
xínɡ shì yì yì
  • formal meaning
  1. 言内意义是符号与符号之间的关系,即语言符号的形式意义。

    Linguistic meaning is the relation between the sign and the sign , which is also called the formal meaning .

  2. 本文从翻译学意义理论的视角探讨在翻译中语言形式变异的必要性、形式适度异化的可行性和形式意义丧失的不可避免。

    The paper discusses from the perspectives of meaning theory the deviation and alienation in form and loss of formal meaning .

  3. 正规了望的实质意义和形式意义

    On proper look-out and its meanings in essence and in form

  4. 明示学习与二语习得中的形式意义联结

    Explicit Learning and Form-Meaning Connections in Second Language Acquisition

  5. 平等就业权既包含形式意义上的平等,也意味着追求实质意义上的平等。

    It includes both the form of equal employment right and the pursuit of substantive equality .

  6. 本文论述了语言的四种形式意义在翻译中的作用。

    The authors in this paper discuss four kinds of meanings of language form and their functions in translation .

  7. 垄断型金融制度的推进速度快、力度大,但其“变革”仅具形式意义。

    The monopoly financial system had a rapid and forceful propulsion , but its " reform " was formalist .

  8. 迄今汗牛充栋的鲁迅小说研究主要集中在政治革命、思想革命、主体意识这几个层面,而忽视了形式意义层面。

    A lot of research of Luxun ′ s stories was concentrated on political revolution 、 ideological revolution 、 subject ideology etc.

  9. 余华小说的形式意义和精神指归都与一些显在或隐在的主题语码密切相关。

    And the spirit and meaning of Yu Hua 's novels are connected with some of distinctive or indistinctive theme codes .

  10. 纵观工业遗产地景观形态创造的历史和实例,从生态、空间、形式意义上三个方面提炼了工业遗产地景观形态的创造理念的脉络趋势。

    In view of the history and cases , the venation and trend are abstracted considering with entironment , space and modality .

  11. 但是,在我国的经济实践中,许多上市公司虽然具有形式意义上的独立人格,但缺乏实质意义上的独立人格,公司的人格存在严重缺陷。

    In the economical practice of china , a lot of listed companies have independent personality in form rather than substance . The personality of company has severe defects .

  12. 惠农政策法治化不但是惠农政策发展的形式意义上的目的地,而且也是其实质意义上的目的地。

    The policy of rule by law is not only of benefit farming policy development in the form of sense of the destination , but also the essence of the objective .

  13. 躯干、怪异的生物造型、交错的骨架等等,更在形式意义上由我驾驭,而且,我相信形式本身就能激发出意义。

    Figures , grotesque creatures , interlaced skeletons , etc. , are all in my control in the sense of form , and I believe that forms themselves can generate meanings .

  14. 在界定安全保障义务的责任主体时,应当坚持以人为本、维护社会和谐,并遵循民法学实质意义上和形式意义上体系强制的要求。

    We should follow the principles of people-oriented , maintaining social harmony , and follow the civil law and form meaningful sense of the system mandatory requirements when defining the security obligator .

  15. 文章从对审判权概念的深层次分析入手,提出了一个在审判理论中具有形式意义的概念&审判权中的行政权。

    Starting from the deepgoing analysis of the concept of adjudicative power , this article sets forth a concept in a formal sense in judicial theory & administrative power in adjudicative power .

  16. 商事登记又可称为商业登记,商事登记法系规定一般商事登记之法律,可分为形式意义之商事登记法与实质意义之商事登记法。

    The legislation of commercial registration lays down general laws regulating commercial registration . It could be classified as commercial registration law in it formal sense and that in its substantial sense .

  17. 从案例中可以看出,法律制度的变化主要在城市而不在农村,主要在其形式意义而不在其实质意义。

    As can be seen from the cases , the changes in the legal system mainly in the city rather than in rural areas , mainly in the form of meaning rather than in its real meaning .

  18. 基于语言符号学理论,从语言符号的所指意义、语用意义及语言形式意义等三方面描述了中英文化交流中所存在的陷阱,强调了中英文化交流中加强语言文化修养的重要性。

    Based on linguistic semiotics , this paper describes the pitfalls in Chinese-English cultural communication from the following three aspects : reference meaning , pragmatic meaning and linguistic form meaning emphasizing the importance of cultivating linguistic and cultural knowledge in cross-cultural communication .

  19. 在不损及现有法律框架的前提下,电子商务宜走统一的、形式意义上电子商务立法的道路,并根据实际情况制定配套的单行法规。

    Under no impacting now available legal frame , China should make a uniform and formal law on electronic commerce , make concert and specific regulations in accordance with actual conditions , liquidate and revise existing laws , and not codify electronic commerce .

  20. 本文以认知语言学理论为基点,利用三个平面理论和语法化理论的相关知识对这种在语言表达过程中所展现出来的形式意义内容不一致的现象进行分析和研究。

    This dissertation is based on the theory of cognitive linguistics , by using of three-plane theory and grammaticalization and relative theories , to analyze and research on the unmatched phenomenon during the language expression process among three fields : form , meaning and content .

  21. 就青铜器纹饰的装饰性而言,当青铜器纹饰的象征性内涵由于历史的演变和时间的推移而逐渐淡化时,图式结构所具备的形式意义、装饰性往往是第一位的。

    In regard to the adornment of the bronze vessels Pattern , be the symbol content of the bronze vessels Pattern because the history turn into and change of time but downplay gradually , the form meaning , adornment that the diagram type structure have is usually the first of .

  22. 构造语法理论把construction(构造)定义为任何形式和意义的结合体。

    The Construction Grammar has defined " construction " as any pairs of form and meaning .

  23. 在L2/FL心理词汇中,单词的形式与意义对单词的记忆与保留起着同等的作用;

    Form and meaning both play important roles in the word 's memory or retention .

  24. 在对V开结构进行语义分析时,采取形式和意义相结合的原则,找出V开结构隐性的语义内容和显性的句法结构之间的对应关系。

    Based on the principle of form and meaning integrated , We find out the corresponding relation between deep semantic contents and surface syntactic structure .

  25. 总结这几个介词的语义分布情况和相应的语法格式,试图做到语法形式和意义相结合。(2)发现“X性”是一种融词汇单位、语法形式于一身的特殊语言形式。

    Through focusing investigation on such five aspects of " X Xing ": quality character , syntax , semantics , pragmatics and the grammatical process of " X Xing ", the thesis considers that " X Xing " is a special grammar form that combined lexical unit and grammar form .

  26. 构式语法的创始人Goldberg认为语言的基本单位是构式而非句法单位及规则。而构式则被其定义为形式和意义的配对。

    Goldberg , the founder of Construction Grammar , advocates that the basic units of language are not syntactic units and rules but constructions , which are defined as " form-meaning pairs " .

  27. 如Larsen-Freeman(2003)的语法能力框架包括形式、意义和应用三个维度。

    Larsen-Freeman ( 2003 ) defines grammatical competence as the aggregation of three dimensions , namely grammatical form , semantic meaning and pragmatic use .

  28. 在生成显示给用户的结果集时,请使用datepart名称,因为日期名称通常比数值表示形式更有意义。

    Use the datepart names when you build result sets to be displayed to a user , because the date names are frequently more meaningful than a numeric representation .

  29. 国际合作在生态省建设中的主要形式及意义

    Main Modalities and Significance of International Cooperation During Ecological Province Construction

  30. 本文旨在探讨这些记忆的形式与意义。

    This paper examines the forms and meanings of these memories .