
  • 网络Russian Formalism;formalist scholarship
  1. “陌生化”是俄国形式主义学派的代表理论,认为“文学性”在于使熟悉的事物感知和语言表达陌生化。

    Defamiliarization is the representative theory of Russian formalism , which believes the task of literature is to defamiliarize the familiar perception and language performance .

  2. 在对小说文本进行分析的基础上,尝试运用俄国形式主义学派的陌生化手法解读桑提亚哥这一人物形象塑造的新颖、奇特之处。

    On the basis of the textual analysis of the novel , V-effect of character depiction from Russian formalism is used to explore the novelty and peculiarity of the depiction of Santiago .

  3. 这种对语言共性的功能主义解释不同于形式主义学派的普遍语法理论。普遍语法与二语习得

    Such an explanation of linguistic universals contrasts with formalist theory of UG . Universal Grammar and Second Language Acquisition

  4. 本文的理论支持主要来源于三个方面,分别为:可译性的相关理论,俄国形式主义学派的文学批评理论,以及读者接受美学理论。

    The theoretical foundation is established on the basis of the related theories on the general translatability , the Russian formalist literary criticism , and the reader 's reception aesthetics .

  5. 20世纪初,俄国形式主义学派打破传统,将研究的重点转向作品本身,形成了现代西方文论的一次重要转折,并对西方文学批评的演变和发展产生了极大影响。

    At the beginning of 20th century , breaking the tradition , Russian formalism stressed its research on the text in itself , and realized an important turning in the modern literary theory .

  6. 试论形式主义与新批评学派的当代性渊源

    On the School of Thought . On the Contemporary Significance of Formalism and New Criticism