
  • 网络Morphological Theory;configuration theory
  1. 分布形态理论:一种新的句法形态接口理论

    Distributed Morphology : A New Theory of Syntax / Morphology Interface

  2. 现代科技革命对社会形态理论的挑战

    The Challenge of Modern Sci-tech Revolution to the Theory of Social Formation

  3. 社会形态理论是唯物史观的重要内容,但这一理论长期以来一直遭到片面理解。

    The social formation theory is an important part in historic materialism .

  4. 马克思价值形态理论的形成与发展

    On the Formation and Development of Marxist Theory Concerning the Form of Value

  5. 系统形态理论与企业系统形态的演化

    System form Theory and Enterprise System Form Evolution

  6. 马克思主义的社会形态理论与我国的社会主义初级阶段

    Marx 's Theory of Social Formation and the Primary Stage of China 's Socialism

  7. 马克思的社会形态理论试探

    A Discussion on Marxist Theories of Social Formations

  8. 桢文彦集群形态理论中的城市思考

    Urban Thinking of Maki 's Collective Form Theory

  9. 社会形态理论是马克思唯物史观的重要组成部分。

    Marxs theory of social forms is the important part of the historical materialism .

  10. 现代科技革命向马克思主义的社会形态理论提出了挑战。

    Modern sci-tech revolution begins its challenge to the Marxist theory of social formation .

  11. 马克思的社会形态理论及其在当代中国的运用与发展

    Marx 's Theory of Social Formation and Its Application and Development in Contemporary China

  12. 正确理解马克思的五种社会形态理论&兼与石弘博士商榷

    Proper Interpretation of Marx 's Five Social Forms

  13. 马克思社会形态理论的多维视角及当代阐释

    The Multi-dimensional Perspectives on Marx 's Theory of Social Forms and Its Contemporary Interpretation

  14. 水田动力机组的形态理论与实践及发展方向

    The morphology theory and practice of paddy field power unit and it 's development

  15. 马克思三形态理论及现实意义

    Three-forms-theory of Marx and its realistic meaning

  16. 第一章主要是对马克思三大社会形态理论的基本涵义进行讨论。

    Chapter I discusses the essential meaning of Marx 's theory of three social orders .

  17. 犯罪形态理论是不局限于法定情形的开放体系。

    Theory of forms of crime is an open system not limiting to specified circumstances .

  18. 雁行形态理论创新与江苏区域经济协调发展的路径选择

    The Flying Geese Model Theory and Path Choice of Coordinative Development of Regional Economy in Jiangsu

  19. 张拉整体结构的形态理论与控制方法研究

    Morphology and Control of Tensegrity Structures

  20. 马克思三大社会形态理论与当代中国的社会转型

    On the Socialistic Theories in the Preliminary Period from Marx 's " Three Social Forms " Perspective

  21. 第七章利用系统形态理论对××印刷企业进行了基本分析。

    In the seventh chapter , the paper analyzes a company by using the system form theory .

  22. 宇宙物质形态理论和物质时空链假说

    The theory of forms of matter and the hypothesis of space-time chain of matter in the universe

  23. 马克思社会经济形态理论与中国社会主义初级阶段

    The Theory of Social Economy State of Marx & the Primary State of the Socialism in China

  24. 劳动时间观念与马克思三大社会形态理论的历史生成

    The Conception of Labor Hour and the Historical Creation of Marx 's Theory of Three Social Configurations

  25. 根据马克思三大社会形态理论,经济主义是一个必经的阶段。

    According to the Marxist theory of the " three social forms ", economism is a necessary period .

  26. 集成时序分析与形态理论的证券价格预测方法

    A Combination of Forecast Method of Securities Price Based on Integration of Time Series Analysis and Shape Theory

  27. 马克思在创立社会形态理论的过程中,充分汲取和利用了人类思想文化发展进程中一切有价值的优秀遗产。

    Marx made full use of the excellent human ideas and culture heritage during founding social formation theory .

  28. 马克思三形态理论视野中的人与自然关系研究

    A Study of the Relationship between Human and Nature in Terms of Marx 's Theory of Three Social Formations

  29. 因此,在动态雁行形态理论的演进过程中,各国的贸易政策是嬗变的。

    Therefore , the trade policy of various countries is evolving in the evolution process of dynamic flying geese theory .

  30. 理解五形态理论的视角至关重要,须从世界历史的视角去理解它。

    It is vital to understand five formation theory . We must understand it from the angle of world history .