delivery and registration but mainly mean occupancy for assets , then registration ;

  14. 大陆法系国家建立信托财产公示制度有其法理基础&物权公示原则和信托财产独立性及有限责任。

    The principle of property publicity , the independence of the trust property and limited obligation is the nomological basis of this system .

  15. 在我国尚未完整地建立物权公示公信制度的背景下,有必要进行重新审视。

    China has not yet fully in the establishment of public property credibility of the system context , it is necessary to re-examine .

  16. 随着物权公示、物权法定原则的确立,动产确立了占有为其公示的方式。

    With the Publication of Property and the legal principle of property rights established , movable property makes possession its approach of publication .

  17. 在林业物权公示制度方面,德国的林业物权公示制度是最为完善的,其登记内容的准确和严谨至今未有国家可以超越。

    In the aspect of forestry property publication institutions , Germany has built up the most perfect institutions with incomparable accuracy and strictness in registration .

  18. 其次,秉承物权公示、公信原则,赋予应收账款质押登记公示公信力,明确登记对抗效力和公信力。

    Secondly , adhering to the principle of public trust and real right , it should give the registration of pledge receivables combat effectiveness and credibility .

  19. 无论是间接占有,还是观念交付,都缺乏客观的物质形态,并不具有物权公示的效果。

    Regardless of being indirect possession , the idea payment , lacks the objective material shape , does not have the real right public announcement effect .

  20. 动产抵押登记制度是物权公示原则在动产抵押制度中的体现,是整个动产抵押制度的核心,是动产抵押制度能否发挥其融资作用的关键之所在。

    Chattel mortgage registration system is the principle of property in the chattel mortgage system of publicity in the embodiment of the core of the whole system of chattel mortgage .

  21. 物权公示制度是物权法中一项重要的制度,对于维护交易安全,维护物权对世性、排他性等基本特征等方面有重要意义。

    The system of property announcement is an important system in the property law which has great importance to protect the security of dealing , the Right in rem and exclusion .

  22. 于不动产领域来说,能够实现物权公示公信效力的惟有不动产登记簿,这是从理论上寻找构建不动产登记簿的理论依据。

    In the real estate sector , it can realize property publication advisors effectiveness of the real property register , but this is theoretically looking for constructing the realty register theory basis .

  23. 物权公示与物权保护无关,物权公示源于保护交易安全和节省交易费用。

    The publication of real right has nothing to do with the protection of real right , and it arises from the need to protect transaction security and save the transaction costs .

  24. 同时,只有承认善意取得制度,物权公示原则才能够得以实现,物权法内在结构才是一个结构分明逻辑合理内部和谐的统一整体。

    Besides , only acknowledge the system of ownership obtained by bona fide purchase , the inherent structure of the law ofreal right can be a logical , rational , harmonious unified whole .

  25. 买卖契约法律结构的改变、善意取得制度及物权公示原则的确立,造成了权利瑕疵担保责任制度在近现代买卖法体系中的尴尬地位。

    Change of the legal structure of sales contract , acquisition of title by good will and notification of jus in rem put liability incurred by defects of right into an embarrassing position .

  26. 不动产信托登记制度的理论基础在于物权公示公信原则,信托财产独立性特征,以及不动产信托登记二重性。

    The theoretical basis of trust registration system of real estate depends on the principle of public trust , the characteristics of trust property independence , and the duality of trust registration of real estate .

  27. 可见,赃物区分适用善意取得制度有其理论根源和适用空间,应在立法上被承认,从而平衡财产权利的动态保护和静态保护,实现物权公示原则和民法公平原则的和谐统一。

    Thus , the dynamic protection and static protection of right of property can be balance , and the harmony and unity of principle of public summons of right in rem and principle of justice can be achieved .

  28. 物权变动公示制度研究

    Research on the Publication System of the Alteration of the Property Right

  29. 由于占有被作为动产物权的公示方式。

    Possession is the way of public declaration of alternation of right over the movables .

  30. 登记作为不动产物权的公示方法,是将物权变动的事项登载于特定国家机关的簿册上。

    Registration publicity as real property , is righting change matters posted on the books of the specific state organs .