
xínɡ shì bīn yǔ
  • formal object
  1. 在作格语言中,及物形式的宾语和不及物形式的主语具有相同的格标记。

    In ergative languages , the objects of transitive verbs and the subjects of intransitive verbs are marked with the same case .

  2. 形式动词后带宾语的多角度研究

    Multi-oriental Research of the Dummy Verb with Objects

  3. 作形式主语或形式宾语在翻译中是个难点。再如:正是你的帮助使得我们有可能在旅游的季节住到一个中国人的家里。

    It was your help that made it possible for us to stay with a Chinese family during the tourist season .

  4. 这样的语言形式包括部分双宾语结构,动词+‘了’+事物名词形式,施事宾语句等等。

    This kind of language form includes some structures of double objects , " verb + 'le ' + object noun " and active object sentence etc. .